Duel Academy
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Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

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Nova Flare
Azure King
Zane Truesdale
Guardian Grarl
lightsworn king
30 posters

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! EmptyDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

OKay guys, I am starting an rp here. So to join all u have to do is fill out a character template and then u can start.


Dorm: (better to use your dorm on DA, totally up to you though)
Class: (freshman, senior, etc...If your 21, dont say your a freshan. Freshman is usually 15, senior is usualy 18 or 19)
Deck archeType: (if any, E-heroes, blue eyes...)
Signature Card: (cant have same as anyone else)
Personality: (can be brief)
Appearance: (can be breif)

CHARACTER TEMPLATE for nonstudents

Occupation: (teacher, thief, etc)
Deck archeType: (if any)
Signature Card:

This is the posting template, each post will look like this:

Location: (DA, forest outside of DA, etc)
Mood: (defualt, happy, mad)

Character Template Example:

Name: Doctor Vellian Crowler
Occupation: Chancellor
Age: 50-65?
Archetype: Ancient Gear
Signature Card: Ancient Gear Golem
Gender: Male
Personality: Mean to students, likes to harrass slifer reds.
Appearance: very girly, obelisk blue trench coat with pink frills on edging. blonde hair is a pony tail, really tall and thin
Relatives: idk

POsting Example:

Crowler's Classroom
Post: Crowler looks around the silent room at the busy students, he see Jaden Yuki talking with Little Trusdale and yells "Jaden Yuki! Perhaps since you are paying so much attention, you would like to explain what you are doing???"

Please note, this takes place 15 years after Jaden Graduates. Everything is pretty much the same, just new students and everything.

Last edited by Zant on Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

My character

Name: Zant Vi Truesdallia (Truesdale)

Dorm: Obelisk Blue

Age: 17

Class: Senior

Deck archeType: Vehicroids/Cyber Dragon

Signature Card: Cyber End Dragon

Gender: Male

Personality: Very bold and serious. Similar personality to Zane. Respects all dorms but has a small disliking for the obelisk blue students. Doesnt frown upon Slifers but if is tuanted by a slifer he will call them slackers.

Appearance: very tall. Layered and long black hair (google images, Andy Six). Obelisk Blue senior jacket (Zanes DA jacket)

Relatives: Zane Truesdale is Father, Syrus Truesdale is Uncle.

Last edited by Zant on Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

Location: Dual Academy school yard
Mood: Happy to see everyone again
Post: After a long summer, Zant finally returned to DA for his last year. He was once again, a Ra Yellow surprisingley. During his past years he was offered a chance at Obelisk Blue many times, which he all declined. Not to mention, he came into DA as an Obelisk, but chose to go to Ra Yellow after being ticked off by the snobby obelisk. He had also won the top student duelist award last year.
Zant walked around and looked for his friends.

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My Character

Name: Zach Phoenix

Dorm: Ra Yellow

Age: 17

Class: Junior

Deck archeType: HERO

Signature Card: Destiny End Dragoon

Gender: Male

Personality: Always pursues the cause he believes is just. Never lies or cheats, believes honor and bravery are the most important characteristics. Likes all dorms, but is curious to explore the abandoned dorm....

Appearance: Tall, Grey hair, RA yellow uniform (similar to bastion's uniform)

Relatives: Aster Phoenix-father

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Location: DA
Mood: Excited
Post: Zach is setting up his room, putting up posters and unpacking all his stuff. He is very excited for the new year and can't wait to meet his fellow students

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(want to pretend zach and zant are like best friends?)))

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Sounds good to me!

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Location: Zachs room
Mood: Excited
Post: Zant entered Zach's room and said "I haven't seen you all year. You know, my Uncle Syrus says that when he was little my father and your father had a duel infront of the whole world. Isnt that freakin awesome?? Anyways, the school intro starts soon, we shoudl get to the arena."

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Location: Zach's room
Mood: Excited
Post: Zach turns to face Zant and says, " That does sound pretty good. Lets get going or we are going to be late!" Zach rushs by Zant and sprints to the arena

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Location: Zach's Room
Mood: Happy
Post: Zach sped past Zant, making Zant's hair blow in the gust. Zant followed behind Zach at a much slower pace.

((I think we need someone to be a teacher for the schools introduction thingy))

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(yes we do!)

Open recruiting for new Roleplay members!

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(I'll do it!)

Name: Victoria Von Rosenburg (Mrs. Rosenburg)
Occupation: teacher
Age: 45
Deck archeType: counter fairies
Signature Card: Voltanis The Adjudicator
Gender: female
Perosnality: VERY strict, like a british steotypical nanny
Appearance: fairly plump, grey hair tied in a bun, secretary glasses, black clothes.
Relatives: Grandchildren in England

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

Nice, just start whenever you want. You can do the school New Year's Assembly!

Also I suggest you be Obelisk Blue Dorm Leader or Chancellor

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((I changdd my character to Obelisk Blue)))

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

Well seeing as we need a teacher, I will make one for the school Assembly.

Name: Dr. Arthur Sweinstein

Occupation: Chancellor

Age: 72

Deck archeType: Planets

Signature Card: Helios Trice Megistus

Gender: Male

Perosnality: Strict, but not mean. Very precise, intellectual, wise, traditional, fancy, etc... Kind to students outside of his job but unfriendly within it.

Appearance: Tall and thin. BOny and wrinkly. Grey hair that spikes upward (imagine goku or vegeta))). Monoscule (or the one lens glasses with the chain)), Over his covered hair is a top hat. Wears a black suit. Carries a Duel disk attached to his belt behind him. When activated it swings around infront of him.

