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[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

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Amy Kool
the white knight
Order of Chaos
20 posters

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. Empty[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

It's awkward for an Admin to make a suggestion, but this is one of those things that i need to discuss with DA's members not with DA's staff, at least at first.

I was thinking about this for a while now, what do you think of having Teams/Guilds inside DA? We ran this event before in the past, like, two years ago or more maybe. At first, it worked pretty well since we had plenty of members interested in Teams, and DN wasn't really a big scene. But, after DN started to take good care of teams competition, we kinda had to shut down that idea.

This time however i intend to to this differently, for instance, there will be only 5 Teams/Guilds, each is led by a Staff Member, either an Administrator, Moderator, or a Professor, where each team is capped at 7 members maximum. With that, we'll have 5 small teams/guilds playing competitively with each other. It's more like Dorm Wars, for those who don't know what dorm wars is, then ask around.

This is more like a rough draft, to see how the majority will react to it, if you like it, then post below and tell me why, if you do't then post below and let me know why. Also, if you like if but you believe it'll not be active, let mention why as well.

I'll be waiting for your replies.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Having only 5 teams would kind of suck.
Isn't it better to add team creation in DA shop?
Only available to Abbys,who can later add anyone they want into their team,with 4 member limit.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Idea's good

Lazy to write more

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Skitler wrote:
Having only 5 teams would kind of suck.
Isn't it better to add team creation in DA shop?
Only available to Abbys,who can later add anyone they want into their team,with 4 member limit.

I don't want to do that, i don't want members to be able to make their own teams. Managing a team could be a hard thing to do, and we might end with 20 team and non of them with sufficient amount of members. That is why teams will be managed by staff members, because i'll get to keep an eye on them.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Really like this idea.

Love the ideas of teams vsing each other like clan wars on DNF

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Anzobuse wrote:
Skitler wrote:
Having only 5 teams would kind of suck.
Isn't it better to add team creation in DA shop?
Only available to Abbys,who can later add anyone they want into their team,with 4 member limit.

I don't want to do that, i don't want members to be able to make their own teams. Managing a team could be a hard thing to do, and we might end with 20 team and non of them with sufficient amount of members. That is why teams will be managed by staff members, because i'll get to keep an eye on them.

Without wanting to ruin the fun , what is the point of this . If we dont get real prizes , then there is no point in making teams. And if real prizes are given out then I want to be able to choose my own team.

(sigh miss the poll thingys skit)

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

ddeevviiss wrote:
Anzobuse wrote:
Skitler wrote:
Having only 5 teams would kind of suck.
Isn't it better to add team creation in DA shop?
Only available to Abbys,who can later add anyone they want into their team,with 4 member limit.

I don't want to do that, i don't want members to be able to make their own teams. Managing a team could be a hard thing to do, and we might end with 20 team and non of them with sufficient amount of members. That is why teams will be managed by staff members, because i'll get to keep an eye on them.

Without wanting to ruin the fun , what is the point of this . If we dont get real prizes , then there is no point in making teams. And if real prizes are given out then I want to be able to choose my own team.

(sigh miss the poll thingys skit)

You miss Polls eh,I never do that.
If you remember Wink.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

But of course we would get prizes :D Like DP

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

We aren't even near the point where we should be discussing prizes. Prizes could be anything, for example, Top team of each season gets a certain prize, like something special for their profiles, customized, also top 5 players with most wins gets Rank up - either only +1 Rank up or instant Obelisk Blue.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Only letting staff lead teams would be retarded and would make this idea fail quickly. Instead change it to you must be atleast Obelisk Blue to lead a team. Only 5 teams max would make it boring as fuck.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Rika Furude wrote:
Only letting staff lead teams would be retarded and would make this idea fail quickly. Instead change it to you must be atleast Obelisk Blue to lead a team. Only 5 teams max would make it boring as fuck.

