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Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

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Nova Flare
Azure King
Zane Truesdale
Guardian Grarl
lightsworn king
30 posters

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 13 EmptyDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

First topic message reminder :

OKay guys, I am starting an rp here. So to join all u have to do is fill out a character template and then u can start.


Dorm: (better to use your dorm on DA, totally up to you though)
Class: (freshman, senior, etc...If your 21, dont say your a freshan. Freshman is usually 15, senior is usualy 18 or 19)
Deck archeType: (if any, E-heroes, blue eyes...)
Signature Card: (cant have same as anyone else)
Personality: (can be brief)
Appearance: (can be breif)

CHARACTER TEMPLATE for nonstudents

Occupation: (teacher, thief, etc)
Deck archeType: (if any)
Signature Card:

This is the posting template, each post will look like this:

Location: (DA, forest outside of DA, etc)
Mood: (defualt, happy, mad)

Character Template Example:

Name: Doctor Vellian Crowler
Occupation: Chancellor
Age: 50-65?
Archetype: Ancient Gear
Signature Card: Ancient Gear Golem
Gender: Male
Personality: Mean to students, likes to harrass slifer reds.
Appearance: very girly, obelisk blue trench coat with pink frills on edging. blonde hair is a pony tail, really tall and thin
Relatives: idk

POsting Example:

Crowler's Classroom
Post: Crowler looks around the silent room at the busy students, he see Jaden Yuki talking with Little Trusdale and yells "Jaden Yuki! Perhaps since you are paying so much attention, you would like to explain what you are doing???"

Please note, this takes place 15 years after Jaden Graduates. Everything is pretty much the same, just new students and everything.

Last edited by Zant on Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 13 EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

Location: Arena

Mood: Happy


"Alright, then, Gredi now let's me Special Summon out a LVL 4 'Sacred' Monster from my hand, so why don't I summon another Sacred Gredi!"

"Now, here's something you've never seen before! I overlay my two LVL 4 Gredi's to EXCEED (XYZ) Summon, THE SACRED OMEGA!"

(how bout now :D)

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Location: .....
Mood: calm
"i negate the summon with the counter trap, Black Horn of Heaven!"

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Location: DA Arena
Mood: Grr...

"Ergh..." Daikon grunts as Omega disappears.

"I still have one more summon coming from Double Summon, so I'll bring out the Sacred Sheratan! And with his summoning, I can add the 'Sacred Kaust' to my hand!"

"I'll then end my turn with two face-downs."

*hand count=1*

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Name: Judai Kudo
Dorm: Slifer (due to grades ;()
Age: 16
Class: Freshman
Deck archeType: Edit: Generic Dragons
Signature Card: Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Gender: Male
Personality: Arrogant and Intelligent. But a really bad student. Wins lots of duels and
can think things through very well. But doesn't study or do any homework.
Appearance: With the build of jaden yuki. But the hairstyle of Jimmy kudo. Wheres a blue bowtie over his red jacket.
( http://judaikudo.newgrounds.com/ reference image)
None that are known.

Last edited by JudaiKudo on Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:50 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 13 EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

Location: Hallways
Mood: Eager
Post: Sees the new student walking in the hallways. "Hey kid! Welcome to the academy.", I said.

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Location: Hallways (around)
Mood: Slightly Depressed

Oh, Hello. My name's Judai Kudo. They named me after Judai from the old stories.. But I refuse to play a copycat deck. That seems just immature. And If you are wondering why I look so down, it's because I got slifer red. I swear i'm a good duelist! I can't even fathom this dark cloud that has rained all over my parade.

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Location: Hallways
Mood: Caring

Hah, I'm Parsche Carter. But just call me Pierre if Parsche's to hard to pronounce. Since it's pronounced Parshay, people don't understand the spelling. Anyways. don't sweat being in Slifer. I could've tested in Ra Yellow, maybe Obelisk Blue, but I insulted the tester. But, I think I know what'll cheer ya up. How about a duel?

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Location: Hallway
Mood: Sad and angry

I would duel with you, But I can't manage to connect to the dueling network ran by kaibacorp. I'm forced to use an offbrand dueling system called YGOPro. So unless you happen to have that.. I'll have to await my return from KC. I hope they fix it soon!

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(We dont duel on duel systems we duel by posting back and forth. Look at some of the other duels here)

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Location: Hallway

Wow. It seems kaiba corp has responded! They already fixed my duel disk! ^.^ This is why I love kaiba corp. So, I'm up for a duel if you are!

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Oii~ Did someone say duel! I'll duel Someone! Bring it!

[Appearing out of no where, like a true Duelist]

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Location: Hallway
Mood: Ecstatic

Sure! Lets throw down right now!

I'll take the first turn!


Cards in hand: 6
Cards in deck: 34

I normal Summon Kaiba man!
Cards in hand: 5

Now I activate his ability.. By tributing him I can special summon the legendary Blue eyes white dragon!
cards in hand: 4

Field: Blue eyes

Haha! Pretty nice Huh? Well, i'm not done yet!

I activate the spell card, double summon! Now I can summon up to 2 times this turn.

CIH: 3

I play the monster red-eyes black chick!
CIH: 2

I banish it to summon My trump card! Red Eyes metal darkness dragon!
CIH: 1

I activate the spell card. Pot of greed! WIth this I can draw two extra cards!

CIH: 2

I now Use Red-eyes effect to special summon from my hand, white night dragon!

CIH: 1

I set one spell/trap card and end my turn!

CIH: 0
CID: 32
Grave: Kaibaman, some spell cards.
Banished. red-eyes black chick.
Field: Blue eyes, Red-eyes metal darkness, white night dragon, Spell/Trap card.

