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Dear Konami: You sicken me.

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Amy Kool
Metal Gear
Typical Jew™
Zane Truesdale
darkness evil
Train Heartnet
Potus Mat
28 posters

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyDear Konami: You sicken me.

Konami, you sicken me.

Are you *this word has exceeded its tolerance limit -_-* serious? ANOTHER push for Six Samurai? Am I the only one who remembers they just won a YCS a few months ago? They get their own personal RotA put to 2 after winning the YCS, and now they have a new Structure Deck coming out, with A NEW SIX SAMURAI XYZ? ARE YOU *this word has exceeded its tolerance limit -_-* KIDDING ME? Konami has a boner for Six Samurai, I swear!


descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

new six sam xyz?? what the *this word has exceeded its tolerance limit -_-*

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

Exactly my thoughts. Im sick of Six Samurai. More and more I consider quitting this game.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

can you link me to the new six sam stuff?

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

The gray text in the beginning of my post is a hyperlink, its not very noticeable on this board u_u

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

well hopefully the new xyz sucks :/

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

I'm disappointed that it's not in my B-DAY and that it's on Six Samurais. Focus on newer archetypes that are awesome, or IMPROVE older archetypes that were deemed to suck? xD

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

Uhhh. Did you guys really think they put some signal from 1 to 2 without having some hidden agenda? This kinda stuff happens in the community all the time. Especially since its getting close to summer, so im not surprised.

Keep in mind, YCS mexico had little, if any impact on this release. As the banlist is made months in advance and product releases are planned way ahead of time up to a year in advance. Not to mention sams were still pretty decent, just underused. With them gaining more popularity, cause things in the secondary market to go up like Kizan , which was about $5-10 now $15. Which is a key reprint in this deck, as well as fiendish chain so im glad i sold mine already.

But this is part of the mentality they have, they dont make anything off the secondary market but that doesnt mean they arent aware of it, and they use this information to make predictions and product releases. Whatever they see as best.

And Konami has a boner for archtypes in general. They keep making the game based on them as well as trying more to promote xyzs. Not a very good road so far. I can honestly see the monster being like zenmighty sadly. I can also see the monster being a flop since the deck already sells itself (Kizan & Fiendish reprint? Ill take it) but theres no reason for it not to be good. Thats the last thing we need though more support for this archtype

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

uhg why the trying to push sams so much? -.- sheesh konami suck sams where the only archetype i truly despied >_< but oh well i might still buy the deck just for ths fiendish chains >8D and mabey other spells and traps off they are any good XD but ill just throw the other cards into some tins to trade or something ._.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

This deck makes me strongly consider quitting Yugioh in general.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

wait for the xyz to be revealed before complaining so much -_-

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

Void im so sorry Dear Konami: You sicken me. 3147896512

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

XD really? i admit im not happy about it either i would have pefered them to have done something like generic fiends or something along th lines mabey even fables O_O but i will not deny the awsomness of fiendish chain being reprinted ^_^ now if only they will put some other awsome spells and traps in there that can work in any deck and it would be worth buying it just for those few cards buuuuut unfourtantly konami are going to be idiots and make sams even more popular >_< and to try and level the hatred people will have thy throw in findish chain :/ ofc it would be most awsome if they reprinted maxx "c" in it to then it wouldnt be so bad

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

You dont understand, I dont just not like Samurai. Samurais dont just bother me. No. I have major psychotic *this word has exceeded its tolerance limit -_-* hatreds of Six Samurai. And more *this word has exceeded its tolerance limit -_-* support for them? I'm honestly debating about quitting for a long time. Idk, Im thinking about it.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

oh i agree with i hate sam just as much butthis is something konami is good at doing so i deal with it >_< but i really do hate sams as much as you ._. im just not showing cause im not surprised konami did this :/ but i think its total bull ***** they giving them more support and giving them a deck of their own buuuuut there might be a bright side to this my shien might go up and price when this comes out which means i can rip people off with trades then Twisted Evil so thta might be one good thing about

PS: only reason i have a shien is cause i pulled it out of a booster ._. and i was hoping for tengu or is he in extreme victory? O_O

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

wait, out of all decks......... sams got the next structure? seriously........