^At least someone knows what's going to happen.
The more teams the better if you ask me.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

If it's changed to letting Obelisk Blue+ lead teams, and more than only 5 damn teams, I might bring some of my clan members from Valhalla here for this, but you'd have to raise the max team member cap, cuz im sure more than just 6 of them would be interested

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Observing basic empirical data on the guilds at DA from the past, long story short- it didn't turn out good in the end. The main determinants of failure were lack of motivation/activity and mismanagement, or rather, there was no organization regarding these teams, there were no plans on what to actually do, whatsoever.

Since activity is the fundamental concept here, the staff should evaluate whether there are enough active members to actually keep the guilds and wars between them in flow. From the current situation at DA, I see a fair amount of new members, question is - are they active/will they be active? I'm pointing this out because the core members of the guilds will be members that we'll be sure are active enough, but depending on the number of teams and the number of members in each team, the teams will probably have to to recruit brand-new members. I'd say that bringing guilds back seems a bit more complex this time, based on the past failures.
On the other hand, with a good structure and strategy (something like the Seasonal League, prizes to motivate people, etc.), active members, and most importantly - team leaders and staff who are willing to do their job properly, it has the potential to go well.
If you can manage to pick the right number of teams and members in each team, and consider the other things I mentioned above, I believe it will be fine.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Let me put my input into this as I am a leader of a team myself.

First of all, The first thing I realize it wasn't in DA with 11k members was Inner war teams which was surprising to me seeing DA is one of the oldest and biggest communities out there.

Reading the other posts, let me point something, having requirements to actually lead a team is just retarded, whether it's being a staff or being Obelisk or buying it from the shop(lol), everyone should have the right to lead a team.

I think it's best to have definite war rules to solve any problems or disputes in wars or team creations, for EX: Max number of members in a team is 8-10 but only 6 are allowed to war at a team and they must be defined before the start of a war, another one is that leaders that disband their team cannot join or create another for a certain period of time, same for members of course.

Speaking about tournaments, There would be an ELO where teams move up in rankings according to their wins and also even have a Crossfire tournament for teams only but of course, it would be something grand not just weekly or etc so as not to put stress on the staff members.

With that being said, If these ideas gets implemented then time to bring the War Manager/Adjudicator rank back and also I might bring my team here Smile

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Reason why only staff members should be able to make teams is that we cannot assure members are going to be active as leaders themselves, lack of communication or time may lack in teams inactivity, which is one of the reasons why we disbanded this event years ago. Having a team led by a staff member means that staff will be doing his job, he's not a member, he's a staff. Even if you say only Obelisks or higher should be able to make their teams, we don't have many active obelisks around, which is why this is not going to work.

If, however, and before we start deciding who will be making teams, a few Obelisks stepped up and showed interest in leading a team or a guild here at DA, then I'm willing to give it a shot. We can only do this once though, meaning if it failed, there will never be teams or guilds as long as DA is under my leadership. Meanwhile, i'll be trying to come up with some ranking set-up and few other things we might need for this event.

The good thing, is that the majority likes this idea, which is a good sign.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Anzobuse wrote:
Reason why only staff members should be able to make teams is that we cannot assure members are going to be active as leaders themselves, lack of communication or time may lack in teams inactivity, which is one of the reasons why we disbanded this event years ago. Having a team led by a staff member means that staff will be doing his job, he's not a member, he's a staff. Even if you say only Obelisks or higher should be able to make their teams, we don't have many active obelisks around, which is why this is not going to work.

If members aren't going to be active as leaders, then give them warnings of course not forum warnings but reminders and if they don't get back activity into their team, The team would be locked and not allowed to be brought back that's a simple solution in the definite war rules that I've mentioned before, I just don't like the idea of staff members leading teams.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

That's not good enough, it's either we make sure we have good Team Leaders among our members before we start the event, or we give the right to create a team only to Staffers.

