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Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

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Nova Flare
Azure King
Zane Truesdale
Guardian Grarl
lightsworn king
30 posters

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 4 EmptyDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

First topic message reminder :

OKay guys, I am starting an rp here. So to join all u have to do is fill out a character template and then u can start.


Dorm: (better to use your dorm on DA, totally up to you though)
Class: (freshman, senior, etc...If your 21, dont say your a freshan. Freshman is usually 15, senior is usualy 18 or 19)
Deck archeType: (if any, E-heroes, blue eyes...)
Signature Card: (cant have same as anyone else)
Personality: (can be brief)
Appearance: (can be breif)

CHARACTER TEMPLATE for nonstudents

Occupation: (teacher, thief, etc)
Deck archeType: (if any)
Signature Card:

This is the posting template, each post will look like this:

Location: (DA, forest outside of DA, etc)
Mood: (defualt, happy, mad)

Character Template Example:

Name: Doctor Vellian Crowler
Occupation: Chancellor
Age: 50-65?
Archetype: Ancient Gear
Signature Card: Ancient Gear Golem
Gender: Male
Personality: Mean to students, likes to harrass slifer reds.
Appearance: very girly, obelisk blue trench coat with pink frills on edging. blonde hair is a pony tail, really tall and thin
Relatives: idk

POsting Example:

Crowler's Classroom
Post: Crowler looks around the silent room at the busy students, he see Jaden Yuki talking with Little Trusdale and yells "Jaden Yuki! Perhaps since you are paying so much attention, you would like to explain what you are doing???"

Please note, this takes place 15 years after Jaden Graduates. Everything is pretty much the same, just new students and everything.

Last edited by Zant on Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Location: Classroom

Mood: Ecstatic


"Andrew, huh?" Daikon says, grabbing his bag and slumping it over his shoulder.

"Well, my name is Daikon Yuji! Pleasure to meet you!"

*Daikon puts his hand out for a handshake*

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Happy
-shakes Daikons hand-
-looks around the classroom-
"Hey, where'd teach go?"

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Ecstatic (still)

"I don't know. I think he stormed out earlier." Daikon says, scratching his head.
"I've gotta say, he sure was scary looking."

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Confused

"Meh, lets just take our seats before he comes back and gives us permanent detention! ^-^"
-goes to seat and sits down-

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Nervous

Niku thinks, 'great they sat down next to me...'

Niku says nervously to Daikon "Hello, I'm Niku. I saw you were late to class. What's your name?"

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(ok so ive decided to make another character sense last one wasnt a success :/ but this guy is going to be the evil dude Twisted Evil )

Name: soul
Occupation: soul thief (he steals the souls of duelists he defeats but they are not shadow duels)
Age: unknown
Deck: dark deck
Signature Card: rainbow dark dragon
Gender: male
Perosnality: somewhat sracastic, reckless(but not cocky), a little bit crazy, has little regard for others
Appearance: kind of like the below pic but black hair instead of blue and without the wings >_<

Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 4 Th_evilanimeguy

Relatives: unknown

Last edited by mimgrim on Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Happy

Daikon leans back in his chair and looks at the doorway behind him.

"Me? My name's Daikon Yuji, and I'm a transfer student here."

Daikon continues to watch the doorway (upside down), when someone steps beside it. "Huh?" The person isn't very visible from Daikon's view, but whoever it is seems to be covered in a dark aura.

*Leans forward*

"Andrew, did you see that?"

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location: walking past the class to get outside
mood: annoyed/anxious
post: "Just shut up will you I don't have time to get another soul from some one I have to get out side before people find the body besides stealing sould is better done at night." said soul "i'm keeping my end of the deal its just taking a long time, do you know how hard it is to collect as many souls as you want but we are getting close just a little bit more and you will be brought back and when thats done you better keep your end of the deal." As he walks pass the doorway to one of the classrooms he notices that one of the students notice him but only him. Soul smirks and says to himself "i think we've found our next victim."

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Sleepy
-wakes up-
"huh? Who-what-see-why-now?"

