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Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

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Nova Flare
Azure King
Zane Truesdale
Guardian Grarl
lightsworn king
30 posters

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 15 EmptyDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

First topic message reminder :

OKay guys, I am starting an rp here. So to join all u have to do is fill out a character template and then u can start.


Dorm: (better to use your dorm on DA, totally up to you though)
Class: (freshman, senior, etc...If your 21, dont say your a freshan. Freshman is usually 15, senior is usualy 18 or 19)
Deck archeType: (if any, E-heroes, blue eyes...)
Signature Card: (cant have same as anyone else)
Personality: (can be brief)
Appearance: (can be breif)

CHARACTER TEMPLATE for nonstudents

Occupation: (teacher, thief, etc)
Deck archeType: (if any)
Signature Card:

This is the posting template, each post will look like this:

Location: (DA, forest outside of DA, etc)
Mood: (defualt, happy, mad)

Character Template Example:

Name: Doctor Vellian Crowler
Occupation: Chancellor
Age: 50-65?
Archetype: Ancient Gear
Signature Card: Ancient Gear Golem
Gender: Male
Personality: Mean to students, likes to harrass slifer reds.
Appearance: very girly, obelisk blue trench coat with pink frills on edging. blonde hair is a pony tail, really tall and thin
Relatives: idk

POsting Example:

Crowler's Classroom
Post: Crowler looks around the silent room at the busy students, he see Jaden Yuki talking with Little Trusdale and yells "Jaden Yuki! Perhaps since you are paying so much attention, you would like to explain what you are doing???"

Please note, this takes place 15 years after Jaden Graduates. Everything is pretty much the same, just new students and everything.

Last edited by Zant on Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 15 EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

Location: Office
Mood: Slightly Lazy.

Amy didn't feel like saying her name out loud, so she headed towards the desk with the file and read it, seeing her information left on it. She held it up and gave it to him, nodding.

'Well, no use trying to get it back now.'

Amy then turned around, to see someone else calling out on her and smirked.

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chracter: ray
location: office
mood: slightly embaresed then serious
"eh" said ray taking the file from amy "ah so yuor name's amy eh? well then looks like you will be going to....slifer red" while reading the file he frowns "as hah now i know who you are so your the amy that the chancelor talke about giving a second chance well then miss amy im glad to welcome you back to DA but do note that i will keep an eye you for any funny buisness you try to pull off."

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Location: Chancellor's office
Mood: Shocked
Post: Loto looked on in shock and disgust at what had just transpired...

"You can't be serious sir? After what's been going on, she isn't allowed on the grounds at all! Did you forget that so quickly? Amy, I don't know who you think you are coming around here nonchalantly and poking your nose around the way you have been, but you have no place here...if you want here that bad, you better state your true intentions...you can say you want a second chance here, but I know there's more to it than that!"

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chracter: ray
location: you know where
mood: serious
"Loto thats enough" said ray curtly "if the chancelor saw fit to give her a second chance then i trust his judgment as should you."

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Location: Office
Mood: Amused

Amy giggled as she turned back to Ray with a bright (yet slightly sly) smile and replied,

"Being sickly and missing out the Academy is already harsh enough."

She turned back, to look at Loto and asked,

"Umm...Who are you?"

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Location: Chancellor's office
Mood: Serious
Post: Loto stared at Ray with a very stern glare

"who are you to say that the Chancellor gave her that second chance? unless he told you AND told everyone else, including the students beforehand, which I know for a fact he hasn't, he never made that choice...it's Academy policy sir, and I suggest you look it over"

looking back to Amy

"you claim you don't remember me? well, maybe you're better off not remembering me...good day...

before leaving, Loto whispers in Amy's ear

"welcome back...if you want the information you're looking for, follow me...if you wish"

Looking to Ray

"You may be a staff member sir, but you've been here for 5 months, I've been around here far longer than you have, so I suggest you try to listen to others...

Loto walked out of the office

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chracter: ray
mood: deathly
"ive been here 5 months you say? HAH! ive been here far longer then that young man im also more then just a mere member of the staff i am the obelisk blue leader and 2nd in line for chancelors position im alos acting chancelor while hes incatacipated but then againyou would know all that if you came with all the ther students at the courtyard when i annouced it." said ray way to calmly "now then i sugest you leave my office imeditly so you can goto detitention young man or should i say boy?."

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Location: Outside Office
Mood: Defiant
Post: Loto looked back at Ray with a smile

"I know your records sir, and I know your secrets...unless you want to have them exposed, I strongly suggest you quit lying to yourself and to everyone else here...you're not an Obelisk blue leader...you don't have the Obelisk blue leader's badge...don't you ever stay up to date on policy...obviously not...good day sir..."

Before he walked away...

"By the way, I know your true name as well, so you better understand who you're dealing with...and I know who attacked him sir...and it's only a matter of time before the students and staff member know as well..."

Loto left the building...

'I guess being the son of the Chancellor does have its advantages; I know my dad wanted me to be a part of this Academy, but if only he knew how corrupt it's been getting...'

