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Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

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Nova Flare
Azure King
Zane Truesdale
Guardian Grarl
lightsworn king
30 posters

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 2 EmptyDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

First topic message reminder :

OKay guys, I am starting an rp here. So to join all u have to do is fill out a character template and then u can start.


Dorm: (better to use your dorm on DA, totally up to you though)
Class: (freshman, senior, etc...If your 21, dont say your a freshan. Freshman is usually 15, senior is usualy 18 or 19)
Deck archeType: (if any, E-heroes, blue eyes...)
Signature Card: (cant have same as anyone else)
Personality: (can be brief)
Appearance: (can be breif)

CHARACTER TEMPLATE for nonstudents

Occupation: (teacher, thief, etc)
Deck archeType: (if any)
Signature Card:

This is the posting template, each post will look like this:

Location: (DA, forest outside of DA, etc)
Mood: (defualt, happy, mad)

Character Template Example:

Name: Doctor Vellian Crowler
Occupation: Chancellor
Age: 50-65?
Archetype: Ancient Gear
Signature Card: Ancient Gear Golem
Gender: Male
Personality: Mean to students, likes to harrass slifer reds.
Appearance: very girly, obelisk blue trench coat with pink frills on edging. blonde hair is a pony tail, really tall and thin
Relatives: idk

POsting Example:

Crowler's Classroom
Post: Crowler looks around the silent room at the busy students, he see Jaden Yuki talking with Little Trusdale and yells "Jaden Yuki! Perhaps since you are paying so much attention, you would like to explain what you are doing???"

Please note, this takes place 15 years after Jaden Graduates. Everything is pretty much the same, just new students and everything.

Last edited by Zant on Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 2 EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

Location:Duel Arena
Mood: excited
"I don't mind, and as soon as teach over here let's me know who my opponent will be i'll get-ta duelin em so I dont have to suffer detention and cleanin up his office. :D"

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location: walking towards the slifer red dorm

mood - thinking

as mimgrim walks torwards the slifer red dorm he thinks about recent past events which made him get here later then the other students

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Location:Duel Arena

Mood: slightly concerned, but still confident

-Turns to Leon- "So while teach goes off and tries to find me an opponent...

I suppose we can just chat. :D"

"So what's brought you to the academy Leon?"

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OKay People so now lets skip ahead to the Duel!!!

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Location:Duel Arena (1 day later)


-activates duel disk, inserts deck- "so... who am I up against teach? You still haven't told me! D:"

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(Sorry for my absence, but I just waited for Zant's reply)


Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Determined

"I'm your opponent" Leon said. While inserting his duel disk, he continued. "I was asked to duel you when they couldn't find the appropriate person. But enough of that, let's get it on! I'll let you have the first turn."

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Location: DA Arena
Mood: like aboss

Dr. Sweinstein took the microphone and spoke "Welcome all students!!! I am honored to welcome you to the Take-off duel of this year!!! Today's match will be these two!!! (forgot your characters names) So without firthur ado, let the match BEGIN!!!"

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Location:Duel Arena


"So YOU are my opponent? Sweetness! :D"

-8000 LPs-

-draws 6 cards-

"I guess we'll get this show on the road! I start by summoning...

Elemental HERO Sparkman! In Attack Mode!"

"I'll throw down two face-downs and call it a turn."

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Name: jova turner
Dorm: Slifer Red
Age: 17
Class: junior

Deck archeType: E-heros & chaos

Signature Card: Elemental hero terra firima

Gender: Male
Personality: Nice & quiet

Appearance: walk slowly

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(This is the Guardian deck I use in DN, just so you know :D. I'll also try to give as much detail as I can)

Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Fired up

8000 Life Points

6 cards in hand

Main Phase 1

Leon begins his turn by drawing a card from his hand, and smiles. "This should be fun. Your kind of deck was used from a good duelist many years ago, I hear. This is my chance to shine! First I'll lay one card face down. Next, I shall play the Equip Spell Card, Shooting Star Bow - Ceal on your Sparkman! It allows your monster to attack directly even if I have a monster on the field, but he loses 1000 Attack Points as a result!" Now that Sparkman was down to just 600 Attack Points, Leon prepares the finisher. "Now that I've met my monster's summoning conditions, I'll summon him to the field. Meet my Guardian Ceal, in Attack Mode!"

