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Can we try and bring back dueling?

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descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyCan we try and bring back dueling?

Now I'm bringing this topic up, so it can get to people that stil duel on here (that sees to be a relatively good amount) and maybe try and get some Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments going (And also maybe soon end the fucking Circuit admins...) 

As you may have noticed, there has been quite a lot of duels recently (Even tho most of them are mine welp Razz ), so I think with the members that we have we can slowly start building a community that will represent the true purpose of this academy. 

Everybody that has interest in dueling, please rite in here giving some suggestions or feedback.

@Anzo @Bookingly @NightBot @DDS 

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Mixed feelings towards current platforms is truly the cause of no one dueling. And speaking for myself, even if it weren't the current and upcoming format doesn't look all that great to me, then again I've only began to mess around with ABC's.

DA has its moments @Pepchoninga this is nothing compared to when we experience true darkness dueling will inevitably return so enjoy the break and get ya weight up before the vets here truly take interest in the game again

On another note, if anyone is down to play, I'll be doing SA matches, just check out my challenge thread in sig

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

The format (TCG) actually loks very good, tho ABC beat almost every deck...if this deck goes first there is a 80% you win. The mirror match is really a coin toss, so basically it's more of a rage fest then a good duel. Other then that, game is looking pretty interesting. 

I'm hoping you vets get back, so we can return to doing something fun in here, apart from dueling.

Also be more active @PowerNova ffs Razz 

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Work homie but I'm on when I can

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

I would like to do more tournaments, cause those are fun.

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Well, if we can get enough players that will be active, we can definitely cook something up.

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

No, because it's more of the same. Just boring decks; boring formats. Best thing about ABCs is the song a friend and I did about them. meh.

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Well i do belive the format is interesting, apart from ABC. With the help of metalfoes, many decks can get into the more competitive schene and on the other side demise helps the same way. There is much more variety in the tier 2, tier 1.5, even tier 1 which makes the format fun and good for experimenting. ABC are not in the TCG, tho unfortunately we will have to keep them for around 1-2 formats after this one. Excluding that I think it's a good time to return to dueling. 

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

We are at the downhill of dueling now so, I doubt we can resume it for now...

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Just wait for me to get internet again. Ill revive the duel craze i promise

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Again, there are people that want to duel, so I think that we could do something to get dueling back on the mainstream of the academy. 

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

"Do or do do not. There is no try!"

Nothing comes from nothing, essentially we need at least 8 (preferably more) active players to re-launch our tournament schedule among other things.

There's just not much that can really be done without that kind of participation, honestly.

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Well I think we can get 10 active players to at least host minor tournaments. Since I stay a lot in chat usually, many member that just recently join want to duel, but since there is nobody to duel with, they just log off and are never seen again...

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

We can do lives to be honest, I've always preferred these over regular tournaments. Just make sure everybody is in chat and one of the staffers will throw one at ya. There are always +10 people in chat/present each time I log in after midnight.

Though if you want regular tournaments then i guess @Bookingly can schedule some, just don't know when.

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Well thank you Anzo.

Still tho, if any members would like the idea of tournaments or lives post here, to see if there is even need to make any. 

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Well, we could certainly try hosting a standard tournament, see how it does for participation and go from there. I'm all for seeing how up people are for it.

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Well, one problem I have with live is that I will not be able to monitor it like before. (Pros wont work gg)

and for normal schedule......k.den, I will see what happen

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Let's look at the decks this format:

BA - Can you just die plz? The deck's just soooooooo goddamn boring and tedious. Always hated them tbh.

BEwD - Now, I love Blue Eyes, do not get me wrong. Fave card of all-time, but the deck just doesn't interest me too much. Maybe that's from over-saturation and testing it so much when it was OCG but yeah, it can be tiring to play at times. That being said, it is one of 2 decks i would play at an event.

Metalfoes- I like FourtuneFoes and have the Majespecter version of the deck built, but the deck's just 'bleh'. Don't really enjoy playing it and it just feels like power crept Igknights (Hence my Igknight 2.0 nickname for them).

kozmos: may have been hit, but still floating around. Remember kiddies, Kozmos can still function fine with 1 DD and 1 E-tele. As for the deck? 'Familiarity breeds contempt'. Played the deck since day 1; it's just gotten 'stale' to play. The Fire King version is cool, but even that gets boring after a while.

