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Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

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Nova Flare
Azure King
Zane Truesdale
Guardian Grarl
lightsworn king
30 posters

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 9 EmptyDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

First topic message reminder :

OKay guys, I am starting an rp here. So to join all u have to do is fill out a character template and then u can start.


Dorm: (better to use your dorm on DA, totally up to you though)
Class: (freshman, senior, etc...If your 21, dont say your a freshan. Freshman is usually 15, senior is usualy 18 or 19)
Deck archeType: (if any, E-heroes, blue eyes...)
Signature Card: (cant have same as anyone else)
Personality: (can be brief)
Appearance: (can be breif)

CHARACTER TEMPLATE for nonstudents

Occupation: (teacher, thief, etc)
Deck archeType: (if any)
Signature Card:

This is the posting template, each post will look like this:

Location: (DA, forest outside of DA, etc)
Mood: (defualt, happy, mad)

Character Template Example:

Name: Doctor Vellian Crowler
Occupation: Chancellor
Age: 50-65?
Archetype: Ancient Gear
Signature Card: Ancient Gear Golem
Gender: Male
Personality: Mean to students, likes to harrass slifer reds.
Appearance: very girly, obelisk blue trench coat with pink frills on edging. blonde hair is a pony tail, really tall and thin
Relatives: idk

POsting Example:

Crowler's Classroom
Post: Crowler looks around the silent room at the busy students, he see Jaden Yuki talking with Little Trusdale and yells "Jaden Yuki! Perhaps since you are paying so much attention, you would like to explain what you are doing???"

Please note, this takes place 15 years after Jaden Graduates. Everything is pretty much the same, just new students and everything.

Last edited by Zant on Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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(I'll need a nurse for the pilot and Niku when they get there.)
Location: Hallway, on the way to the nurse
Mood: Quiet

Niku keeps stealing glances at the pilot guy, think if he remembers him at all from anywhere, ever.

And Niku thinks he does.

"So... Umm... Whats your name, Mr.Pilot?" Niku said sarcastically at first but then curiously.

"I'm Niku. Well, but you probably already heard Daikon call me Niku. Welcome to duel academy, I guess."

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Name: Amy
Gender: Female
Age: 15

Dorm: Slifer Red
Class: Freshman

Deck Archetype: Fortune Ladies / Spellcasters Deck
Signature Card: Fortune Lady Dark & Chaos Sorcerer

Personality: A good-natured duelist. Tends to be childish or mature, depending on the situation. She's a strong-willed person, though she hides her true nature and intentions from others. Likes cakes and dueling, dislikes boredom, people who don't learn and being pitied by others.

Appearance: A duelist with sapphire blue eyes, long brown hair that reaches up to her chest and bangs that covers her eyebrows. Wears a Slifer Red DA uniform with black fingerless gloves, while a silver necklace with a small Kingdom Key (KH, anyone?) attached to it.

When she arrives to the Academy, she wears a white shirt, black skirt attached by a belt, black knee-high socks and blue converse shoes. She also held a black bag with white stripes on it with a white star on it

Relatives: Tends to hide the facts about them, though she would only say that they are none of her concern.

Last edited by Tragedy on Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:30 pm; edited 2 times in total

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(Let's do that! Here we go! Takin' On Soul Pt. II!)
(btw mimgrim, don't teleport us out like last time plz. Eheroduelist probably wanted to get his game on, too!)

Location: Chancellor's office
Mood: Curious

"Hmm..." Daikon says as the group walks into the chancellor's office. "The room's empty."

*Daikon and Andrew look around the room for the chancellor*

Andrew turns to Daikon and tells him that there's no sign of him.

*Daikon looks on the Chancellor's desk*

"I found a couple things. This case file on a new transfer named 'Amy', four keys, and a note..."

*Daikon gives a key to Faris, Andrew, and holds one on for Niku*

*Reads Note...