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(loto WTF you going on about ray is really obelisk blue leder dude ._. no other identy behind him want proof we here the chracter creation of him

Name: ray
ocuation: obelisk blue leader, teacher, also second in lne for chancalore postiion
Age: 28
Deck archeType: chaos kuribohs
Signature Card: BLS-EOTB
Gender: male
Personality: hes a mix fo strict and easy going
Appearance: black hair, blue eyes, and wears obelisk blue keader uniform
Relatives: none

no secret identy behind him sheesh and seeing as hes obelisk blue leader e would have to be there longer then 5 months prob longer then you or jsut as long sheesh sheesh sheesh)

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 15 EmptyRe: Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

(try working the plot some dude, also i'm new with this rpg on this forum, so i am not up to date on all the characters considering that the first topic doesn't have the characters listed, which should be done to prevent confusions, or even do separate rpg based stuff you know what i mean)

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(well the arthor of the topic has left DA ._. and trust me plot will move along when it gets time to try and figure out the plost read some of the pasts post like goto page and jsut skim over the stuff till you find soemthing you deem important and then read it fully ._. but yea this is kinda unorganized :/ but yea Ray is in no way the bad guy the main bad guy is Soul)

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(why not suggest we start it over as a new season of sorts? that can help some and move the dueling stuff to another portion, unless it's connected with the storyline if you get my meaning)

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(the duel is not part fo the storyline right now what we are doing right now is taking a break from the plot for now if you take my meaning as for going into a second season or jsut starting over completlywell that could work i suppose but that would be u to every one else participating in it to plus idk how i would feel about loosing 4 out of 6 character ive created,yes i made that many just to try and keep this thing going but if we go into like a second season i know exactly where to start from then se we can get ignore the thing betwee ray and loto O_O)

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(lol, then think of what we're doing as bloopers? besides we can start over with the whole thing fresh and work from there so that everyone is on the same page)

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(hey everything needs bloopers XD as for starting fresh well meh that will be up to everone active here me i dont care as long as i can keep at least 4 of my chracters O_O with one of them being the main bad guy, the other hopefuly being a important student chracter and the other 2 being teachers (ray would still be obelisk blue leader and joshua would still be slifer red leader ._.)

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(yeah since i just started, i can re-tune my character a bit lol, why don't we make a topic suggesting that?)

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Location: Academy
Mood: Interested

Amy stared at the door as Loto left the room. She grinned as she thought of the boy's plans, though she didn't want to interfere at the moment, so she looked around for a Slifer Red Uniform.

'So he must be...'

Amy took awhile to look for something, though she couldn't find a uniform left out somewhere, so she left the room and 'secretly' followed Loto to amuse herself, while keeping a facade to prevent herself from having problems.

'Oh right.'

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Location: Duel arena
Mood: Happy
Post: "Heh sounds fun!" - I said and smiled. - "This place awesome! And looks like you are right. In hallway was ongoing duel, and in duel arena too! And there are many people here." - I said while looking around. - "So where is Amy? Id like to meet her."

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Location: Outside Ra Yellow Dorm
Mood: Lost in Thought
Post: Loto stood outside the dormitory, lost in thought

'I wonder when the last time was that we had dormitory tournaments? It'd be a good change of pace...oh well'

Loto immediately heard something behind him; it was quiet, but just enough to hear it. He turned around, seeing the girl he saw in the office.

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Location: Outside of Ra Yellow Dorm
Mood: P-p-p-p-p-pokerface.

(..Oh the godmod..)

Amy stopped as she was discovered.

"So this is the Ra Yellow Dorm?" Amy said without malice. She felt like following because she had nothing to do, but he was interesting.

Amy looked around her to see if anyone else was around, though she didn't know where to exactly find the Slifer Red dormitory, so she checked her shoulder bag to see whether her deck(s) was in tact or not.

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Location: Ra Yellow Dorm
Mood: Happy
Post: Loto looks at Amy for a few seconds.

"Welcome back Amy, how long has it been since we last saw each other in person?"

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character: soul
location: volcano
mood: bored/anoyed/thoguhtful/mesh
"Hmmmm i wonder." Said soul talking to himself while peering into the lava "Is that a cave i see and inside the volcano no less." 'Well' thought soul looking up into the sky 'do i have the time to check it out or should i try to go back and get thast few souls i need, BAH! its daylight out right now and it much better to collect souls at night anyway' so Soul decides to clim down into the volcano to where he saw the cave fully aware that with one misstep he would fall into the lava.

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Location: Ra Yellow Dorm
Mood: Slightly Confused

Amy replied, "Probably 1 or 2 years, maybe more. I don't remember that much, considering that something happened along the way."

She stared at him for awhile.

"So, um, uh..." Amy stammered a bit as she tried to remember.


"Loto... Eheheh." She sheepishly grinned at him. "So, what's up, lately?"

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Location: Ra Yellow Dorm
Mood: Happy
Post: Loto walked up to her, smiling.

"Not much, looked forward to you coming up, but what are you doing here?"

Loto looked around to see if anyone was around.

"Let's talk in my dorm. It'd be a bit more secluded considering the Ra students are on a trip of sorts"

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Location: Ra Yellow Dorm
Mood: Surprised.

"Sure, I'll explain inside,"

'Though it won't be everything.' Amy silently added, as she stepped followed Loto into the Dorm.

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Location: Inside the Ra Yellow Dorm
Mood: Confused

"what you mean it won't be everything Amy? this isn't like you at all..."

Loto looked at her with a concerned look.

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(hey dude i think " (double quotes) are for when you talk and for when you want to say what your character is thinking you use ' (single quotes) so unless you charaqcter can read minds you did a mis read/type Razz)

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(no she said silently added, meaning she said it quietly to try to keep the person from hearing lol, my character has sharp hearing, this is why i would like a restart/new portion so i can retune him)

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Location: Inside the Ra Yellow Dorm
Mood: Assuring

Amy sat down on the bed as she sighed, wiping out the smile on her face.

"Lots of things happen, you see.."

She paused, though she felt refreshed from smiling.

(In reality, that's what I mean by godmodding- Super hearing. xD
Then again, it kind of makes things messier if I ended up putting the part that she silently added with the sentence she just said.)

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Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Assuming
Post: "Umm, who knows? Her dorm room?", I said.

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