Relatives: Unknown.

When Dr. Sweinstein retired 12 years ago from his old job as a Astrology University professor, he decided to enter pro league dueling. He got ranked 9th in the world at dueling and was invited, by KaibaCorp, to become chancellor of DA. He accepted the job and became Chancellor this year...

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Location: School Arena
Mood: Casual

As Dr. Sweinstein entered the room, crowds of students cheered for him. After all many of them had watched him on TV and in real life during the pro league when they were little. He walked to the center of the arena, standing tall and neat, and took the microphone from a teacher.

"Welcome to Duel Academy." he spoke into the microphone while the crowd cheered. The crowd got silent and then he said "I am your new chancellor, Arthur Sweinstein. You will refer to me as Dr. Sweinstein. As your new chancellor I promise this school will be a place of high education and high dueling expectations. You will all receive new blazers. We have decided to add designs to the current ones. That is all for now. I conclude this ceremony with the announcement: Brand new, rare, cards are now available for sale at the school student store!!!"

The crowd quickly grew smaller as the teens rushed for the new rare cards...

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

I'll join in, too. I haven't watch GX, though, so I hope you don't mind me leaving some things blank and not knowing certain things o.o

Name: Leon Landers (I use this name a lot)
Dorm: Slifer Red
Age: 18
Class: Senior
Deck archeType: Guardians
Signature Card: Guardian Eatos
Gender: Male
Personality: Usually calm, emotional ONLY when the time calls for it.
Appearance: Blue jacket, blue jeans, and plain white T.
Relatives: None


Location: School Arena
Mood: Calm

Leon remained as one of the few in the crowds. Holding his Deck, he mumbled "This is all I need." Looking at his surroundings, he looked amazed. "I can't believe I'm actually here. Meeting all sorts of people, making rivals....I don't know if I'll be able to handle it. But then again, what have I got to lose? I'm not exactly the best Duelist around here."

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Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Proud

"...speaking of the best duelist around here" Zant said calmly as he approached Leon from behind. "I've seen you around before, never meet you though. What is your name????"

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Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Nervous

"Um, the name is Leon. I've been dueling for a while, but I haven't got the hang of it yet. pleasure to be here!"

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Name: Andrew

Dorm:Slifer :D


Class: Junior

Deck archeType: Elemental Heroes :D

Signature Card: Elemental Hero Sparkman :3

Gender: Male

Personality: ima really chill guy, slacking in effort but very intelligent person

Appearance:Brown hair, amazing hazel eyes, Slifer red jacket nd some jeans.


Location:Duel Arena


-strolls in-

"Man this place is cool! gotsa buncha fancy lights and such and all the perks I heard rumors about. Should be a fun year... hey look, a coupla people over here, might as well make some new friends..."

"Heya fellas!"

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POsting with Dr. Sweintstein

Location: DA Arena
Mood: Annoyed/Angry

As the Slifer Junior walked in, he was spotted by Dr. Sweinstein.. "What are you doing, you are ten minutes late slacker! and this ceremony is already over. I will not tolerate any Slifers acting up like the past Chancellors did. I believe a reasonable punishment would be umm.....1 week of lunch detention.."

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Location: DA Arena
Mood: Entertained

Zach watches as Dr. Sweinstein confronts the slifer slacker, interested to see the new students potential.

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Locaton: Duel Arena


"Sorry teach, i guess i must've slept in! XD"


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posting with Zant

Location: Duel Arena
Mood: normal?

"Cool, my name is Zant. Also since I was top student last year, I get to pick someone for the beginning match-up of the year. You seem quite interesting..I think Ill chose you"
Zant left.

posting with Dr. Sweinstein

Location: DA Arena
Mood: like a boss

"Well I guess if its that bad, icould make you a deal. Andrews the name right? anyway. You go up against a duelist of Zant Truesdallia's choice for the beginning duel. You win, and no punishment. But if you lose, you clean every inch of my office and clean the cafeteria everyday for 1 whole week during your break time, plus 1 week after that of lunch detention."

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Location: Duel Arena

Mood: Laid Back
"well, since you put it that way, you got yourself a deal teach!"

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(Sorry for my absence x.x)


Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Determined

Overhearing the conversation, Leon couldn't help but join in. "A duel, huh? Hm. Any chance I could join in?" He really didn't know how everything went around here, but Leon was prepared to make his name and presence known.

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i figured id join in here if you don't mind


Name: mimgrim (yes im impoting my self XD)
Dorm: slifer red
Age: 15
Class: fresh man Deck archeType:dragunity Signature Card: none (they have yet to make a boss dragunity card)
Gender: male
Personality: laid back, always says the oddest thing at the important/weird stuff, sorta of a sarcastic (not the an anoying sarcastic person just always has a response to alot of things and usually his responses are funny), has a mysterious past
Appearance: black hair, bright peircing red eyes, wear the slifer uniform except instead of blue jeans they are black.
Relatives: all deceased (how tragic)

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

location - at the harbor of duel academy

mood - bored


"so this is duel academy huh?" "well doesen't seem like much." -after talking to a staff member about where the slifer dorm is he walks towards the slifer dorm"

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Location:Duel Arena

Mood:slightly concerned, but confident

-turns to see another student, peers down to read nametag-"Hiya there... "Leon" is it? cool, and yeah, Swinstin here says if I win a duel i don't have to endure a week of detention. Should be pretty quick and I wont have to suffer any detention :D" -turns to Dr. Sweinstein- "So who am I duelin teach?"

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Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Intrigued

"Oh? That will be interesting. Would you guys mind if I watched? Nothing better to solve problems than with dueling."

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