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Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

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Nova Flare
Azure King
Zane Truesdale
Guardian Grarl
lightsworn king
30 posters

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 5 EmptyDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

First topic message reminder :

OKay guys, I am starting an rp here. So to join all u have to do is fill out a character template and then u can start.


Dorm: (better to use your dorm on DA, totally up to you though)
Class: (freshman, senior, etc...If your 21, dont say your a freshan. Freshman is usually 15, senior is usualy 18 or 19)
Deck archeType: (if any, E-heroes, blue eyes...)
Signature Card: (cant have same as anyone else)
Personality: (can be brief)
Appearance: (can be breif)

CHARACTER TEMPLATE for nonstudents

Occupation: (teacher, thief, etc)
Deck archeType: (if any)
Signature Card:

This is the posting template, each post will look like this:

Location: (DA, forest outside of DA, etc)
Mood: (defualt, happy, mad)

Character Template Example:

Name: Doctor Vellian Crowler
Occupation: Chancellor
Age: 50-65?
Archetype: Ancient Gear
Signature Card: Ancient Gear Golem
Gender: Male
Personality: Mean to students, likes to harrass slifer reds.
Appearance: very girly, obelisk blue trench coat with pink frills on edging. blonde hair is a pony tail, really tall and thin
Relatives: idk

POsting Example:

Crowler's Classroom
Post: Crowler looks around the silent room at the busy students, he see Jaden Yuki talking with Little Trusdale and yells "Jaden Yuki! Perhaps since you are paying so much attention, you would like to explain what you are doing???"

Please note, this takes place 15 years after Jaden Graduates. Everything is pretty much the same, just new students and everything.

Last edited by Zant on Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Location: Running to man walking away

Mood: Angry

" Hey that was suppose to be my opposite and you show no type of respect" Whips out duel disk "Me and you buddy right here and how"!!! "i dont care what the teacher say we dueling RIGHT NOW!!!!"

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character: soul
mood: anoyed
loaction: out side
soul walks past the student and shoves him back with one hand and says "i don't have time for you right now" and disapears into the shadows

(plz dont post anything else about blocking his path as hes already disapeard into the shadows >_<)

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Character: Ren
Location: Outside

Mood: Angry and disappointed
Shouts out loud "Really running away. What a punk!"

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Location: Outside
Mood: Angry
"HEY!" Andrew shouted, but it was too late, the duelist had already dissapeared.
-turns to the body- "Man... He took his soul?"
"Thats pretty harsh... Hey teach, do you know anything about this?"

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Curious

'I wonder what's going on outside...' Niku thinks.

"Daikon what do you think is going on outside?" Niku asks.

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characte: gizen
location: outside
"....Andrew I told you to go back inside." said Gizen sternly "right now I can't tell you or any student whts going on right now but you will all find out soon enough."

(any one mind if i steal zant's chancalor characte as hes kinda gone and i have an inteesting idea XD but i figured ill ask first)

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(Go ahead I guess)

Location: Duel Academy (Front Entrance)
Mood: Curious

"I don't know." Daikon says. "Come on."

*Daikon and Niku sneak out of the classroom, and sees Andrew talking to Mr. Gizen*

"Whoa, how did Andrew get out here so fast?" Daikon asks, and Niku shrugs. Daikon and Niku then see another student yelling at a man walking into the forest, and he disappears. "Hey, you stay here and figure out what happened. I'll go check that out." Niku nods yes and runs toward Mr. Gizen.

*Daikon then runs toward the forest*

"Excuse me." He says as he passes the angry student. Daikon then continues running into the forest until he runs into what seems to be a dorm, but its all broken and abandoned.

"Whoa." Daikon says to everything he sees as he walks into the dorm. He then enters a chamber, and yells out,

"Is anyone here?"

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Location: Outside

Mood: Curious

"Hmmm where is that boy going." Turns around and run back into forest.
Finds a run down dorm liking building, quietly walks into dorm and looks around.

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Location: whereever Daikon is running off to...
"Daikon! Where are you going!?!"
-follows Daikon into the forest-
"Woah... when did this place get here...?" Andrew asked himself as he followed Daikon into the dorm.

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Location: In abandon Dorm

mood: Normal

Hears foot steps from behind, goes to check it out. "Hey boy over there what are you doing?" "Hey aren't you Andrew???"

