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Duel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

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Nova Flare
Azure King
Zane Truesdale
Guardian Grarl
lightsworn king
30 posters

descriptionDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!! - Page 7 EmptyDuel Academy Roleplay!!!!!!!

First topic message reminder :

OKay guys, I am starting an rp here. So to join all u have to do is fill out a character template and then u can start.


Dorm: (better to use your dorm on DA, totally up to you though)
Class: (freshman, senior, etc...If your 21, dont say your a freshan. Freshman is usually 15, senior is usualy 18 or 19)
Deck archeType: (if any, E-heroes, blue eyes...)
Signature Card: (cant have same as anyone else)
Personality: (can be brief)
Appearance: (can be breif)

CHARACTER TEMPLATE for nonstudents

Occupation: (teacher, thief, etc)
Deck archeType: (if any)
Signature Card:

This is the posting template, each post will look like this:

Location: (DA, forest outside of DA, etc)
Mood: (defualt, happy, mad)

Character Template Example:

Name: Doctor Vellian Crowler
Occupation: Chancellor
Age: 50-65?
Archetype: Ancient Gear
Signature Card: Ancient Gear Golem
Gender: Male
Personality: Mean to students, likes to harrass slifer reds.
Appearance: very girly, obelisk blue trench coat with pink frills on edging. blonde hair is a pony tail, really tall and thin
Relatives: idk

POsting Example:

Crowler's Classroom
Post: Crowler looks around the silent room at the busy students, he see Jaden Yuki talking with Little Trusdale and yells "Jaden Yuki! Perhaps since you are paying so much attention, you would like to explain what you are doing???"

Please note, this takes place 15 years after Jaden Graduates. Everything is pretty much the same, just new students and everything.

Last edited by Zant on Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Location: The Forest between the Dock and Red Dorm
Mood: cheerfull

Gil now walk back from the Dock said to what seems to be himself. "Well each you you say 'Oh, find the others.' 'We need the others.' or 'The others will come.' Each year NO ONE comes and everytime I ask 'Who are the others?' you are quite just like you don't know who the others are. What do you mean be quite? NO ONE IS HERE!" Gill looks behind him at the three duelists. "Should I help? Are those 'the others'?" Gil walks up to the three duelists. "Hello there. My name is Gil. May I help you three?" Gil said with is hand reached out.

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Location: Outside

Mood: Confused

"Huh?" -sees Gil trying to shake hands-

"Oh hi, my name's Andrew, this here is Daikon and over here is Niku."

-shakes hand-

"any idea where we're at? We were... unexpectedly relocated."

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''How dare he!''

''We offer him power he refuses us! He mocks us!''

''Soon he shaw pay aint that right my pretties says Raven as he looks at the ravens around him.''

''Very soon we will make him suffer he doesnt know it yet but he will find out sooner or later this power it will be yours master ! Laughing loudly!''

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Location: Forest
Mood: Cheerful

Points to his right. "The Red Dorm should be a little more that way. I think you can find the way to your Dorms from there." Gil started to walk ahead and said quitely to self "Those are not them are they? . . . There were touched by one them? . . . I see. So for once you was right . . . I understand Lord Raviel." Gil then turns around cheerful again "You guys coming?"

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Location: Forest

Mood: Suspicious


-Andrew watches as the odd student, Gil, mutter to himself-

"uhh... yeah... we're coming."

-turns to Niko and Daikon and whispers-

"be on your guard."

-follows Gil-

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Location: Forest
Mood: Unserious :D

"Be on my guard?" Daikon asks Andrew quietly.

"Why? He seems like a nice kid."

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(this seems to have died briefly but hopefully this post will bring it back up again XD)

mood: groggy
location: abondoned dorm
soul stretches and yawns and looks up looking thorugh a hole and seing its still day time "well i guess i had better go and get some more souls" said soul. he then gets up from his bed and leaves the destroyed building to find his new victim.

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Location: Forest
Mood: Suspicious
-turns back to Daikon, whispers-
"He does seem nice, but something's throwing me off a little... I don't know what exactly... He just seems so... suspicious..."

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Location: Forest (With Daikon and Andrew)
Mood: Curious

Niku follows Andrew and Daikon, curious about this duelist Andrew calls 'suspicious'.

"On My Guard?" Niku mumbles to himself. What did Andrew mean by 'on my guard?' This kid seemed nice.