Guardian Ceal
ATK 1700/DEF 1400

Battle Phase

"Now, my Guardian! Shoot his Sparkman away!"

(Whether Andrew counters or not, I end my turn here)

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Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Fired up
"Hold up there! I have a trap! Go! Power Frame!
This negates your attack, and gives my Sparkman attack points equal to yours!"

"And as for my deck being like a past champion, he may use the eheroes, but I use them a tad bit differently than he does..."

"My move! Draw!" -4 cards in hand-

"I'll set one monster face-down!, and then I'll activate the spell card, R - Righteous Justice! which allows me to destroy spells or traps on the field equal to the number of "Elemental HERO" monsters I control, so Sparkman! Take down his face-down!"

"Attack his Life Points Directly with... STATIC SHOCKWAVE!"

-1700 ATK-

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Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Fired up

6300 Life Points

4 cards in hand (after Draw Phase)

Main Phase

"You're pretty good, but you'll pay dearly for not attacking my monster! Draw!!" Leon makes his next draw, and smirks yet again. "I play the Equip Spell Card, Horn of the Unicorn!! It increases Ceal's Attack and Defense points by 700! I also send a card from my hand to the graveyard, Guardian Baou, to activate the Equip Spell card Twin Swords of Flashing light - Tryce! My monster loses 500 Attack Points as a result but he can attack twice in one turn! That won't matter, though."

Guardian Ceal
ATK 1900/DEF 2100

"Now I can activate my Guardian's special ability! By sending one Equip Spell Card I control to the Graveyard, Ceal can destroy 1 monster on your side of the field!"

"Now, Ceal! Sacrifice your swords to destroy his Sparkman!

Guardian Ceal then uses his crossbow to shoot the twin swords, now in the form of a ball of fire, to destroy Sparkman.

Battle Phase

Guardian Ceal
ATK 2400/DEF 2100

"Go, my Guardian! Attack his Life Points directly!"

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Location:Duel Arena

Mood:Fired up

"Not so fast!"

"You forget, I still have a monster face-down!"

-flips Elemental HERO Clayman, it gets destroyed in battle-

"ugh... well at least your attack activates my trap card!"


"This lets me Special Summon one level 4 or below "Elemental HERO" monster from my deck when a monster I control is destroyed in battle!"

"Come forth- Elemental HERO Stratos! In Defense Mode!"

ATK1800/DEF 300

"And his special ability activates, which lets me bring one "Elemental HERO" monster from my deck to my hand, and I choose my Elemental HERO Bladedge!"

"Still your turn... Smile"

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Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Fired up

6300 Life Points

1 card in hand

Guardian Ceal
ATK 2400/DEF 2100

End Phase

"Don't forget my Guardian is stronger than either one of your monsters, so I'll end my turn now."

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Location:Duel Arena

Mood:Fired up

"Maybe so... but if what I'm planning works...

"My Move! Draw!" -6 cards in hand-

"All right! I'll start with the Continuous Spell Card Future Fusion! This spell lets me fuse monsters from my deck to form a new monster! So I'll fuse my Elemental HERO Neos with my Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird, two Necroshades, and an Elemental HERO Wildheart to fusion summon my Elemental HERO DIVINE NEOS!"

ATK 2500/DEF 2500

"Thankfully for you, he doesn't get to come out to play for two turns.... but until then i just activate the Spell Card Miracle Fusion! This lets me fuse monsters in my graveyard to form a new monster!"

"I'll fuse my Elemental HERO Neos with my Elemental HERO Sparkman to fusion summon... Elemental HERO the Shining!"

ATK 2600/DEF 2100

"On top of that, he gains 300 attack for every HERO thats been removed from the game!"

ATK 3200/DEF 2100

"Then I'll activate the effect of Elemental HERO Necroshade in my graveyard! While he is chilling in my graveyard, once while he's there I can summon an Elemental HERO monster from my hand without a sacrifice!"

"Come on out, Elemental HERO Bladedge! In Attack Mode!"