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character: soul
mood: a bit surprised
location: walking out of the front entrance of abondened dorm
"well well well look who showed up, the kid who saw me walk pass the class door." said soul "i decieded you were going to be my next victim after i saw that you saw me but the other kid got in my way but now your sould will become mine."so then you have to choics here now turn tail and run or duel me and loose your soul, what will it be?" asked soul.

character: gizen
mood: ???
location outside
"What the heck niku go back to class with andrew while i go after dakion" said Gizen. Gizen chases after dakion and see that hes talking to the person whos been cuasing all these people to pass out after he duels them. "Dakio get out of here now and warn the nearest teacher you find that h is here NOW!" said gizen urgently. "now then im going to put you i your place"

character: gizen/soul
location: adboned dorm entrnce
"ha looks like im going to hve to go tourgh you first eh?' said gizen
"well what ever another soul gained is always good" said soul.
"ready your duel disk" said gizen.
"with pleasure" replied soul
"ill go first" said gizen
8000 LP for gizen
gizen draws and activate future fusion he declares his target as FHD and sends lightpulsar, eclipse wing, REMD, REW, and BEWD and then eclipse wing effect scince it was sent to the grave he banshis dark armed dragon fom his deck he then activates lightpulsar's effect to dicard REMD and BEWD to the graveyard so he could special summon it he then activates foolish burial and sends chaos sorc to grave he thenbanishes chaos sorc and a BEWD from is grave to special darkflare dragon he then activates darkflares effect to send a light pulsar in his hand and a divine dragon apoolypse from his deck to the grave to banish eclipse wing in his grave he then activates eclipse wing's effect and ad DAD to hand he then special summon DAD and then goese to end phase and banishes a REW to special REMD from his grave.
hand count 0
"heh not a bad start says soul but you played a bit to big i see you are a aggresive player" said soul.
8000 lp for soul
soul draws his card and then activates book of eclipse to flip all of gizen's monster to FD def pos and then he discards Dhero dasher to special dark grepher then he activaes grepers effect and discards Dhero mal to send plaguespreader zomie to the grave he then banish's Dhero mal to special summon another one from his deck he then activates plague's effect to return a card to the top of his deck from his hand to secial summon it he then tunes mal and plagus for RDA he then normal summons armagedon knight and activate its effect to send necro gardna to the grave he then attacks one of his opponets face down monster with RDA then RDA's effects activates after damage cculation to destroy all def pos mons on the field he then attack dierectly with grepher and armageddon for a total of 3100 damage
gizen lp 4900
he dra and sets a S/T and ends
hand count 0
soul draw and activtes eff of dasher in grave to special sumon dark general freed he then attacks dierectly with knight but gizen activtes mirror force. soul ends his turn
gizen draws and scince this is the 2nd SP scince he agets to special FHD and he attacks dierectly with FHD for 5000 damage and he ends his turn
soul LP 3000
soul draws and activates dark hole and ends
gizen draws and ends turn
sould draws and summons armageddon knight to send necro defender to grave he attacks with knight for 1400 damage
gizen lp 3500
draws and and ends turn
sould draws and smirk he banishes 7 different monster from his grave to special rainbow dark dragon and attack for game

gizen falls to his knees and says "no" gizen walks towards gizen and puts his hand to his chest and as he pulls his hand away and has in his hand a small ball of light he then closes his hand and the ball dissapears he then wlaks away laughing

(whew that was alot of typing -_- soory fi yuo cant undestand it but it was to much yping >_<)

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(this is getting a bit confusing as every one is everywere at once XD while i was posting that long post people posted stuff ad i didnt feel like modifing mind try slowing donw a bit?)

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Location: Unknown Dorm
Mood: Worried

> Before Gizen v. Soul
"Victim?!" Daikon says as he looks to see the man at the entrance of the dorm. Suddenly, Gizen runs up from behind the man and tells Daikon to run. "Mr. Gizen! Stay away from him," Daikon yells from the chamber, "he's dangerous!" But Gizen doesn't hear, and the two begin to duel.

> After Gizen v. Soul
The duel is intense, but the duel results in a massive dragon blasting away Gizen's lifepoints. Gizen then collapses!
"Mr. Gizen!" Daikon yells, running past the man and going to Gizen, collapsed. Then, Andrew and Niku run up from behind, and Daikon realizes that Gizen is gone.
Daikon clenches his fists, yelling, "Just who are you?!" to the man.

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(Yeeaahh, everyone slow down just a bit please.)

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character: soul
mood: chaotic
loaction: abandoned dorm
as he walks away from the abandoned dorm he here the kid say "who are you" soul puases looks sideways at the kids and says "i call my self soul and im the stealer of souls" laughed soul

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Location: Abandoned Dorm
Mood: Angry
-Andrew gets up, calls out to Soul-
"Soul, I've had just about enough of you going around here and stealing souls!"
-activates duel disk-
"You and I duel, you give everyone's souls back if I win!"

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Location: Abandoned Dorm
Mood: Rageful

"Count me in, too! I may not have been here long, but I know it's not cool to steal souls!"

*Daikon runs up beside Andrew and activates his duel disk.*

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Location: Abandoned Dorm
Mood: Nervous

"I-I guess I'll join it too!" Niku walks up beside Daikon and Andrew, and activates his duel disk.

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If you guys want to do it like this, the duel would be:

Soul v. Andrew, Daikon, and Niku

and back again.

But WE GET PLOT DEVICE CARDS :D (Icarus Attack, Hero Barrier, etc.)

4000 LP v. 4000 LP

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Location: Where Andrew and the others are.

Mood: Excited

"I wouldn't even be a duel if i join, guess i stay to the side and watch soul get his butt kicked!!"