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Bored

"Ugh, when is this class even starting!" Niku exclaims. "Well, I better just look over my deck then...."

Niku checks out his Evol Deck, separating them into different piles.

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(ok scince every oen who made a teacher character isnt doing anyhting ill make another character to keep this thing rolling on >_<_

Name: Gizen (guy-zen)
Occupation: rullings teacher
Age: 25
Deck archeType: chaos dragon
Signature Card: light pulsar/dark flare dragon
Gender: male
Perosnality: serious, doesent take things lightley, smart, rarely lets his mood show
Appearance: shor brown hair, where white coat with black shirt and blue jeans
Relatives: ????

location: walking inot class
mood: unknown
post: "sorry i'm late class class." said gizen "there was a....problem me and some of the other staff had to take care of." "any way lets get the class started who can tell me what a semi-nomi is?" asked gizen

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Confused
"Wait, what happened teach?"
"Does it have something to do with teach storming out of the room?"

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Can I join? This is my character.

Name: Skydra Angels
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Age: 16
Class: Sophomore
Deck archeType: Dark/Light Monarch
Signature Card: Stardust Dragon
Gender: Female
Personality: Sky is a shy, quiet girl, with a heart of gold. Once she gets to know people she opens up.
Appearance: Medium long brown hair, hazel eyes, Milky white skin, thin body, and her height is 5/6.

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Confused

Daikon thinks to himself, semi-nomi? Hmm... Better check my phone...

*Daikon checks his phone and pulls up "semi-nomi" then raises his hand*

"Hey, Teach!" He says, quickly scanning the Duel Monsters Wiki article. "Aren't those (directly from text) monsters with the text 'Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must first be Special Summoned by...', like Chaos Sorcerer?"

> lol copy and paste

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I'd like to participate to, I love RolePlaying

-!(This is my character sheet)!-

Name: Zeon Drakondin
Dorm: Slifer Red
Age: 15
Class: Freshman
Deck archeType: Ice Barrier
Signature Card: Brionic, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet, unresponsive, philosophical, over dramatizes a situation, talks with symbolism which gets on people's nerves.
Appearance: Long black hair, gray stormy eyes, ashy brown skin, medium height and average built.

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Smirking

"Hey Daikon great job using your phone. I NEVER would have thought of doing that!" Niku says, sarcastically.

Niku then continues to look through deck, until Mr. Gozen catches him.

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Tired
"Meh, they can argue cardstuff til they all turn blue in the face... I'm gunna catch some Z's..."
-puts head down and goes to sleep-

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My Character

Name: Ren Hellsing

Occupation: Student


Deck archeType: Thunder

Signature Card: Lightning Punisher

Gender: Male

Perosnality: Perverted and sarcastic

Appearance: Short, Short and spiky dark red hair, skinny with little muscles, black t-shirt with red opened jacket and black jeans

Relatives: Cousin in Tokyo

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Name: ReD Wurm
Occupation: Student
Age: 16
Deck archeType: Synchrons and Cyber Dragons
Signature Card: Stardust Dragon
Gender: Male
Perosnality: Sly, Not Shy.
Appearance: Slifer Red Jacket, Gray Hat, slifer red duel disk.
Relatives: none

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Location: DA Entrance
Mood: Over Excited
Post: Well Here I Am at the DA Entrance Exams.

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Location: DA Entrance

Mood: Excited

Post: Hey you over there i been waiting for someone to come by. If you want to go any feather than u got to duel me!!!

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Location: Classroom
"man... why does class always has to be so boring..." -looks out window- "hey..." Andrew muttered to himself, "Theres two people outside skipping class... and they look like they're about to duel, this should be a LOT more interesting than class..."

