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Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

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Nova Flare
Azure King
Zane Truesdale
Guardian Grarl
lightsworn king
30 posters

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 8 EmptyDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

First topic message reminder :

OKay guys, I am starting an rp here. So to join all u have to do is fill out a character template and then u can start.


Dorm: (better to use your dorm on DA, totally up to you though)
Class: (freshman, senior, etc...If your 21, dont say your a freshan. Freshman is usually 15, senior is usualy 18 or 19)
Deck archeType: (if any, E-heroes, blue eyes...)
Signature Card: (cant have same as anyone else)
Personality: (can be brief)
Appearance: (can be breif)

CHARACTER TEMPLATE for nonstudents

Occupation: (teacher, thief, etc)
Deck archeType: (if any)
Signature Card:

This is the posting template, each post will look like this:

Location: (DA, forest outside of DA, etc)
Mood: (defualt, happy, mad)

Character Template Example:

Name: Doctor Vellian Crowler
Occupation: Chancellor
Age: 50-65?
Archetype: Ancient Gear
Signature Card: Ancient Gear Golem
Gender: Male
Personality: Mean to students, likes to harrass slifer reds.
Appearance: very girly, obelisk blue trench coat with pink frills on edging. blonde hair is a pony tail, really tall and thin
Relatives: idk

POsting Example:

Crowler's Classroom
Post: Crowler looks around the silent room at the busy students, he see Jaden Yuki talking with Little Trusdale and yells "Jaden Yuki! Perhaps since you are paying so much attention, you would like to explain what you are doing???"

Please note, this takes place 15 years after Jaden Graduates. Everything is pretty much the same, just new students and everything.

Last edited by Zant on Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Location: Dorm room
Mood: ???
Leon shuts off the music and puts the earbuds away. he gets up out of his chair and grabs three of his deck boxes and hooks them onto his belt, he then walks out of the dorm with his coat tail flapping in the breeze behind him.
"time to get to the arena"
and with that he heads to the dueling arena

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Location: Classroom

Mood: zzzzz

-In classroom, sleeping-

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Location: Classroom

Mood: Jammin'


*Daikon nods his head as he continues to listen to music on his phone*

"Man, there are, like, no teachers ever." Daikon laughs.

*Noise of birds flying and explosions come from Daikon's phone*


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Location: Clasroom


-wakes up to a sudden loud burst of explosions/birds-

"GAH!... what the heck was that?" Andrew asked as he rubbed his ears.

"If you're going to sit next to me, please don't play up your exploding noises at full volume next to my ears please" x_x

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Location: Classroom
Mood: ...

"Hey could you turn that down Daikon? What was that anyways?"

Niku was just, once again, looking a his deck he'll probably never get to use and win with.

Yeah, that's how doubtful he is.

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(why is it up to me to make so many chracters .___. cant you guys make some more to)

Name: jake
Occupation: teacher, Ra yelloow dorm leader
Age: 32
Deck archeType: gem-knights
Signature Card: none
Gender: male
Perosnality: strict, wants students to suceed
Appearance: short brown hair and green eyes, wears ra yello leader uniform
Relatives: dont feell like filling this out

location: class
mood: serious
ok class who can tell me hwat a archetyoe is

Name: ray
ocuation: obelisk blue leader, teacher, also second in lne for chancalore postiion
Age: 28
Deck archeType: chaos kuribohs
Signature Card: BLS-EOTB
Gender: male
Personality: hes a mix fo strict and easy going
Appearance: black hair, blue eyes, and wears obelisk blue keader uniform
Relatives: none

Name: hurley
ocupation: deck shop owner
Age: 50
Deck archeType: alot of different deck
Signature Card: reborn tengu (he uses tengu in all of his decks)
Gender: male
Personality: easy going, he doesent haggle with customers the price he sets is the price you have to pay, hes fair, he has a nack of being able to get very rare cards
Appearance: brown hair, black eyes, where brown shirt and blue jeans
Relatives: none

Name: tobi
Dorm: slifer red
Age: 16
Class: idk what ever comes after freshman hes been in DA for a year basicly though ._.
Deck archeType: t.g. stun
Signature Card: beast king barabaros
Gender: male
Personality: people thinks hes crazy with the way he mutter the same thing over and over and the way he acts, but he really isnt crazy he can hear the voices of duel mosnters and other thing, he has a unknown dark power he is unable to control, fidgity, and he always mutter to hime slef im not crazy, people (teachers and students alike) shun him becuase of the way he acts and has thus never got the chance to advance up a dorm.
Appearance: black hair, red eyes, he wears the slifer red uniform but he changed the white trimming into balck
Relatives: none hes a orphan

location: class
mood: fidgity
tobi is siiting in his chair in a far corner of the room rocking back and forth and muttreing to him self "im not crazy" over and over again.

