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Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

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Nova Flare
Azure King
Zane Truesdale
Guardian Grarl
lightsworn king
30 posters

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 14 EmptyDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

First topic message reminder :

OKay guys, I am starting an rp here. So to join all u have to do is fill out a character template and then u can start.


Dorm: (better to use your dorm on DA, totally up to you though)
Class: (freshman, senior, etc...If your 21, dont say your a freshan. Freshman is usually 15, senior is usualy 18 or 19)
Deck archeType: (if any, E-heroes, blue eyes...)
Signature Card: (cant have same as anyone else)
Personality: (can be brief)
Appearance: (can be breif)

CHARACTER TEMPLATE for nonstudents

Occupation: (teacher, thief, etc)
Deck archeType: (if any)
Signature Card:

This is the posting template, each post will look like this:

Location: (DA, forest outside of DA, etc)
Mood: (defualt, happy, mad)

Character Template Example:

Name: Doctor Vellian Crowler
Occupation: Chancellor
Age: 50-65?
Archetype: Ancient Gear
Signature Card: Ancient Gear Golem
Gender: Male
Personality: Mean to students, likes to harrass slifer reds.
Appearance: very girly, obelisk blue trench coat with pink frills on edging. blonde hair is a pony tail, really tall and thin
Relatives: idk

POsting Example:

Crowler's Classroom
Post: Crowler looks around the silent room at the busy students, he see Jaden Yuki talking with Little Trusdale and yells "Jaden Yuki! Perhaps since you are paying so much attention, you would like to explain what you are doing???"

Please note, this takes place 15 years after Jaden Graduates. Everything is pretty much the same, just new students and everything.

Last edited by Zant on Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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(I doubt it, but idk)

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JudaiKudo wrote:

I activate the spell card. Pot of greed! WIth this I can draw two extra cards!

((this is why i was asking, i was under the impression that we are using the current ban list))

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(I assumed so myself)

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Location: Hallway
Mood: Deafult
Post: I go to guy who is watching duel. (Nova)
"Hey! Whats going on? I just entered here but i see ongoing duel already!"- I smile.
"It looks like the guy with T.G. deck gonna win."

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(looks to e-hero and leon)

"Thats only because of the deck. If it was being abused, such as in darkworld/rabbits/inzectors it would be a problem. But it's only with a simple dragon deck."

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((words in parenthesis is text OUT of the RP... as in not in the RP at all))

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(i was unable to get on for one day and this thing becomes confusing O_____O sheesh i am really lost now >_< but i'll salvage what i freaking can ._.)

character: joshua
location: dual arena
mood: WTF
WTF Dakion coulda asked permission first before running off like that thought joshau. he shakes is hyead and turn back to the duel betwee Faris and Niku.

character: tobi
location: duel arena
mood: fidgety
Tobi is a small distance away from the other students and is shaking uncorlably and wincing everytime a duel monster is destroyed.

character: Ray
location: chancelor's office
mood: normale
"Sheesh if i knew i had all this paper work to do i would have made Jake into chancelors instead." sighed Ray "oh well nothing i can do about it i suppose."

character: soul
location: volcano
mood: annoyed
"GAH! looks like comming here was a mistkae" said soul talking to himself "theres no one here i wonder why i even wanted to come here."

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((Daikon and Leon are still in the arena... and do you know if forbidden cards can be used?))

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(Actually, I was in the hallways talking to Amy, but I guess I'll warp back to arena)

Location: Arena

Mood: Default

Post: "Hey man, I've been good. How about you? Yeah, this duel could turn around any moment now, though. Better keep your eyes peeled.", I said.

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(nova if you are talking to me i thought we were in hallway :D)

Location: Hallway
Mood: Interested
Post: "Hmm i think i dont know your name. Mine is John Johnson but call me just John" - I said and started to laugh - "I hope guy with dragon deck will make good come back."

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(Lol sorry, I thought your location was arena without looking since you said I was watching the duel, but yes, we're in hallway)

Location: Hallway

Mood: Explaining

Post: "Well, my name's Parsche Carter. Funny name, John.", I giggled. "I don't really care about who wins, I just want to see someone whip out a monster with beast attack points.", I said.

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(hey can somebody explain me how everybody duels here?)

Location: Hallway
Mood: Deafult
Post: "Pleasure to meet you" - I smiled - "Yeah usually the best moment is when somebody summons some ultra beast, but see how other player makes good come back and destroys that ultra monster is intersting too" - I started to laugh. "Oh and where are other duelists? Id like to meet them"

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(We just post back and forth)

Location: Hallway

Mood: Default

Post: "Nice to meet ya too.", I said. "Most of the duelists are in the arena, plus Amy's behind me.", I said. *turns around* "Waah! Where's Amy?", I said. "Well, I guess we should go watch the duel in the mean time.", I said.

I then started to walk through the arena doors.

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(So you guys invent these moves? You Dont use Dn?)

Location: Behind Parsche
Mood: Excited: Interested
Post: "Maybee she can be invisible?" - I said and started to laugh. - "Just kidding. I hope there will be ongoing good duels too" - I said and smiled. - "Hey can you tell me about this place? Maybee something intersting happens in this duel academy? Or this is single one where nothing happens?" - I said with excitement.