If you're reading this, I have been defeated by the evil that is plaguing our island. These four keys are for you to hold onto and protect, for if the evil we are fighting gets a hand on him, the darkest cards of the world will break loose their evil spirits, and the fate of the world will be lost. It is up to you now to defeat this evil! I'm counting on you!


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charcter: ray/hugo/joshua
mood: worried
locaion: chancelor room
"this is not good at all" said ray. "what are we going to do now and more importantly what will happen to duel academy?" asked joshua. "i dont know" replied ray "i just dont know." "first gizen now the chancelor things are geting out of control we have to warn the students and staff members who dont know about these ocrunces." said hugo "and you will have to take the chancelors place till we figure things out." "yes yes i know" replied ray angrily "but ont know if i can do as good a job as he could" "now dont sell yuorself short now" said hugo "you will do jsut as good a job as him" The 3 were talking over the chancelors body.

(ok guys come in whenever you want)

character: jake
mood: relieved
location: class
he bell goese of signling the lunch break "ah well class that will be all for now" said jake leaving the classrom and making his way towards the chancelors office.

character: tobi
mood: fidgety
location: leaving class
upon hearing the bell ing tobi packed up his stuff and went ot the door then hearing the voice of one of his own duel monsters urgeing him to go to the chancelors office on a sudden impulse he decides to walk towards there and while walking he has his head cast down trying to block out all the other voices of other peoples duel monsters that he hears.

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Location: Chancellor's Office
Mood: Surprised

"WTF? Did you follow us this entire time :D !!!" Daikon says.

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(sorry dakion i ddnt know you posted that as last time i looked you didnt have a post there nad i had to go back looking for my chracter names ._. besides you and fires were suppose to duel before you got to chacelors office before you went there i thought ._. epic confusion XD)

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Location: Chancellor's Office

Mood: Confused

Andrew stands there, confused, and says,

"Teach, you had best start explaining things."

"What is this 'evil' that the Chancellor wrote about? Where'd he go? What the heck is going on around here?"

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character: ray/hugo/joshua
mood: ???
location chancelors office
the 3 teachers look each other a bit worried and confused. "give me that note" said ray snatching it away from dakion's hand' he then frowns "hmm he only wrote 4 keys there are suppose to be 5" he then give the not to the other 2 teachers for them to read he then wlaks around the chancelors office lookng for the fith key he then sees a locked drawer so he pulls at a master key to unlock it "aha there it is i guess he felt it would be better to keep one key locked up" he then looks at the students and asks "you mind giving me thos keys for now?" "i need something you 3 need to do for me" he then looks at hugo and joshua and says gather everyone at the court yard we will have to eplain everything then." "right away" relied hugo and him and johua left the chancelors office to get everyone gathered up

character: jake
mood: cpnefused
location: arrving at chancelors office
"what the heck hapened here?' asked jake

chracter: tobi
mood fidgeity
location: araving at chancelrors office
upon arving at the chancalors ofice he cries out in pain and holds his ahnds to his ears due to the fact that the chancelors duel monsters are yelling nd his mosnters are unable to block them out for him he then falls to his knees and say breathlessy to the chancelors monsters though every one else just see him looking at the chancelors deck tlaking to himelf like hes crazy "plz stop yelling and tell me what happened"

(sorry for gramical mistakes)

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Location: Chancellor's Office

Mood: Suspicious

"I think it'd be best if we each held onto our own keys."

"The Chancellor trusted each of us for a reason, but I'll follow ya there if you'd like teach."

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Location: In the hallway of DA
Mood: Confused and Scared

(I've already sent the pilot to be in the nurse's office)

Niku hears the clatter in the chancellor's office.

"WHAT was that?!" Niku shouts, drawing attention from the surrounding passing students.

Niku weaves through the crowd of panicking students as they head to the courtyard.

Niku gets to the office, seeing Tobi awkwardly on the desk. Daikon tosses me a key and it hits me in the face.

"Oww! Why'd you do that!?" Daikon gives him a look (Not telling which) and Niku grins stupidly.