(there that should be enough non students for a while XD though i decided to make a student character to XD)

Last edited by mimgrim on Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 8 EmptyRoleplay

Name: Faris Bragvirth
Dorm: Red Slifer
Class: Freshman
Deck archeType: Magicians
Signature Card: Endymion, The Master Magician
Gender: Male
Personality: Sometimes sarcastic and bad in small talks but good hearted. Has a little sister whom he protects with his life, wasn't very rich in the past. Very interested in magic of all kinds. Posesses Pyromancy.
Appearance: Tall, brown hair, greeny-blue eyes, skinny. Sometimes intimidating. Good in defending himself both physically and verbally.
Mother, Father and little sister.

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Location: Duel Arena stands
Mood: amused
Leon is watching some students duel

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Location: Duel Academy Frontyard
Mood: Enthusiastic
Post: Now i can finnally meet some new people! Not being stuck in that little town. I just have to go in there now and speak with the Headmaster about my transfer here from the West Academy.

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Location: Classroom
Mood: LOL :D

"Alright, alright, I'll put it away." Daikon replied as he shoved his phone back in his pocket.

Just then, a teacher walks into the classroom and asks the class what an archetype (archtype? archatype? what?) is.

"I'll let Andrew get this one." Daikon says, looking to the window.

*Hmm? A new kid. I wonder who it is.* He thinks, sneaking out the classroom from behind the desks.

*runs outside*

"Hey kid!"

(Hey Fireis, wanna (A) pretend that Daikon and Faris were friends at West Academy, (B) be like Chazz & Jaden rivals, and/or (C) duel!)

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Name: Kain Devolyn
Dorm: Slifer Red
Age: 15
Class: Freshman
Deck archeType: Zombiesworn
Signature Card: Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Gender: Male
Personality: At first he arrives at DA and covers himself in solitude. However, once he duels a very mysterious and powerful duelist, He learns to open up to people and powers up like the rest. He can lazy at times, but never backs down when a duel is involved. He is usually happy.
Appearance: Spiky Hair, and in the appearance of a devil's Horns. He a custom DA jacket which is Black with Red trim.
Relatives: Aphylia Harmonius Devolyn (Mother), Unknown (Father), Drake Devolyn (brother)

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*who does he duel :D*

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Its a mystery. You cant find out... yet. >=D

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Location: Duel Academy Frontyard and Enterance to Duel Academy
Mood: Surprised
Post: As Faris starts walking towards the enterance to the school, he sees somebody coming his way. He is little surprised and scared in the beggining, but as he other one comes closer, Faris recognizes him from his old school and becomes even more surprised, but not scared anymore. He says, "Hey, where did you come from? I last saw you some time ago, specifically, few months ago in my old school, how is it you're here? And, what are you wearing, this schools uniform?".

(Daikon, lets pretend that out characters knew each other in West academy and were friends, but not best friends, more like non-strangers, non-friends. What do you say? And, C, i want to duel you, but lets put some story in it first, my character still needs to go to Headmaster to speak about transfer, you help him find his way and those things, lets not duel right away. Ok?)

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character: jake
mood: WTF
".....ok what just happened" said jake suprised "he cant just leave class like that well when i next see him ill jsut have to give him detetion." "well class who can tell me waht a archetype is?" asked jake

character: tobi
mood: fidgity
hes now holding his ahnds to his head while rocking back and forth in his seat trying to amke it to where he can hear the voices and keeps muttering to himself "im not crzy" over and over.

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Location: Classroom
Mood: OMG...

"Again?" Niku mutters under his breath. "He's left AGAIN?" Niku says, louder, so Andrew can hear him.

Niku sneaks out of the classroom, following Daikon. He sees him and another kid, and he isn't visible from where they are.

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Location: Outside classroom

Mood: Bored

"dude, why are ya yelling at me for over there? I'm out here. o_o" Andrew whispers to Niku. "Let's roll."

-runs outside to find Daikon-

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(Sure, lets do that!)

Location: Outside Classroom

Mood: Suprised


"Hey, it's you!" Daikon said to the student. "Faris, right?"

"Since when did you transfer from West Academy?"

-(Niku and Andrew run up to Daikon)-

"Oh hey guys!" Daikon exclaims. "Hm? Huh... My detention senses are tingling... Eh..."

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Location: Duel Academy Frontyard
Mood: has a moos changes(alot of them)

Faris responds, "Well, i haven't transfered yet, i'm just sick of the West academy, i need to go to speak with the Chancelor, could you help me find hi....ugh...what the....f..riends? Your sense? Don't tell me your turned Spider-Man in those few months you were gone. And, who are they? I haven't seen them yet, care to introduce us? Smile " in a sudden swings of moods, from surprised to glad and lost and to surprised and glad ones again.

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Name: Ruki Saga
Occupation: Pilot
Age: 23
Deck Type: Dragon & X-Saber Deck
Signature Card: REDMD & Faultroll
Personality: almost never serious, Continous bad luck except when dueling, "some" of the time dumb.
Appearance: Gold gauntlet like Duel Disk (un-removable), dark metal sword necklace, black flyer jacket (open zipper), an X symbol shirt (underneath jacket), blue jeans, gray/silver hair, scar on left eye (peculiarly not blind), and a tattoo on his chest saying "H.O.P.E."
Relatives: Deceased

Location: Duel Academy Front Yard.
Mood: Dizzy (so he says)

Post: Hello young duelists! the name's Ruki saga i hope i'm not disturbing by interrupting this meeting but could anyone tell me where i' am? i crashed at the near volcano and is wandering if i could ask for a *fall down from banana peel* *back up again* ...shelter here... please?