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character: soul
location: abandoned dorm
mood: amused
"HAH!" barked soul, "if you want to duel me so badly then follow me as im curious about one of you" said soul pointing to dakion and then turns away and walks into the abandoned dorm.

chatracter: gizen's soul
mood: confused
location: ????
"huh where am i" said gizen opening his eyes. gizen looks around and all he sdees is white everywhere. "last thing i remember is loosing to the duelists who has been cuasing all these duelists to colasps" said gizen. "WAIT now i remember him putting his hand to my chest and pulling out a small light ball and thats where i collapsed" exclaimed gizen. "this cant be the soul state can it?" wondered gizen. gizen walks arouns and all he saw was white everywhere he walked.

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Dorm:Slifer Red
Deck archeType: DAD OTK
Signature Card: Allure Of Darkness
Gender: Male
Personality: Born in a good family Raven is an only child.With the needed
financial support from his parents he quickly gains access to most points of the world,
and during one winter night he decides to intoduce himself to the world.
The only strange thing wich is also the reason of his name is that when he was born,
many ravens were standing on the roof of their house.Raven has problems understanding
society as well as its understandings and is often rejected by it as a result
becouse of that he gets bullied and looses a lot of duels due to no self confidence.
At the age of 13 he finally snaps rejecting his LightSworn Deck and following the path to
darkness Raven becomes obsessed with power and turns to the ''Darkness'' for help.
He then receaves a mask with dark magical powers wich reduces his life spam in order to play
a forbidden deck the Dark Armed Dragon Deck.By the time he receives that power he leaves the obelisk blue
dorm in order to find something bigger in research for power and in knowledge of how their lowest rank slifer
once became the best duelist in the Academy familiar with the legends about Jaden he signs in as a Slifer
Red to duel in one with the darkness.

Appearance: Red Eyes (originally brown),Brown Hair,Caped during Shadow Duels looks like a normal student
during classes.

Relatives:Son Of Atticus Rhodes and Angelina Angel (a former proffesional duelist)
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(supreme want to make it to whereyour character know my character scince they are both enslaved to the darkness basicly like raven could be soul's agent on the inside?)

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Location: Abandoned Dorm Entrance

Mood: Questioning


"Andrew, if you want me and Niku to step out," Daikon tells Andrew as Soul walks inside, "that's fine. But if we are to work together and stop this guy, then we'll have to use every aspect of each others decks and work together!"

*Daikon walks to the front door*

"So, you ready?"

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Location: Abandoned Dorm Entrance

Mood: Overwhelming yet Depress

"Man i Andrew is lucky to have friends like them, wish i had any friends"

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Name: Zane Truesdale
Age: 34 (15 years after leaving Duel Academy)
Deck Archetype: Malefic-Cyber
Signature Card: Malefic Cyber Dragon
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet, Respectful, Calculative and Cunning
Appearance: Tall sharp figure of good build with light blue eyes and
dark blue hair, some say he is a very imposing figure.
Relatives: Syrus Truesdale
Backround: Former Obelisk Blue Student, Drop-Out and D.A. Champion.
Current State: Still in action, Zane continues to shred his way through
World Tournaments becoming one of the most highly respected duelists out
there. Also known to be friends with both Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba.

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Location: Abandoned Dorm

Mood: Upset

"Daikon, I think that Soul guy has it out for you..."

"I don't think he'll be willing to duel any of us until he's had his duel with you. It's a good thing you're going to beat him huh?" :D

"I'll be with ya the whole time buddy." Andrew says as he follows Daikon into the dorm.

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Location: Abandoned Dorm

Mood: Ecstatic


"Thanks Andrew. Alright, if I'm on my own, you guys have to come and cheer me on and continue the fight if I lose." Daikon says as they walk into the chamber.

*The chamber is different from before. Wires are running along the wall, and a big machine is creating a tense, dark atmosphere in the chamber. Soul awaits on top of a balcony, duel disk set*

"Soul! If you want a duel, you've got one!! But get ready, cuz I'm bringing it on at full speed!" Daikon bellows.

(mimgrim, you can go first. 8000 LP v. 8000 LP)

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character: soul
mood: amused
location: aboned dorm
"befor we start there is something i need to know" said soul "how were you able to see me walk past the door when no one is suppose to do you hear the voice that i hear all day long or was it a break in magic." "oh shut up you hypacrit" declared soul "with the state your in a break in your magic is very possible mabey i just got lucky tht he was the only one who noticed but there are ways to igure it out f he can hear you thats one but if he can see the soul of a person thats another" barked mimgrim. mimgrim closes his hand and then opens it bck revealing a shing ball of light that can only be seen by certain people. "well" said soul do you hear what i hear and can you see the soul in my hand?" asked soul.

(congrats ehero on becoming ra yellow)

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Location: Abandoned Dorm - Chamber
Mood: Angry

"Seeing souls?" Daikon questions, and looks at the yellow light in Soul's hand.

*focuses hard, and depicts...*

"That's Mr. Gizen's soul! What have you done to him!?" Daikon demands, clenching his fists.

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