Niku thinks to himself 'I wonder what we're gonna do next. I bet that the teacher is gonna give us detention or something...' Niku sulks at the thought of this.

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Location: Forest (With Daikon and Andrew)
Mood: Helpful

Gil comes out of the forest in front of Red Dorm. "Looks like we made it here guys. I think we should head to our Dorms before the teachers find us. See you guys in class." Gil waves bye and runs inside to his room.

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Location: Slifer Red Dorm
Mood: relaxed
I wonder what made me so suspicious of that kid... Andrew thought to himself.
"I guess he's right, I'll see you later guys."
-walks into dorm room-

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Location: Slifer Red Dorm

Mood: Depressed


"Thanks again, Gil. Alright, see ya later, Andrew." Daikon says, walking to from their dorms.

*stands in front of dorms*

"Wait, which one's mine? Sad "

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(ok seeing as we need some more teachers ill make some more also can you guys who are active on this topic make some more students just to get this thing rolling)

Name: Hugo
Occupation: slifer red dorm leader, teaches strategy
Age: 50
Deck archeType: rockstun
Signature Card: verz golem
Gender: male
Perosnality: very strict almost comes off as mean, doese not have aproblem of giving detition for little reasons, though hes very sticts on students he actually has a kind heart he just wants to make sure the students suceed
Appearance: despite his age hes very well built and is still ver athletic, wears the uniform of slifer red dorm leader, has white hair and beard and mustache, has an eye patch over his left eye from when he was a soldier
Relatives: has a brother hes not really close with who live in domino city.

charact: Hugo
location: out side of slifer red dorm
mood: angry
"ehem" coughed hugo comming upo behind dakion. "skipping class are we?" asked hugo sternly "you have detintion for a week."

Name: Joshua
Occupation: teacher, teaches - how to build a deck and field control
Age: 23
Deck archeType: birdtengu dragunity
Signature Card: crimson blader
Gender: male
Perosnality: he a favourite of student becuase of how easy going he is on his students, hes a master at building decks and field control, has a good sense of humor
Appearance: blonde-brown hair, blue eyes, wears dark green shirt with black pants.
Relatives: dont feel like putting this right now

(here are 2 for now ill make more when i think of more ._. also dakion i cant wait to see you response to my post of hugo XD)

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Name: Leon Genesis Villiers (goes by Leon or Genesis)
Dorm: Slifer
Age: 16
Class: Sophomore
Deck archetype: Disaster Dragon
Signature Card: Depends on the build being used
Gender: Male
Personality: more of a laid-back kind of person and always loves a good duel. he is nice and rarely gets angry. (he is rich but defiantly doesn't act like it)
Appearance: he is about 5'11" with messy shoulder length black hair, slightly built, and wears the normal Slifer Red jacket with a few changes (it's longer than normal). His duel disk is custom built by himself AND approved by the "big boss on campus", and his hands are wrapped with hand-wraps
Relatives: Unknown

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Location: Slifer Dorm
Mood: Shocked
Hidden from view, Andrew watched as Hugo, the meanest teach on the island, go after Daikon.
"jeez, doesn't he have something better to do than to mess with Slifers?..."
Andrew muttered to himself as he awaited Daikon's response.

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Location: Slifer Dorms
Mood: chillin'
Leon opens his door an looks at the commotion going on. he steps outside and closes the door, his long white slifer uniform showing his status as a former Blue. "yo, Hugo, lay off the kid will ya? he's obviously new around here so cut him some slack, k?" the whole time he was speaking his left hand was rubbing his neck. his relaxed nature is made obvious by his open jacket

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character: hugo
mood: angry
location: outside slifer red dorm
"yo?" asked hugo "you will not catch my atetion by saying yo." hugo turns to leon and says "arent you suppose to be in class to?" asked hugo "i might be slifer red dorm leader but i will not allow slifer reds such as you this kid here and the kid hiding in the bush to disreaspect this dorm" he then turns to where andrew is hiding and grabs pulling him out of the bush putting him next to dakion "the 3 of you have detition for a week" he said looking at Dakion, Leon, and Andrew each.

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Location: Slifer Dorm
Mood: Angry
"Hey teach," Andrew says as he looked at Hugo (Hidden from view=/=hiding in bush) (If you read my posts I was in my dorm xP), "You really shouldn't go out of your way as much just to give us detention. I mean, don't you have more important things to do?"

