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1) Spamming:

-Posting messages which do not have anything to do with the topic and its content.
-Double posting. You may bump your own topics if 24 hours have passed.
-Posting in threads which have been inactive for 15 days.
-Using a language other than English in your posts.

2013 - Year in Review

In less than two years I will graduate from university. Hopefully I can get into the Master's program here at my university.

The past year has been a tough one, but I felt I had risen to the challenge. I passed all 8 courses and averaged 3.2 in GPA. Our bowling team not only made it to the playoffs at the provincial tournament but made it all the way to the semi-final and claimed third place. Over the summer I secured a job for the duration of my university stay. In August I was appointed an Administrator in Duel Academy.

I like feedback. What are some issues you see with...

Ideas for 2014

Let's hear them. Either for yourself, DA, or for me.

Dorm Ranks: What Next?

Let's get into the gist of this blog quickly. Recently I posted an update to Slifer dorm. We've all discussed it a bit, it's definitely out there. Slifers think it is unattainable and they don't want to dorm up because it's the best dorm.

Okay, so how do you want Duel Academy to work? Would you prefer it stay as Duel Academy, or should it change its theme to something else? What about going up a rank from Slifer to Ra, and Ra to Obelisk? How do you think this should happen?

Serious opinions only, please.

Holiday Wishes

What are you hoping to receive in gift(s) this year?

Banned List in 2 months

Yeah, it's early, but... what are your banned list predictions?

Perhaps more importantly, what would you have wanted this banned list to be?

"Ask Jin Anything" Segment

See title. Be as shallow or as deep as you like.

Neglected Part of the Forum

What, in your opinion, is the least used part of the forums and why? If you were an Administrator, what would you change about it?

The Next Big Thing

DA needs a push. We need to carve out a niche in the forum that makes us relevant in today's mishmash of Yugioh. Between DGz and DNF, alongside Pojo, we don't have many options.

What do you think our defining factor is? Why do people keep coming back?

What should our next big idea be? Think outside the box.

Forum Activity

What's with the lurkers?

We've got 10k users registered. Less than 1% are active on a regular basis. Of those 96 only about half are actively posting. So... 0.5% activity. I'm wondering why.

Be as brutal/honest as you like.


Call this what you will. A cry for help, Jake being insane, what have you.

I'm struggling to come to terms with DA's current Teacher situation. We have two Teachers for a body of eighty, and there doesn't seem to be any interest in them.

What's your opinion on this? Should Duel Academy have more Teachers? Should we scrap them entirely?

The Legendary Introduction

Most of you know me as Jin Kazama. A brief introduction for those who don't.

I have been playing Yugioh for 12 years. My most notable successes have been YCS Toronto, 2012, finishing day 1 at 5-3, alongside 2 Regionals tops for 2009 and 2011 Nationals.

I am a Judge at Regionals now and last year was Head Judge.

In other news, I am a university student taking BISYS. That is Business and Computers. I am 24 years of age. I am an avid Candlepin bowler and come from far Eastern Canada.

I guess here's where you ask me whatever you please and I respond however...

Day In The Life

I want to paint a picture for the membership of Duel Academy, as to what an Administrator such as myself does.

As you can see, I'm third on the posts list for the forum (I don't count the Dice Jar, who is clearly a bot) but you can't see 80% of my posts. There's a reason for that.

Recently, as Administrators, the lot of us were asked to 'step up or ship out' and I have chosen to do the former. I've stepped up my activity a lot over the past few weeks, and I think everyone has noticed that.

A lot of the things I do are behind the scenes. I proposed we pay our staff...
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