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Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

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Dame Tsuna
Naito Raizu
18 posters

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It

First topic message reminder :

Heres how it works.. The person above you wishes for something then you have to grant it and give a funny or any reason of corruption Like heres an example.

Person One: I wish I was immortal

Person Two: Wish granted but you fall down a bottomless pit and spend 20 light years falling till you reach the bottom.

Okay understand? I'll go first..

I wish I was a Neko o:

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Wish granted!

I wish i shot D in the head so im not Sasuke

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

wish granted but I turno into a zombie and eat you

I wish I wasn't a zombie

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Wish granted you become a ghost .
Wish i was Yellow Sad .

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Wish granted your body turns yellow. (I guess that was not that you wanted? Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 3974120512 )

I wish I was more crazy.

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

wish granted, you become a terrorist

I wish CBs are competitive T_T

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

CB's are already competitive e.e

Granted but all the good cards get banned.

I wish I was in the right mood now.

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

wish granted, but you jump out through the window, that's how happy you've become

I wish everyone stopped wishing

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Taj film nećeš gledati (You won't see that movie or You won't see that)
I wish DA members worship me :O .

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Wish granted though Only one worshiping you is you.

I wish I knew how to play chess Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 3974120512

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

wish granted but on your way to your first chess tournament you get mugged and stabbed in the stomach and as you lay there on the ground bleeding out and dieing in excruciating pain alone the only thing you can think of is why I wasted my wish on this lousy board game

I wish I had some extra free time

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Homeslice wrote:
I wish I had some extra free time

Wish granted by you refusing to hang out with your friends a couple of times. They start distancing from you more and more and you start to spend waaaaaay to much time indoors.
Eventually you die alone, with your rand hand between your legs and your left hand on an XBox controller, wondering if you have really liveth.

I wish my name wouldn't contain the word Anus D:

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

wish granted but your name is now queef also you have a hot pan fall onto your crotch somehow scarring you for life literally

I wish I had the portal gun

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Granted,once you get it you will accidentally pull the trigger and teleport to Mars .
I hope N gets IP banned Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 1151057309 .

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

wish granted, but you also got banned

I wish for world peace (trololo)

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Granted, we get invaded by another world.

I wish for more wishes

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Granted but you can't use them.

I wish I knew what to do now...

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Granted, but what you do gets ignored and becomes meaningless and irrelevant so you go back to square one looking for something else to do.

I wish I could go into that one "one way" colonizing trip to Mars. (have fun with this one.)

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Granted, you went to mercury by accident.

I wish I could corrupt wishes better

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Granted, but you didn't know how. Oh Shit

I wish for corruption.

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Granted, but we heard you like corruption in ur corruption wish, so we corrupted ur corruption so u can corrupt while ur corrupting.

I wish the world accepted America as the dominant country

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Wish granted but it is not this world

I wish It wasnt so hot e.e

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Granted, it becomes so cold that you die of coldness

I wish that my wish gets corrupted

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Granted. Purpose of the thread is fulfilled so locked.

I wish I was a mod

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Granted but its at the worst academy in the world

I wish I was an Assistant Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 1151057309

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Wish granted d_d .
I wish i had explosives :O .

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

wish granted but they are all duds and also they have radiation on them and cause you to get ball cancer

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

No wish,hope you enjoy hell Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 1151057309 .

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

no wish affraid 

I wish skitnica wasn't homeless

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

Granted but dem house burns down.

I wish I wasn't so annoyed now e.e

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

wish granted, you become annoying

I wish you acknowledge my ruby carbuncle

descriptionGrant A Wish Then Corrupt It - Page 4 EmptyRe: Grant A Wish Then Corrupt It

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