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Forum Activity

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Forum Activity

What's with the lurkers?

We've got 10k users registered. Less than 1% are active on a regular basis. Of those 96 only about half are actively posting. So... 0.5% activity. I'm wondering why.

Be as brutal/honest as you like.


I, for one only post when need be. I don't see the point in spamming threads with pointless one word responses or thoughts that don't even match what the topic about. If I post something, It's going to be either for activity in a tournament, giving results of a match or a response to a lesson. Just my 2 cents.
Exactly what Train said :D
Train Heartnet wrote:
When most people joined they were younger, more interested in the game and had more free time hence they dueled non-stop and we were very active. But things change with time, people grow up, have less time, get more uninterested in the game and pretty much RL happens and they either quit ygo and put all their attention to RL or go inactive and come here from time to time. Thats what happened.

Yes, pretty much.
Train Heartnet
When most people joined they were younger, more interested in the game and had more free time hence they dueled non-stop and we were very active. But things change with time, people grow up, have less time, get more uninterested in the game and pretty much RL happens and they either quit ygo and put all their attention to RL or go inactive and come here from time to time. Thats what happened.
Whatup Nab
XraishionX wrote:
When I first joined, I actually had no idea what was going on. So I quit for awhile. I got back into YGO, and began to understand forums. That might explain that 9.9k users' inactivity.

The 0.5% activity is probably due to school coming up again. It's what's keeping me from spamming all over the forum.

Story of my life.
When I first joined, I actually had no idea what was going on. So I quit for awhile. I got back into YGO, and began to understand forums. That might explain that 9.9k users' inactivity.

The 0.5% activity is probably due to school coming up again. It's what's keeping me from spamming all over the forum.
Too lazy to type a post every time I'm online and I have college crap to deal with.
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