I'm not really THAT MUCH against it; however, we've been through this before, why do it again the same way when it didn't work.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Anzobuse wrote:
That's not good enough, it's either we make sure we have good Team Leaders among our members before we start the event, or we give the right to create a team only to Staffers.

I'm not really THAT MUCH against it; however, we've been through this before, why do it again the same way when it didn't work.

How the hell does somebody being staff make them a good team leader?

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Rika Furude wrote:
Anzobuse wrote:
That's not good enough, it's either we make sure we have good Team Leaders among our members before we start the event, or we give the right to create a team only to Staffers.

I'm not really THAT MUCH against it; however, we've been through this before, why do it again the same way when it didn't work.

How the hell does somebody being staff make them a good team leader?

Only thing team leader has to do is be active and edit fev forum posts.
Staffers fit in that role.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

It makes them active and responsible, two qualities ordinary members might not have. When you're an ordinary member you come and go as you please, but when you're a staffer, you're obligated to some online everyday.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Anzobuse wrote:
It makes them active and responsible, two qualities ordinary members might not have. When you're an ordinary member you come and go as you please, but when you're a staffer, you're obligated to some online everyday.

Thats what is said since the begining , we want even ordinary members be active.

Hence we need a good prize list.

For example I know I am a good duelist , why should I take part at these wars?

The only reason , great prizes . Getting to Obelisk is just meh. And winning 1 Million Dp is still meh.

Maybe that is why there should be a suggestion thread for the prizes.

Analogy , I am a very good Pro Evo player , what is the point to play in tournaments for fun or just for a symbolic title. Well if it is like in Fifa to pink slip players then thats another story.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

This is not about Prizes, this is about who should be able to create a team and who shouldn't. If anyone who is Obelisk or Abandoned can create a team then we won't be able to control these teams, they'll start and finish wars as they please, and perhaps cancel wars as well. However, if teams are led by Staffers, we can schedule wars, tournaments, events, and even control members in each team considering that we'll have a direct influence over each and every team.

From the other hand, our prizes can't go beyond DPs, Titles, and custom Profiles features. If you're suggesting giving real money then you can forget it, everything we do serves one purpose: give people a good time, make then have fun. If money or any sort of a prize that is not virtual or symbolic is included it won't be as fun as it should be. If you have any better ideas, then make a new topic, and stop changing the purpose of this one.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Anzobuse wrote:
This is not about Prizes, ............If you have any better ideas, then make a new topic, and stop changing the purpose of this one.

ok , geez . sorry.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

I just realized my phrase might indicate i was "shouting" or "mad" while the fact I'm neither, i was simply pointing out you can make a new topic where we could discuss prizes in details more efficiently.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

Anzobuse wrote:
I just realized my phrase might indicate i was "shouting" or "mad" while the fact I'm neither, i was simply pointing out you can make a new topic where we could discuss prizes in details more efficiently.

Thank you.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

@Anzobuse: That's why I stated that there would be definite rules that controls the team creations, max no. of members,ongoing wars and any disputes during the war, have a new staff position called War Manager or Adjudicator so he/she can moderate and manage the ELO and the ongoing teams/wars.

I don't believe there should be a schedule to wars honestly but at the meantime they would be declared from a certain team and the other team has the option to refuse or not but when it is initiated it cannot be canceled, it should be one at a time as many times as the teams please not with schedules unless it's a grand event like the Crossfire Event that I've mentioned earlier, Because honestly I think that teams led by staffers is just terrible. I am a leader of a team myself and I wouldn't want my team to be led by anyone else(I am sure that the other leaders wouldn't too) unless it's one of my members(no offense to any of the staffers of course).

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

I'll need to think about this for tonight.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

How's DN managing to deal with all the new teams created daily?
We can also do it,it wouldn't be hard.All we need are fev more active staffers to serve as war advisors.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

I need a really good TL;DR.
But I agree so far.

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

I agree too

Also bring bag the old duelists xD

description[Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA. EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Bringing Guilds/Teams Back to DA.

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