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Location: Chancellor's Office

Mood: meh

"Heya Niku Smile"

"Make sure to keep that key safe at all costs."

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(why you ignore my post on my other 2 characters i put there >_< espiclly tobi ._.)

chracter: ray
mood: alot of different emotions
location: office
"fine fine what ever keep it if you want" said ray anxiously he then sees jake ariving and replies to his quetion with "chancelors soul has been stolen"

chracter: jake
location: office
"WHAT! how when?" stutered jake

character: ray
ray then see tobi walked in and thinks to himself 'oh great the crazy kid is here no' he hten jumps upon hearing tobi yell and fall to his kneew with his hands ccovering his ears and then he heard him say "plz stop yelling and tell me what hapened camley" ray then frown and looks to where tobi is looking and see the chancelors deck frown then shrugs and says to the 3 other students and says "take this crazy kid out of here hes being a nusince right now"

(dont forget guys theres a 5th key and ray has a hold on it right now also would be great if some one tried to defend tobi like putting two and tow tgether upon seeing him looking at the chancelors deck and talking to it thugh in reality hes trying to make what his duel mnster saying and trying to get them to calm down)

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Location: Chancellor's Office

Mood: shocked

Upon hearing the word "soul" Andrew froze.

"Wait WHAT?!?"

(Also, confused as to what you want to happen with that last part o_O)

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(what ar eyou cofused about exactly as last part could mean alot of different things right now .____. but basicly i want some ones character to put two and two together with tobi seeng that hes not actually crazy but that he can actually hear the voices of duel monsters and that he relizes he could be vital to helping them and talking ray into givng the 5th key to tobi XD)

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Location: Chancellor's office

Mood: Confused

-looks at Tobi-

"Hey Tobi, whoya talking to?"

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(There's a fifth key :D?!?!?!?!)
(BTW Daikon got a new deck --> http://www.duelacademy.net/t11037-sandaikon-and-the-sacred-cards#87290)

Location: Chancellor's Office
Mood: Wut?

"Hey, what's this?"

*Daikon looks under the table, and sees a switch the size of a card. He takes out his spirit card, "The Guardian of Order", and puts it in the switch. The card is shot out back into Daikon's hand and a compartment opens. A letter falls out a Daikon reads it*

I knew you would find this envelope, just in case Soul had searched for those other 4 keys before. In this letter, I implore you and your new friends to protect those keys. I've been observing you, and I had you transfer here because I knew of Soul's coming. Give this fifth key to another holder, one that also has a gift to see the spirits. We are counting on all of you students!

"Huh... So there's a fifth key... Here, Tobi." Daikon says, tossing the key to Tobi.

"Something tells me you can see them too."

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charcter: tobi
mood: fidgety/shoked
location: office
tobi jumps and fals off the desk (i really wonder why you put him on the desk to begin with niku ._.) shoked that this person was actually talking to him "the duel monsters that live in the chancelors deck they are triyng to tell me what happened but they are all tlaking at once and way to loud that its hurting my ears" he replied a bit nervously and suspicously due to the fat this is the first time some one ever talked to him dierectly for a long time. tobi sees a key land in front of him and looks at it blankly then looks at dakion "i cant see the duel monsters but i can defitnatly hear them and i mean ALL OF THEM as every monster card is in reality a duel monster spirit but from what i can gather you can only see and hear one duel monster or mabey its just the monsters of your deck as if you could see and hear all of the duel monsters people would have probably thoguht you were crazier then me."

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Location: Chancellor's Office

Mood: meh

"Allll righty then, looks like the only thing we can do now is wait for Soul to try nd take our keys, then we gotta beat him and save the world."

"Sounds like fun to me." ^^

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(First of all, thanks for including me in all that conversation there. :D)

Location: Chancellor's office
Mood: Cinfused(that's became usual mood from since i came to this school)

What does all this means, i am confused and, how am i going to transfer here now?

