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Bringing Back Teachers!

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9 posters

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyBringing Back Teachers!

So, I've recently thought, there is a lot of room for improvement here. Some members, like me or - not all of them - slifers, would appreciate getting to know the game better, knowing how to beat the meta, etc. So, can we have teachers back?

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Well I Agree we should have Back 1 Teacher for each Dorm. Just 1.

3 Are Enough. To clear doubts etc.

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Nope, not really, we don't need teachers to teach people how to play the game. If someone feels like he needs to learn how to beat the 'meta' then the meta is already discussed/being discussing in the Discussions topics you find on the right side of your screen. I don't see why we need to make a new group just so that when someone asks: "How can I beat Shaddolls?", someone will answer: "Side in bla bla bla". And then we're stuck with a staffer who doesn't have anything else to do for the rest of the day.

You learn more about the game by playing more games, you can't 'read' about it the whole time.

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Teacher position was the most useless of them all. Just sayin n_n

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyDefault Title

Me and Anzo had a discussion about this before and there is no point bringing back a dead system.
Also the few slifers who do want lessons or advice already come to me anyway and I help them with what they need Wink

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

You should prove that you earned that Yellow, we're in the same dorm. How can you ask these questions? Even if you have questions you can talk to Assistants because 3 of us know this game very well...

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyDefault Title

Galaksii wrote:
You should prove that you earned that Yellow, we're in the same dorm. How can you ask these questions? Even if you have questions you can talk to Assistants because 3 of us know this game very well...

^ that!

We don't bite, just nibble lol Bringing Back Teachers! 3974120512

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Because he is 11 years old xD

He should be a Raccoon, but there's no Raccoon Dorm Here.

Sorry Viper We tried to improve you. but you must do it alone via Internet xD

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Well, to be frank, the only way for Teachers to work in DA is we had triple the activity we currently have, only then we'll be able to afford hiring new folks to do that job.

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Once Day Maybe xD

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Let's bring back my idea of professors ;D

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

There simply aren't enough who care to learn from what a teacher may present. And even if people start all of a sudden responding to this post saying they'd like to, most would end up just being inactive anyway. As Anzo said, it'd take consistent activity from a major group of members who all wish to see Teachers return for it to happen.

Roach can assist you, as well as some others including myself. All one needs to do is speak, cuz closed mouths don't get fed.

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Well unless youre fed through a tube. then you're kinda forced.

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyDefault Title

Jv1391 wrote:
Because he is 11 years old xD

He should be a Raccoon, but there's no Raccoon Dorm Here.

Sorry Viper We tried to improve you. but you must do it alone via Internet xD

I belive @Rika Furude (N) has joined at the young age as well and she was quite Awesome...

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

People are just want that stuff are done without they doing anything that's why they think that the Teacher position would help anything. Back in the days you got better with asking how stuff works and trying it out by themselves and if had lack of knownledge for something you'd search it from the internet. Nowadays everyone thinks that they should get it without any effort basically.

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

I know bro. The days of acquiring knowledge by oneself are gone. Although teaching is not a priority here and that method is what any member should do, if asked I have no issue educating someone to the best of my ability.

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Professor's main job was to test new members and place them in Dorms. While we had that.
Writing articles is what Naity and jjh were doing and the learning method was same as now.

Perhaps we could open the Classroom along with Nova with Lessons that are like quizes or something similar, some of them were like this but Administrator Team will decide.

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Deck Discussion can do their Jobs- We Just have to create more Discussion with more Decks. For example @Roach  should\must add the Trains Deck discussion who are very popular in OCG right now.

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

What are we talking about right now? It seems everyone is talking on a subject of his choice ignore this topic's title.

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

The Root is "Teachers", So since you said now they are "Deck Discussion" or similar, it all connected :3

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Teachers arnt coming back and shouldn't because its a dead system. If members want help with something why cant they just post it?
Also me & @PowerNova are always willing to help (and im sure a few others are to) So maybe it would be worth clearing all the class room stuff and make a topic saying if you need help post here or contact Roach or PowerNova etc etc.

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyDefault Title

Jv1391 wrote:
Deck Discussion can do their Jobs- We Just have to create more Discussion with more Decks. For example @Roach  should\must add the Trains Deck discussion who are very popular in OCG right now.

@Roach @TrainDeck @Discussion #YouBetterWorkBitch

Bringing Back Teachers! EBfvA97

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

He called you a bitch...

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

I mean out of the 5 year existence of DA the only good teachers we had was nekofjung and The_Dutch_Prince

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Another confirmation that @galaksii -eyes non-professor dragon failed again. @roach

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyDefault Title

Jv1391 wrote:
Another confirmation that @galaksii -eyes non-professor dragon failed again. @roach

I wasn't teaching, I was testing...

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

LOL he Gala said he was a really good teacher Bringing Back Teachers! 3974120512

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyDefault Title

Nuran wrote:
I mean out of the 5 year existence of DA the only good teachers we had was nekofjung and The_Dutch_Prince

Ryo Bakura
darkness evil

Need I remind you of all of those who were - at some point - testers/teachers in DA?

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Lies! galaksii said he was a GREAT teacher lol

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

Gala you said Anzo asked you to be Assistant because you was a great teacher back in the day lol

descriptionBringing Back Teachers! EmptyRe: Bringing Back Teachers!

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