ATK 2600/DEF 1800

"I'll switch Stratos to Attack Mode! (ATK 1800/DEF 300) Now Bladedge, take his Guardian down with Power Edge Attack!"

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Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Fired up

6100 Life Points

1 card in hand

"Ceal is gone, and it appears I made a big mistake. Since Horn of the Unicorn was sent to the Graveyard, it returns to the top of my Deck. But don't think you've won yet, so go ahead and finish your move."

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Location: Duel Arena

Mood: Fired up! :D

8000 LPs

3 cards in hand

"All right! :D Go Elemental HERO Stratos! Attack!" -1800

""Go! Elemental HERO The Shining! Attack with Shining Destruction Blast!"-3200

"I'll call it a turn with a face-down."

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Name: jovan turner
Dorm: slifer

Class: junior

Deck archeType: jinzo

Signature Card: caius

Gender: male
Personality:easy going


CHARACTER TEMPLATE for nonstudents

Name: jaden
Occupation: dueling

Deck archeType: E heros

Signature Card: E hero Flam Wingman
Perosnality: cool and exicted
Appearance: with a red duel disk

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(Jovan... you already applied...

Reason why we ignored becasue we don't ask for permission to play, if Zant doesn't want you in he'll let you know, just hop in broski v-v')

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(Hey can I join in? Just thought I'd ask first.)

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(See previous post, just apply so we have a clue who we're talkin to and hop in broski :D)

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Name: Skyler
Dorm: Slifer Red
Age: 15
Class: freshman
Deck archeType: Dragon
Signature Card: none
Gender: female
Personality: Likes to joke around with people but doesn't get jokes that
are directed at her very well. Easily angered but can somehow hold back
her fierce temper. Has a personality similar to Jaden's except for
Appearance: Slifer male uniform (hates skirts), close cropped blond hair
with lots of layers and a large ruby red streak in the front, blue eyes
that change depending on what she's wearing
Relatives: none that she really likes (reason why she has no last name)

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Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Fired up

1100 Life Points

2 cards in hand

"As expected, Horn of the Unicorn is the card I draw. There is no choice for me...but to play this spell card from my hand: Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen. It allows me to summon a Fairy-type monster straight from my hand, but since I don't have any, all I can do is end my turn....."

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Location:Duel Arena

Mood:Slightly dissapointed, but still fired up.

-8000 LPs-

"My move, draw." -3 cards in hand-

"That's one Standby Phase for Future Fusion, but I see I won't need Divine Neos... All righty. Time to end this! Elemental HERO the Shining! Attack his Life Points directly with Shining Destruction Blast!" -3200

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Location: Duel arena

Mood: happy

Post: Skyler walks into the arena just as the brunette Slifer declares his attack. She whistles softly at the sheer size of the arena and glances around. noticing that one of the teachers is staring at her she quickly heads up into the stands to find a seat.

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Location:Duel Arena



-opponent's LPs hit 0-

"all right! That's game, sweet duel bro! :D

Let's duel again sometime! :D"

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Location: Duel arena
Mood: a little depressed
Post: She stands and claps with the other students as the two duelists shake hands.

"Darn. I really wanted to see how long that duel would last. I guess that I missed part of it to begin with." she sighed as she turned to head down the steps to leave.

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Location:Duel Arena


-turns to Dr. Sweinstein"

"So how was that Swinsten? Looks like I won, meaning I don't have to clean up your office! :D"

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Location: duel arena
Mood: still a little depressed
Post: Glancing over at the arena floor Skyler saw the brunette talking to someone who appeared to be the chancellor. She decided to go over and see why he looked so upset. As she walked closer she tried to imagine what the chancellor was like and if he was going to assume that she was a guy. He probably would and so would the kid he was talking to as well.

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Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Calm

"I lost. But that's okay. At least we were able to have a friendly competition. I will make no excuses for my loss." Shaking hands with Andrew, Leon smiles at him and says "If you ever need a partner for a tag duel, count me in! Surely this isn't the last we've heard from the teach."

Seeing the Chancellor right away, Leon was a bit shocked. "Here he comes, and to punish the loser, I bet."

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