As some of you may have heard and read, there will be a new system of advancing through the dorms for DA members to complete. However, DP will not be completely obsolete, either. There are a few things that the staff is discussing about different ways to spend DP the don't involve advancement, in addition to regular scrolls.

Having said that, there is a reason I am looking for teachers. I have generated a little bit of interest but I wanted to offer some sort of extra incentive. As some of you know, Unkown was the first Level 1 certified teacher. If you complete the program and I deem you to have passed (and if you accept the position, of course) I will make you one of DA's three teachers. Currently, no more than three is necessary. This may fluctuate in the near future though.

Finally, I wish to encourage people to join BCTAU and read the 'Classroom' section. It has an invaluable amount of knowledge that will soon start increasing as time goes on.


Secretary and Teaching Admin of DA