Hello! Your beloved badmin LOKOS is here to announce a little update regarding the Society of Lght dorm.

We noticed that some of you really want to advance there, and actually some of you have been advancing really fast! That is why we decided to add a new level of challenge in getting your own SoL dorm!

You can advance to SoL dorm now by:
-Winning a World Championship Qualifier (Getting 1st. place)
-Being in Top 2 of The World Championship
-Winning any other Major Event we may host. (Such as DA YCS)
-Getting Top 2 in DA Circuit Season.

Of course advancing to SoL Dorm is still only possible if you are Obelisk Blue beforehand. In other words, like a Yu-Gi-Oh! card would say: You must be Obelisk Blue to apply and resolve the Rank-Up.

Good luck guys!