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Location: Duel Academy Frontyard
Mood: Joking

"Heheh, no, I was just joking!" Daikon laughs. "Oh," Daikon says, turning to Andrew and Niku, "this is Faris. He used to go to West Academy with me."

*Some weird guy walks up in a pilot outfit and asks for some shelter.*

"Oh... Um... You crashed?"

*Daikon turns to Niku*

"This guy needs medical help :D. Can you go take him to the nurse? Andrew and I will take Faris here to the Chancellor."

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Location: Duel Academy Front Yard
Mood: Happy (to be given a job)

"Yeah sure." Niku motions for the pilot guy to follow him to the nurse. "C'mon, there's a ways to go."

Niku walks away with the pilot guy following, back into the building.

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Location: Duel Academy FrontYard

Mood: Happy

(I was out for a good portion of this xD)

"Hiya Faris! -shakes hands- Man, I hope that pilot Ruki is all right..."

"Anyway, yeah, lets introduce ya to the Chancellor, if he's still on this Earth anyway >_>," Andrew says as we all walk to the chancellor's office, "you see, he hasn't exactly been as 'active' as most would believe a chancellor would be."

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Location: Duel Academy Frontyard
Mood: Surprisingly stunned

"Well, first you and now a pilot lost here, what else will i find here?" he wonders out loud.

Mood: Glad to meet new people

"Hey, you two, i'm Faris, glad to meet you, hope that Piloting dude is all beter. Take good care off him, Niku. And, Andrew, hi, -shakes hands- whooaa, slow down, you scared me. I hope i'll have chance to duel you all later after i have transfered to this school. :D"

Location: Duel Academy Enterance and hallway on the way to chancellor's office
Mood: Confused, then full of himself for moment and surprised again

"Still on this earth?" he asks confusedly and continue( as in, he flyed off of here, off of the earth, planet earth?" still cunfused asks on the way to office. "Really? And what do you mean by saying that? I mean, he probably isn't some karate master if he had to do so much ordinary school to become the Chancellor of the most prestiguos dueling school there is, if that's what you meant." he explains so full of himself only to find out what they really meant....

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Location: Duel Academy Hallway (to Chancellor's Office)
Mood: Imaginative

"Still on this earth?" Daikon thinks as Faris talks.

*Imagines about a shady man in the Chancellor's outfit ripping his face off, revealing to be an alien and fly up into space. Then nods head*

"I think he was being sarcastic, Faris..." Daikon says.

"But I've never seen the Chancellor before, either, so this will be new to me too."

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 8 EmptyPerhaps, there is an evil twist, evil side to the Daikon, after all?

Location: In the Duel Academy Hallway on the way to Chancellor's ofice
Mood: Firstly apsurd and later imaginativelly stupid, but withing the reasonable limits, reasonable in the bounds of common sense, that is.

As the three of them continue and arrive to the Chancellors office, Faris is just imagining the "O Fortuna" from "Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff singing in the background as some kind of theme song for there is no telling what they'll uncover when they arrive. In the meantime he also is interested why the Daikon isn't saying anything, is it pehaps he never either saw the Chancellor yet, but, still, how could've he transferred to this school if he hasn't speak to the Chancellor ever yet? "There must be some kind of twist to it", he thinks. "Hey Daikon, i was just wondering, how long IS this hallway actually, it's taking us forever to get to Chancellors office? Smile"

(Epic story, right? Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 8 174521)

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Location: On way to Chancellor's office

Mood: -facepalm-


"I was being sarcastic. -_-"

"He rarely comes out of his office anymore, it's almost kind of creepy. o_O"

"and it's just really long. We'll be there shortly."

(Stalling for Chancellor character to get on xP, who said they wanted the character a while back so the story could keep going?)

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(btw who is the chancellor character :D)

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(i said that but i have another plan for him instead what if we amke it to wehre the chancelror has gotten his soul taken by soul? that ought to get it interesting)

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Location: Dueal Arena Hallway on path to Chancellor's office
Mood: Challenging
As they continue onward to the office, Faris just suddenly stops. Everyone else turns around as Faris chanlenges Daikon to a duel....Now, they all wait for what Daikon has to say...

(Sure, le's make the thing continue from when he was kidnapped, but it won't be able to continue from this thing onward, exept if we like enter his office and find him missing or something, and make that a surprise for all three of us. After the duel, of course, and i tought that we base our story on this duel. You know, like, he was before unbeatable or something and i beat him even tough i just came here or if he wins then i am just a Slifer slacker that came here and proved nothing or something like that, to base our story continuing on our real duel outcome, what do you say, up for it, Daikon? :D)
(If there are some grammatic mistakes, i am sorry, i am just typing fast, that's all.)

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