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

Sams need to be shot in the face.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

Get over it. Someone would be whining just as obnoxiously if they had made a Blackwing or Infernity Structure deck. Lightsworns, an archtype I am none too fond of, got an obnoxious boost in the form of the Lightray monsters, and it is pretty annoying to run into those things all over DN, but I'll live. Besides, Sams have a few things missing that today's Meta has in Spades:
- Tour Guide Synergy: Rabbits have Leviair, Wind-Up's have Zenmaighty, but what combo abusive Rank 3 can Tour Guide give Sams? Invoker? A neat trick, but not exactly the stuff nightmares are made of. Plus, Sams usually run few LIGHT monsters (Zanji, Enishi) and even fewer DARK monsters (Shi En). Not a terrible amount of Chaos potential without some splashed Veilers, which did not exactly bode well for Dark Worlds.
- Anti-Meta Tech: Rabbits and Inzektors have D-Fissure, and Dark Worlds have Skill Drain. While Sams run very little off of the grave, D-Fissure would still end up being a burden with tributes and Synchro's. Don't even try Skill Drain.
- Consistent Levels: Sams are great for Synchro's due to their varying levels and swarming, but the same level variation is a downfall for Exceed summoning. Rabbits are all 4's, save for Tour Guide and her ilk, and Inzektor's are all 3's, save Gullho's power of 5's. Wind-Up's are mainly 3's and 4's with level manipulation, as you probably know. The ranges of the monsters in the decks rarely exceed 1 (Level 3-4), as opposed to Sams' 3 (Level 2-5).

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

Konami dissapointed me long time ago so this is just another "counter" :SS

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

I have to disagree Potus, a new Blackwing or Infernity support will be really nice (one that does not suck). Well Infernity will be getting an Infernity "Shi En" but thats pretty much it. Six Retards do not need any more support I mean Shi En + Barkion + Beast in 1 turn is enough.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

So, Potus, your saying Konami should keep supporting Tier broken decks, and leave old decks that were killed off and are still loved in the dust? Your an idiot.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

Potus, Six Sam's can utilize Rivalry of Warlords which rape Rabbit and wind-up, the ability for Rabbit and Inzektor to doesn't hurt sams enough to where they can't win, it really only hurts their Double-edges. Also, sams are one of the best swarming decks in the game, still. The ability to drop monster after monster with gateway and such then ending with Shi En, multiple Kizan and a Grandmaster followed by backroom like Rivalry, Magatama and Fiedish Chain's is near impossible for you opponent to getout of.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

Notice how Sams are not top tier right now? Notice how, out of the last few decks boosted by structure decks, only one (Agents) actually had to get hit. I like those odds. I trust Konami and think that they know what they are doing. Add in my above reasons, the fact that we have 3-5 other Meta decks (depending on who you are asking), an relative independence from S/T reliance in most Meta decks, the unreliability of conjecture (where is my Lightsworn Chaos format, hmm?). and the significant amount of anti-Synchro cards that can be splashed or mained (Maxx "C", Roach, Orient Dragon, et cetera), I would bet that you are over-reacting. Even if Sams do make a big comeback, I doubt that it would be the same Sams you knew. At least let the new cards show their faces before you start planning your goodbye party.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

I love how you claim they are not top tier... when they just won a YCS a few months ago and have gotten better with the banlist. Oh Potus, why are you such a bad player?

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

Well, Potus has proved to be a complete scrub. Now wonder he refuses to duel me...

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

Well now we know why hes scared of me too.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

God forbid they become the dominant archetype this format with the upcoming boost. It was suicideable when Sams dominanted the format way back when, and now they're getting a BOOST.

That tears it, now I KNOW Konami's favorite archtype. Sams. QQ

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

Sams won a YCS one month ago. Let it go. Tech Genus won Atlanta one month ago. Burn and Mill sometimes top. One YCS is not something to spoil yourself over.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

Potus, you are an idiot. Im done arguing with you, I've learned that your an idiot and you continue to be an idiot. Guys, don't argue with an idiot, they'll beat you down with their lack of knowledge and skills.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

O, I apologize. When you said "discuss" in the opening post, I was under the impression that you understood that people could have different viewpoints.
This reminds me of Tour Bus...
Locked until new information is brought to light about these cards, if you please.

descriptionDear Konami: You sicken me. EmptyRe: Dear Konami: You sicken me.

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