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descriptionDear Staxx EmptyDear Staxx

Hey guys this is kinda going to be a "dear abby" topic.

Pretty much you will PM me with your life problems or questions and i will help you get though them. i will post my answers here, but i will not post your name.

Now your wondering "why should i come to you?"

Here is why:

1.) I'm one of the oldest members here.
2.) I have dealt with death of friends and family
3.) I have had tons of girlfriends.
|-- so i have experience with the opposite sex.
4.) I'm not a virgin
5.) I have 2 kids
6.) I am currently married
7.) I've been bullied
8.) I used to be a bully
9.) I grew up with 6 females
|-- so i have males point of view for the female member
10.) I've been arrested
11.) I've done drugs(don't no more)
|-- includes: pills, cocaine, weed, and shrooms
12.) I Have a full time job.
13.) I've seen my mother go though domestic violence
14.) One of children have a medical disorder

And the list goes on and on.......

So if you have any problems, you can PM me, and privacy is my main policy.

descriptionDear Staxx EmptyRe: Dear Staxx

Dear Staxx Not_sure_if_serious

descriptionDear Staxx EmptyRe: Dear Staxx

yes im being dead serious, dont spam my topic, anyone that really knows me know this.

descriptionDear Staxx EmptyRe: Dear Staxx

***** **** wrote:

So here is my problem.

Issue: A girl >_>

She is 4 or 5 years younger than me, i have her on Facebook, Messenger, and her Phone Number, but for the past 2 or 3 years, we were just friends nothing more or less, however during this year, i start to have some .. "feelings" and at the first i tried to stop that and get that feelings out of my heart but man .. that was IMPOSSIBLE. Even when i think that i did it, and i don't have anymore feelings toward her, once i see her my heart beats so fucking fast.

She is beautiful, smart, and we both listen to the same kind of music, and we both ******* fans xD ...

Now reason why i didn't tell her yet, or try to let my feelings out, is that am not sure whether she has a Boyfriend or not, i doubt that all the time but o well...

I get to see her like twice a week or once only, due to my job and her school and some family issues. Her parents knows me, her mom likes me, but as a friend to her daughter nothing more i guess.

I went to gym, studied decoration .. witch is what she likes, and recently i saw that she LOVE horror movies, i abuse that all the time, we saw Paranormal 2 and 3 and Tokya Night together in my room, but nothing happened, she was "nice" but not as if she wannet me to know that she has feelings to me or not.

And here it comes to main point, if i confess to her, before i do that i want to know if she has feelings to me or not, since i don't want to lose her as a friend, even if it didn't work out between us i can't imagine living in a world that she doesn't exist it.

So give me some ideas man .. i need that.

One more thing, we have "traditions" in the wast, or as some call it the third world, anyway, our parents does (me and her) but we both doesn't give a dame about traditions, we are civilized more than that. So, it means that i can't go to her home, and talk nice to her, neither when she visits me, since "wall has ears".

Anyway, i need some ideas, solution or whatever you think possible to answer that questions.

(Let it out Pumpkin.

let me start off by asking, her parents dont mind if their child hangs with a Guy that's 5 years older than she is? that's awesome.

anyways, if you wanna find out how she feels, just ask. its all about how you phase it. say something like "do you see our friendship going any farther than where its at?" or "what are you feelings towards me." based on her answer you move from there. if she says she likes you or has a crush on you, then you tell her how you feel. then y'all should be on the same page.

but if she doesnt, don't worry if she says something like "I really value our friendship like it is" or "I don't think it will go any farther". this doesn't mean that you don't have a chance, it just means that you might have gotten yourself to far into the "friends zone". to get out the "friend zone" is a easy but long process. you need to do small boyfriend things here and there. like idk buy her stuffed animals or whatever kids likes this days. with Valentine's Day around the corner, this could really go good for you.

also, if she was over at your house, in your room, and watched 3 movies .... I doubt she has a boyfriend.

descriptionDear Staxx EmptyRe: Dear Staxx

****** wrote:
Dear Staxx, I'm writing you because I think I might have a demon or a Ghost in my house, this has never happened to me before, but It's very real. I've been having terrible nightmares ever since I've been letting something stay with us, they seem to be a nice person, but in recent events their true colors have shown not to be so nice. They've slandered my family, and when I hacked his facebook account I found out that he also had might have had HIV, I've come close to sleeping with him. It's also possible he raped me. We did drugs togethor and my memories are far from clear. In-fact during these times I have no memory of me ever being anywhere near him. He claims that we just watched TV, I believed him at the time but now I'm not so sure. I have been having some symptoms of HIV but nothing's clear at the moment, I'm still waiting on an appointment to get checked. I'm not sure if there was blood in the bong we shared, in or around the mouth piece. This demon or ghost that has been possessing my house is active during all times of the day. Sometimes, my family members and I can really feel something in the house. I've tried to pray, but nothing seems to be working. Please keep this a secret, I don't know who to ask, I've tried a couple hotlines and they've just told me that I'm seeing things. My family members and I both agree that there is some presence in the bedrooms. I haven't been able to sleep the whole night since he started to stay with us. My sleeping schedule is way out of sync with how it should be. I've been sleeping during the day and staying up all night. I do this because I'm afriad that if I fall alseep something is going to wake me up, and I'm going to be possessed or something. We now currently have 2 other room-mates who haven't seen any paranormal activity in the house. I also have an issue with my Parents letting people stay with us, these new room-mates have bullied me in the past but my mother seems to really enjoy their company. She wants me to treat them like family and forgive them for pushing me on the ground and starting to dry hump me. I just can't forgive them, when i was going through school people would make a joke at my expense all the time. It's really hurtful and when I've vonfronted my parents about this problem they've told me that their leaving soon, and that I should forgive them because they said sorry. Wouldn't you kick somebody out of the house making fun your child because of the way that they were born?
Also, i would just like to point out that these people staying with us are not paying rent. Please take this seriously, as this is all very sincere and truthful.

Call GhostBusters

dont send me PMs like this is a serious topic for ppl looking for serious answers to serious questions. I will report ppl for this. This isnt the first one. but it is the funniest.

descriptionDear Staxx EmptyRe: Dear Staxx

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