(And, really, i am confused, i had not understood the half of plot, do we students in the end really recieve those keys, should we meet at courtyard with those teachers so he explains everything, and everything, could somebody explain me? Even if you want, you can send me the private message or whatever, since i am really confused in my real life also?)

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(lol, I sorta am too :D. Anyways, I guess that you, me, Ehero, Niku, and mimgrim [as Tobi] have a key, and we've got to protect it from the bad guy, Soul.)

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Location: Outside the chancellor's office
Mood: slightly amused
Leon is leaning against the doorway
"Well this is an interesting situation"

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Location: Chancellor's office
Mood : Confused

"Ok, this is pretty confusing. What are these keys anyways?" Niku says curiously.

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character: hugo
mood: anxious
location: chancelors offcie
hugo walks intothe chancelors office and says to ray "every one is assembled int he courtyard" he then leaves to go back outside

character: ray
mood: anxious
location" chancelor's office
"ah good" said ray "well cmon you 5 and you to leon get down to the coutyard ASAP" he then left to go out side

chracter: tobi
mood: fidgety
location: chancelors office
upon seeing ray leave tobi looks beck at the chancelors and starts talking to his duel monsters again trying to get them to calm down and tell him what happened.

(eh just go wqith the flow fireis XD oh and im changing tobi's signature card to beast king barbaros)

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Location: Outside chancellor's office
Mood: serious
"Got it...."
As he walks away his eyes dart to the side as something catches his attention... he talks softly so only he can hear
"I know, Darkness Metal, i feel it too.... something big is going to happen..."

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Location: Duel Academy Hallway to Frontyard
Mood: Anxious

"Okay, let's go to the frontyard then." says Faris. They all go to the Frontyard and wait for the teacher to explain them the situation.

(Am i going good with the flow, mimgrim?

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(i suppose so but tobi is going ot be staying behind ofr a little bit)

character: tobi
location: office
mood: fidgety
"you guys go on ahead" said tobi barely hearing anything else with all the noise the chancelors duel mosnter and other peopls duel monsters ar emaking.

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(Blargh! Why so confusing! It's confusing, all confusing! ...Because I was skimming and realized that some posts were pretty illegible...)

Location: Duel Academy's Harbor
Mood: Refreshed

Stretching up her arms after getting out from the ferry, Amy sighed in relief as she finally reached her destination; the Duel Academy, where various duelists enroll within an academy to test their strengths against other people.

She was wearing a white shirt, black skirt attached by a belt, black knee-high socks and blue converse shoes. She also held a black bag with white stripes on it with a white star on it.

"Finally, the Duel Academy," Amy said.

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(lol, everything is pretty hard to read.)

Location: Frontyard
Mood: Psyched

"Alright, bye Tobi!" Daikon yells to Tobi as him, Andrew, Niku, and Faris walk out of the school.

"Okay. So now that we've explained the plan to the teachers, we should get ready and figure out how we're gonna protect these keys." Daikon says as he puts his hands up on his head.

*The key Daikon has is dangling on a necklace around his neck. The keys all look different from each other.

- Daikon's key: A shiny, average key with a sort of compass symbol on the hold

- Andrew's key: A silver key with 6 circles edged in the hold

- Niku's key: A cool, green key with a spiked handle and what looks like dinosaur teeth on the teeth

- Faris's key: A black key with a thin, cylinder hold

- Tobi's key: A wild, bronze key with a green hold and streaking yellow designs*

"Hey, I'm gonna head down to the harbor. Something tells me I need to be there now." Daikon tells the guys. "Take care of those keys!"

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(Hehehehahahaha. I might get blind by text then. Laughing )

Amy held her shoulder bag (I think that's what it's called) close to her and looked around to see if there was anyone was nearby.

'Ah, man. And I finally got back to the Duel Academy today after going through all...'

She opened her bag and placed her hand inside, only to take and grab a map of the Duel Academy. Amy took a few glances at it, then placed the paper back into her shoulder bag and closed it.

She then started walking forward as if she knew where she was going.

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