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character: hugo
mood: angry
location: slifer red dorm
"dont you talk back to me" said hugo strictly "and to answer your question of those improtant things to do is to make sure slackers like you 3 to get to class and get aproportitly punished for skipping class."

chracter: joshua
mood: amused
location slifer red dorm
"hey hugo cut the kids some slack will ya." said joshua "school just started here nto that long ago so cut them a break besides we have that other thing to deal with." he then turns to the 3 slifers and says "you 3 had better get to class"

character: hugo
"i suppose your right" relented hugo "well then lets be on our way but first lets make sure these 3 get to class"

chracter: joshua
"heh figured as much wellt hen let sbe on our way then"

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Location: Slifer Dorm
Mood: Ticked
-turns around, ignores Hugo and walks to the school building-

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Location: outside of dorm room
Mood: relaxed
"just so you know i don't have class at the moment, Hugo, and you can't punish me when i've done nothing wrong." he then adds, "and for that Slacker statement... i'm far from it when i aced every class last year" he says matter-of-factually

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Location: Slifer Dorm
Mood: still mad at Hugo
-turns to Hugo upon hearing Leon retaliate-
"People like you just make me angry teach, all you do is underestimate us just cause we're colored in red. You have no idea what we're capable of."

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(this is so late :D)

Location: Slifer Red Dorm
Mood: "What?"

--Response to Detention
*Daikon puts his head down in misery*

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"Detention?!" He says. "Aww... I don't even know whats going on!"

--After Mr. Joshua convinces Hugo to cut our detentions
"Thank you, stranger!" Daikon says to Joshua.

--Finally, as Daikon follows Andrew to the school
"Um... What do you mean by our red color?" Daikon asks.

"But yeah, red's awesome!" Daikon yells to Hugo.

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Location outside Slifer dorm
"our dorm color Daikon." Andrew replies to Daikon with his face in his palm.

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Location: Slifer dorm outside of room
Mood: amused
"well anyway guys you should probably head to class... and i need to get back to what i was doing"
he waves at the and heads back into his room and closes the door and sits back down at a deck with a Duel Disk on it that is slightly torn apart

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Location: Slifer Red
Mood: Worrisome

'Why do I hang out with you guys??' Niku thinks to himself.

Niku walks off to the next class.

(I pretty much just followed you guys around the whole blank period, being silent as Niku is.)

He heads into the classroom.

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Location: Slifer Dorm
Mood: slightly irritated
"Yeah, yeah, cya later guys :D"
-heads off to next class-

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Location: Slifer Dorm
Mood: Some what confused.

Gil walks out of the dorm to see the teachers standing there, one of which looks like he was just mad. Gil reaches back inside for his one-sling backpack and custom duel disk (mostly a red with black unstead of the white outline). "So teacher . . . you are late for class." Gil said before booking it towards his next class. Hopefully I am faster then them so I will not get in trouble Gill thought to himself.

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Location: Dorm Room
Mood: Focused
"put this here... put this there.... and done!"
Leon holds up his finished duel disk grinning at the finished project. he pulls out a pair earbuds and plugs them into a jack that he modded in. he puts the buds in his ears and puts on the custom disk, he presses a few keys on the touch screen LP indicator and a music list pops up.
"time to test"
he touches 'Random' button and music starts blaring in the earbuds.
"ahh... that's good..."
he leans back in his chair and relaxes with his hands behind his head and eyes closed

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(well seeing as i wasnt able to get on during the weekend i can see im behind here ._______. but ill salvage what i can)

character: hugo/joshua
mood: ??? (doing ?s becuase there are 2 of them)
location: outside of the building thats hosts classes
"they just dpont understand" muttered hugo.
"eh im just glad you kept quite" said joshua casualy "besides we have to get going or we are going to be more late as it is."
meh i suppose you are right" said hugo "with all of the students and now a teach coming up colapsed."
"yes it is very troblesome" replied joshua "i still cant believe that we found Gizen like that"
"neither could i" said hugo
"so how many teachers are going to be at this meeting?" asked joshua
"everyone who is not held up teaching students." answered Hugo. "by the way?' asked Hugo "have you seen the chancelor at all the past few days?"
"as a matter of fact no." replied joshua thought fully "hmmmm i wonder"
"uh-oh he begins to wonder that is never a good sign" teased hugo "eh hes probablys been busy is all"
"i suppose you are right" said joshua "well we are here"
"yes i guess we are well lets see what we can figure out of theese events" said hugo. And the 2 walk into the building they came up to

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