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pollDo you want this event to happen in DA?

Yes, I would like this event
Yes, if it was changed around
No, I would not like this event
Total Votes:
Poll closed

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core Empty[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core


[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core 2q3zuoy

Greetings, Duel Academy. I bring you the event; Corrupt Core.

Original Suggestion Page

I: What is the event?
Corrupt Core can be compared to 'Deck Masters' and 'Quest for the Supreme King' although, it is like neither. The aim of the event is quite simple. To play, you would pick your 'Core Card', (E.G. Vampire Genesis). You would then build your deck based around that card, thinking of strategies to summon it, bring it back, as well as other strategies to use while trying to get your core card in your hand or onto your field. You would put cards such as Pyramid Turtle and Vampire Lord into your deck. Why, you may ask? Once your opponent destroys your Pyramid Turtle, you can SS Vampire Lord from the deck, for a next turn Vampire Genesis. This event will be a TCG/OCG event, so you can use support specifically for your core card (E.G. Edelritter - Vampire Bram.)

II: It doesn't sound so 'corrupt', why is it called that?
Within the event, only specific archetypes / monsters are allowed. This makes the player have to think about their deck, as some of the archetypes wouldn't have had support for some time, so you will have to be creative for your deck to compete in the event. Some of the archetypes that will be allowed are; Ghostricks, Vampires, Zombies, Archfiends, Dark Worlds, Dark Spellcasters (Dark Magician), Evilswarm (although Ophion may be banned from the event).

III: So how would the event take place?
As you may have guessed from the name, Corrupt Core will be a tournament, which will take place once a month. Every player will sign up, detailing their chosen core card. After sign-ups close, tournaments will be arranged. Depending on numbers of players being involved, will depend on the way the tournaments are set out. If there is enough for 3 tournaments (brackets), the players involved will be split into 3 groups, for the 3 tournaments. The 3 finalists will battle each other, and the overall winner will be named 'Corrupt Lord' for the month, as well as getting prizes. Second and third place will also get some prizes for making it that far on too. The second month Corrupt Core takes place, the overall winner will battle last month's Corrupt Lord for an extra prize. If they do not win, they will still become Corrupt Lord for that month, but with no extra prize.

IV: So how would I sign up?
The signing up process will be the exact same as other events, through a page. When signing up, you will simply put in the following details; DN Name, Time Zone and Core Card. Once your core card is chosen, you cannot change it.

V: Which cards will be banned?
All cards out of the chosen archetypes will be banned. This may even include hand traps such as 'Effect Veiler' to really make you rack your brains for strategies. You may think 'Oh god, effort' but once you do a little research on your core card and which cards in the archetype/region of that card their is, you'd be surprised which nifty techs you have available to you. For the Extra Deck, some cards may be banned as they would be considered 'Overpowered', such as Number 11: Big Eye. The Extra Deck may even only be limited to cards within the archetype, or ranged out to other archetypes, and staples will be allowed.

VI: Limiting my deck to 1 archetype seems like I won't have many options?
If your core card doesn't have much support, it will be allowed that you can use other cards from other archetypes that are allowed in the tournament. All deck staples are allowed in the tournament too, such as 'Heavy Storm, Dark Hole, Eradicator Epidemic Virus (maybe).' Tour Guide of the Underworld will definitely be allowed in the tournament, as she will class as tech for all allowed decks.

VII: Osprey, do you even have permission to create this madness?
Amy has allowed that if there is enough people who want this event to happen, it WILL be put into the academy. So if you would like it to happen, hit Yes on the Poll. If not, no. If you would like to see it happen with changes, hit that option and comment the change. All changes will be taken into consideration. Polls are open for 10 days.

Thank you for reading.

Last edited by Osprey on Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:39 pm; edited 7 times in total

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

Everyone, pick Dracossack.
I'd honestly like it if you banned some cards. Also, the core card must be summoned before finishing the opponent.

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

XraishionX wrote:
Everyone, pick Dracossack.
I'd honestly like it if you banned some cards.  Also, the core card must be summoned before finishing the opponent.

I forgot to mention in that, it could be set Pre-ZEXAL or something.

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core


description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

It needs a lot of card restrictions and more well-defined rules as to what the "building around the card" will happen. Do you mean, same archtype? same element? or simply cards that work with said card? Cause as it stands we can just say "Elemental Hero Stratos" And get a deck most people pretty much already play.

Also, I don't see the corruption part on this event. I see the core but nothing says corruption here.

It could be worked upon though.

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

This will work only if we forbid the usage of Archetype decks......

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

Heatnix - I've took your thoughts into consideration and updated it.

Skitnica - Why?

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

Because making "pre-deffined" deck is easy.

Last edited by Skitnica on Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

Skitnica wrote:
Because making Archetype deck is easy...it needs to be hard in order to be unique and fun.
Its easy to say Bubbleman and build a bubblebeat deck....

I've updated it a lot to fit the 'corrupt' bit. There will definitely be no bubbleman.

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

Update; once polls are over I will release a larger edition of the rules etc etc etc, providing it has been accepted.

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

voted yes, thank me

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

All right. A little rough around the edges but might just work out.

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

Heatnix wrote:
All right. A little rough around the edges but might just work out.

It's here to be changed around. Its quite late so tomorrow I'll edit the page into a sectioned, indepth explanation.

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

this is a good idea like creating random decks that summon specific cards

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

I would actually love a more in-depth explanation before I decide whether or not to cast a vote on this.

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

Jake Wesker wrote:
I would actually love a more in-depth explanation before I decide whether or not to cast a vote on this.

It has been updated.

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

Osprey wrote:
XraishionX wrote:
Everyone, pick Dracossack.
I'd honestly like it if you banned some cards.  Also, the core card must be summoned before finishing the opponent.

I forgot to mention in that, it could be set Pre-ZEXAL or something.

If it predates ZEXAL, does that imply no Xyz's monsters?
You said could so I take it you hadn't made a decision, yet.

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

Jikan wrote:
Osprey wrote:
XraishionX wrote:
Everyone, pick Dracossack.
I'd honestly like it if you banned some cards.  Also, the core card must be summoned before finishing the opponent.

I forgot to mention in that, it could be set Pre-ZEXAL or something.

If it predates ZEXAL, does that imply no Xyz's monsters?
You said could so I take it you hadn't made a decision, yet.

It all depends if staff and players would want that, I doubt it'll happen though.

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

So if you were to make additions to the cards ban from this would that mean that you might also unban some cards such as Brain Control, Brionac, Future Fusion, Sangan, Imperial Order, ect. ect.? Or that you might switch around some of the staples allowed such as Banning Heavy Storm then unbanning Giant Trunade or Cold Wave?

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

Cinque wrote:
So if you were to make additions to the cards ban from this would that mean that you might also unban some cards such as Brain Control, Brionac, Future Fusion, Sangan, Imperial Order, ect. ect.? Or that you might switch around some of the staples allowed such as Banning Heavy Storm then unbanning Giant Trunade or Cold Wave?

It seems like a good idea. I'll look into it, but Brionac etc won't be in the tournament, due to the restrictions of types and archetypes.

description[POLL] Event: Corrupt Core EmptyRe: [POLL] Event: Corrupt Core

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