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(i guess they are invented, this is my first time on here so i'm confused lol)

(I guess i'll use my name and dorm as the starting bit of template, but i'll post it)

Name: Loto Drandel
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Age: 19
Class: Senior
Deck ArcheType: Prismadiators, Chaos Inzektor, and GraveJurracs (tends to use the decks pretty evenly, so some people say I'm hard to predict on most occasions)
Signature Card in Prismadiators: GB Gyzarus/Leviair the Sea Dragon
Signature Card in GraveJurracs: Evolzar Laggia/Evolzar Dolkka
Gender: Male
Personality: Mostly calm and collected, I prefer to think ahead and use strong strategies that blend well together. A lot of my fellow students (and some teachers) believe I am more than worthy of being in Obelisk Blue, but I continue to decline. Reason for declining? I believe if I were to become an Obelisk, I will lose that drive/motivation to prove he can be the best regardless of what dorm I am part of. I enjoy making different decks and testing them out. Some of my friends consider me a "scientist of the cards" because I'm always experimenting with new decks.
Appearance: Short black hair, blue-green eyes, scar on my right cheek
Relatives: Unknown due to never talking about family

(ok now for rpg based portion)

Location: Alone outside the entrance of Ra Yellow Dorm
Mood: Determined/Thoughtful
Post: "I wonder what this feeling is I'm picking up on? It doesn't feel right...is something about to happen?"

I begin to walk towards the dock while thinking of ways to tune up my decks to make them even more lethal. I have the feeling that someone or something is watching closely, but am unable to pinpoint where this uneasy sensation is coming from.

Last edited by Loto Drandel on Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:47 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : bad grammar and some vital parts left out)

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(Yeah, they're invented. It makes the duel interesting, I mean, just look at my duel towards the beginning, it was AWESOME xD)

Location: Duel Arena

Mood: Meh

-cheers for Daikon some more, then runs off to find a snack-

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(Ignore them I guess :D)

Location: Arena
Mood: Ready

"Yo, Leon, it's your move! I have my Sheratan in ATK mode and two face-downs! Bring it on!"

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character: joshua
mood: normal
location: duel arena
"and just where do you think your going?" asked joshua while putting his hand on andrews shoulder to stop him from leaving.

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"BATTLE! Halberd cannon fires it's Cannon directly at your Blue-Eyes White Dragon! GO!!!"

[The massive synchro monster angled it's cannon, as another huge burst of energy was fired at the Blue-eyes White Dragon]

Atk:4000 Vs Atk=3000

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(Yup, they invent the moves. But don't forget after you summon a monster ask if the opponent has a response)
Location: Duel Arena
Mood: Interested
Post: *laughing at John's joke* "This place is pretty active and intense with events. There alot of tournaments, contests, and much more. It's really fun to be here. Plus, there's people dueling like every day. I've been itching to duel someone, but everywhere I look, someone's already dueling.", I said.

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Location: Duel Academy's docks
Mood: Puzzled
Post: "Something doesn't feel right...there is something on this island, something bad...but where could it be? Whatever it is, the sensations I've been getting seem to be emanating from the Arena; I better head over there to see what's going on...better safe than sorry."

I start walking towards the Duel Arena, deck in my Duel Disk and ready for whatever comes my way. Although a duel is good, I can't keep my focus until I figure out where the source of the disturbance that has been going around for the last few hours is coming from.

Thought: I hope I'm wrong...

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Location: Chancellor's Office
Mood: Confused

Amy walked into the Chancellor's Office after taking a few minutes through the hallway looking for it. She then saw a file on his deck and a person standing around there, so she scratched her head and smiled.

"Um, sir? D'you know where I could settle in?"

She knew that she had to retrieve that file, but she needed a uniform and such to roam around 'freely'.


Last edited by Tragedy on Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:15 am; edited 1 time in total

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Location: Outside Duel Academy Main Building
Mood: Somber, then Startled

Loto kept walking towards the Arena and spotted a girl roaming through the building acting a little suspiciously as she walked into a room...from what he could see and knew from his time here, she went into the Chancellor's office...her behavior seemed a bit off when he last saw her, however, this time it was a lot more unusual. Deciding to figure out what was going on, he went inside the building.

Upon arrival he heard a female voice from the office.

'I wonder what's going on??? Something is out of place here.'

Last edited by Loto Drandel on Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:18 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : post confusions)

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(WTF tragedy O_O didnt you read my post were i used different chracters O_O ray is in the chancelors office for christs sakes ._. this is getting anoying >_< feel like people arent reading my posts with my chracters ._.)

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(M'bad. I'm having a terrible time reading since this thread is getting awfully cluttered with duels. :d

Time to edit that post.)

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character: ray
location: chancelors office
mood: sstartled
"Huh what?" asked Ray looking up from the chancelor's desk and takes a good long look at amy thinking she looks familiar then he dissmises the thought and asks "yes how amy i help you miss....?"

EDIT - fixed some typos XD

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Location: Hallway about 10 feet from chancellor's office
Mood: Uneasy
Post: Loto stands there in the hallway, hearing the response of a male voice in the office; it sounded familiar to him but he immediately dismissed the thought, thinking it's some staff member that he's met.

'I wonder why that girl went into the office? Unless someone has permission from a teacher or the Chancellor himself, no one is allowed in there unless he or she is a staff member; but from what I could see, she doesn't have a uniform of any dorm or part of the academy...'

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Location: Chancellor's Office
Mood: Strange

Amy sweatdropped at the sight of Ray and repeated her question again with more 'respect',

"Y-yeah... Do you know which dorm I can settle within?"

She smiled at the man to make herself seem less suspicious, though she probably knew that he checked within the document and read the information about her.

'I better get that file back.'

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chracter: ray
location: chancelors office
mood: thought full
"transfer student eh?" asked ray "can you tell me your name miss? so that i can go and find your transfer file."

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Location: Outside the door of Chancellor's office
Mood: Very perplexed
Post: Loto peeped into the office to find the girl talking to a staff member...after hearing the word transfer student, he immediately busted in the door.

"Ok not to poke and pry, but what are you doing here miss? Why were you prowling through the hallways? I ain't one for having sharp eyes, but your behavior is beyond that of a normal student...last I heard there weren't going to be any transfer students for the next 3 months. Who are you??"

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