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character: gizen
locatin: class
mood: anoyed
post: ″Yes Andrew that is why the chancoler left but that is all i can say on the matter.″said gizen. ″Dakion you are correct but remember that most semi-nomis have in there text, cannot be special summoned execpt by not m7st first be special summoned by also if i see you using your phone again to answera question you will get detemtion.” gizen said strenly. ″Niku either put your deck away or leave thos class and have detition you choice.” said gizen getting angry. “Andrew i will not permit sleeping in my class so WAE UP and next time i catch sleeping in class yu will get more then just detetion.” “now then heres a trivia question for you andrew, to negate a monster summoned by monster reborn with solemn warning must you ngate reborn or the summon of the monster and please justify your statemenr.”
(sorry for any typos but im on my dsi and its a pain >_<)

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Bored

'I can't believe I got caught' Niku thought. 'I can't wait until class ends.'

Niku looks out the window. 'Whoa. Looks like someone wants to duel.'

Niku watches the two ditchers as they duel.

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Bummed
"Detention? Man... How could he have seen my phone?" Daikon mumbles, leaning back in his chair and looking for the person in the doorway again. But they had disappeared... "I could have sworn I saw someone... Aw well. I have detention ANYWAYS D:"
*Daikon looks out the window and sees two other students dueling*

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Mellow
Zeon slowly enters the classroom after his 20-minute bathroom break session, he senses two other duelists battling outside. "Can I go to the bathroom again, Mr. Gozen?" Gozen replies, "Certainly not, have a seat." Zeon grumbles a bit and takes his seat in the near back of the classroom.

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(first of all people its gizen not gozen >_< the i was not a typo and gi rhyms with guy and zen well sounds like zen XD. blue i would apreciate it if you stuck to yuor own character and not use mine without my permission XD)

character: soul
location: out side of the building where classes are held dueling a new victim
mood: bored
"Is that really all you got." says soul "this will be over shortly." The duelist soul is dueling is sweating due to the fact at how easily he seems to be loosing "this isnt right." he says "how can he be this good?" the duelist set a monster and ends his turn. sould draw a card and then laughs "well its time to finish this." said soul "i banish 7 of my dark monster in my graveyard with different names to special summon rainbow dark dragon in attack mode which leaves me with exactly 3 dark monsters in my graveyard so now i special summon dark armed dragon in attack mode and activate his effect to banish a dark monster in my graveyard to destroy your set monster." said soul bored "i now attack with rainbow dark dragon for game." the duelist falls to hsi knees and says "how?" Soul walks towards the duelist and puts his hand to his chest and as he removes his hand from the duelists chest he has with him a small ball of light which is the duelist's soul he then closes his hand and the ball of light dissapers and the duelist's body falls to the ground. soul walk away laughing chaoticly.

character: gizen
location: class
mood: very much anoyed
"Dakion you don't have detition right now but if i catch you using your phone to answer a question or at all during class again you will." says gizen. "....what are you 3 looking at" declares gizen as he walks towards the window to see what has their attetion and as he looks out the window his eyes widen and he say very softly "no." and runs towards the door a\but puases at the door and say "any one who leaves this room while im out will get a month of detition" then he leaves to go down to the 2 duelists but it is to late when he gets to them.

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Joking
"Huh? What's Dr. Gizen talking about?" Daikon asks Andrew, but sees he's nodding off again. Suddenly, a loud shriek comes from outside.

*Looks outside, and sees a crowd of students and teachers surrounding a student lying on the ground.*

"What's going on? Niku," Daikon turns to Niku, "let's check it out."

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Location: Classroom
Mood: Surprised
"Woah. Something wrong out there... Duelists generally don't fall to the ground after losing..."
-runs outside to go check it out-
"Hey!" Andrew yells after the strange duelist, "What did you do to him?!" -points to kid lying on the ground-

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character: soul
mood: ???
location: walking away from body
As Soul is walking away he notices a student shouting at him asking what he has done to the duelist. Soul glances back while walking and says "I took his soul" and he disapears into the shadows

character: gizen
mood: serious
location: outside
"Andrew i thought i told everyone to stay inside and how did you get down here before me bah it doesent matter i want you to go back to class right now." said Gizen curtly. gizen walks to the other staff member and tell them to get the students ack to there classes while he and the chancoler take card of the body.

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