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My move!

Location; Hallway!
Mood: Confident!


I draw!
]Akogi drew one card into his hand, and looked at it calmly. By what he saw, His opponent had three incredibly strong monsters on his side of the field, plus a face-down. He had to think of a way to deal with them first, and he had just the way to do it.]

"I'll play a magic card! I play Lightning vortex! Thank's to that spell card! I can discard the Glow-up Bulb in my hand, and destroy all monsters that are face-up on your side of the field! Which means, Blue Eyes! Red eyes Dark Metal! White night! Vanish with the erupting power of thunder!"

He sent his Glow-Up Bulb, as lightning blasts came flying out of his graveyard towards the three powerful dragons.]

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Location: hallway
Mood: Proud

Well, You seem to have activated my spell card! Yes, A spell on YOUR TURN! I shout. I activate the quickplay spell cards! My body as a shield! By paying 1500 life points I can negate the effects of anything that would destroy a monster I control! So your Lightning Vortex is negated!

LP: 6500
No set cards or cards in hand.

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Mood: Excited

"Ohh? So you had a back-up plan, expecting that move huh? Well, I did get what I wanted to acquire of it anyway. While you have a monster on my field, and I am left empty with none, I can special summon T.G. Striker!

]Akogi placed the monster on the duel disk, as it revealed itself in a blinding light! The sine of the Level two tuner monster appeared, standing before the three supreme dragons.]



"Not done yet! Since I special summoned, I can now call forth T.G. Warwolf in attack mode! He can be special summoned if I Special summon a level 4 or lower monster!



"I tune my level 2 Striker to my Level 3 Warwolf to summon out a Synchro Monster! Appear in a blaze of light the keeper of Supreme Knowledge! Use your brains to outsmart my foes! Synchro Summon! T.G. Librarian!



"Not done yet! I send the top card of my deck to the grave, to special summon out glow-up Bulb!"

the top card of his deck, [color=blue]Bottomless Trap hole, and special summons his level one Tuner monster from the grave!]


"With that, since a monster was special summoned from the grave, I special summon Doppel Warrior!"



"Judai, If you have noticed, I have only special summoned as of right now! I normal summon Junk Synchron!!"



"I do not use it's effect. I tune it with my level 2 doppel warrior to synchro summon out Junk Warrior!"



[Two doppel tokens summoned due to Doppel Warriors effect, making Akogi's field dull with 5 Monsters. Librarian begins to glow brightly, as he makes AKogi's deck glow]

"T.G. Librarian lets me draw one card for each synchro summon I do.

[Draws one card, to have one card in his hand]

"I now Tune the level 1 Glow-Up bulb with my Level 1 doppel token to Synchro Summon Formula Synchron!"



"both Librarian and Formula synchron allow me to draw one card.

[Akogi draws two more cards, to have three cards in his hand]

"the Chain is finally here. I tune my synchro tuner with my Librarian and Junk Warrior to summon my great prize! T.G. Halberd Cannon!"


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Location: Hallways
Mood: In Shock

Wow. That was just amazing. I stand there watching the duelist as he pulls off these magnificant combo's. What a powerful beast.. Is there any way I can stop this?

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"T.G. Halberd cannon! Attack his Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon! Delta!....DESTROYER!"

[A massive blast came from the barrel of the cannon as it is shot right at the source of the dragons power]

Atk=4000 vs Atk=2800


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Wtf? We were supposed to be dueling Razz

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Location: Hallway

The red-eyes is completely Obliterated the force of the attack sends Judai Flying back. But you can tell even as he flies into the air, he is smiling. This, is a duel.

" Gah" he shouts as he slams onto the floor.

6500 - 1200

His life counter drops to 5300.

"Thats.. one powerful beast. All I need, is one good draw.. Is your turn finished? "

"I'll have all the time in the world to duel you.. At this rate I won't last much longer!"

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"I set two cards face-down. Turn end."



Monster: T.G. Halberd Cannon and one Doppel token in attack mode.


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Location: Hallway
Mood: Optimistic

I draw! Ah, just the card I needed. I activate my spell card! Megamorph! While my life is lower than my opponents.. my blue eyes white dragon's attack is doubled! Blue eyes with 6000 attack, Attack his Monster!The T.G. Halberd Cannon!

Last edited by JudaiKudo on Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:38 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 13 EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Bored.

Amy watched the duel at the Duel Arena, sighed, then walked off, heading to the Chancellor's office

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"Reverse card! open! Negate attack! This card cancels your attack, and ends the battle phase instantly!"

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Gah! This is truly terrible.. I throw my White night dragon into defense position and end my turn!

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[AKogi draws one card, giving him two cards to play with.]

"As a Duelist, I cannot be afraid....ok. I switch my doppel token to defense mode, and now I play the magic card Mystical space Typhoon! I blow away Megamorph! Thus making your blue eyes back to it's original level of power!"

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Location: Hallways
Mood: Bored and bummed
Post: Sees Amy walking in the hallway looking bummed.

"Hey, what's wrong Amy? Something up?", I asked.

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Location: Hallways
Mood: Interested
Post: Goes in halways. He see ongoing duel and 2 who speaks each other. He goes to them.
"Hey! Im new here and trying to find some friends." - He smiles - "Oh what an awesome duel! I think i have to make dragons deck too" - He laughs.

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Location: Hallway
Mood: Worried, but still happy.

Ugh.. This isn't going so well.. But I still can't.. I just can't lose!

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Location: Duel Arena

Mood: Meh

"All right Daikon! You've got this bro!"

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 13 EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

((So what? forbidden cards are allowed??))

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