Pendulums (DracoPals/OEM/Whatever): Tbh, I have nothing against the deck. Always liked PePe. I liked Qlis (but hate Demise Qlis), played OEM when it came out and whatnot. It just doesn't suit me all that well to be truthful with you, but all in all, they're cool imo.

Infernoids; As most people know, I really like the chances of this deck this format (decent to good match ups around the board, minus against Kozmos) and the deck suits the way I play to an extent (well, the all out aggro part), so I find them enjoyable to play. The other deck that I would take to a competitive event.

Mind you, this is just the top decks for the majority lol.

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

You are forgeting a lot of decks that have chances. 

1. Trains - This deck can work with quit of a lot of different archetypes and is also a very consistent rank 10 spam. There field spell is one of the best in the game (Top 3 with Kozmotown and Union Hanger imo) and rank 10 as a whole are one of the best XYZs in the game. Dora is a dirty 3200ATK, 4000DEF better Felgrand that is a pain in the ass to kill, and usually even if you do, chances are that the trains players will have enough resources left to hit you with another wave of big monsters, untill you just die. 

2. Mermails - This is a deck that for me, always can do damage, but now with the addition of theatoad, which they can utilize perfectly trough Behemoth Shark, the deck gets that control of the board that they have always lacked imo. There coplex combos make strong boards that only cards like Raigeki can out and with Treatoad this is one problem less. 

3. Demise Qlis - I would say anything that runs demise should be in here (Demise Kozmos, Demise Yosenjus, etc.). The deck still has a very consistent base, and is shown to do very good against the meta decks in the past format. The worst match-up was monarchs and with them pretty much off the books, Qlis don't seem like they are going anywhere.

4. D/D/Ds - While we are getting more suport for the in the Structure deck in January, they still have enough of there cards to form a great deck. The power of this deck if used right exceeds even the best decks this format and going into the next one and you know you see a truly great player, when you are recked by them. 

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

I didn't count D/D/Ds as we are getting the support in Jan and there may or may not be a banlist by the time we have it. But yes, they are fun too. Why should that entice me back to the game now?

I Didn't forget the other decks, I just have nothing to say about them. Merms are fine. Cool deck and I've played them quite a bit in the past. But get tiring after a while. Trains came a little late imo, but I do like Shaddoll trains. Obviously you glanced over my comment in the pendulums section, because I said I hate Demise Qlis and what it stands for (It's no better than Yosenjus imo; I despise Yosenjus). All in all, there's a mix of entertaining decks and a lack of quality players to test against.

I'd be more willing to entertain coming back if Konami either banned or limited Dante (IT HAS TO GO), OR if they decided to bring back Construct (thus giving pure dolls some life). Oh, throw in 3 Ulti-Cannas and you might have more of a deal.

Last edited by ScottyAdams on Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

I'm a quality player you know Razz 

Anyway I wish I could host a tourney Can we try and bring back dueling? 3974120512 might buy it from the shop lel 

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Well da is back at dueling form again so yay. Slowly but surely

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Pepchoninga wrote:
I'm a quality player you know Razz 

Anyway I wish I could host a tourney Can we try and bring back dueling? 3974120512 might buy it from the shop lel 

Lol, I said 'lack of', not none. Still, trying to entice me to come back to dueling isn't the best thing to do. Especially when the game is as stale and boring as it is. Also, I have this little thing, called a life. Kinda a busy person, plus see no need or desire to rank up (skill wise, Ra is the best god) and this coming from someone whose personal fave god card is Obelisk. Anyway, you can duel i you want, I don't wish to though.

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Honestly, D/D is already a very strong contender this format with the release of Flame King and Thomas. It's already placed third in a regional and won an LLDS, and Flame King has barely been out for a week.

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Well, life is a hard thing...when you are a 15 year old with no life and almost no friends you have nothing else then to play yugimons Razz 

Yeah I'm gonna try and get into D/Ds more, since I love the archetype. 

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Pepchoninga wrote:
Well, life is a hard thing...when you are a 15 year old with no life and almost no friends you have nothing else then to play yugimons Razz 

Yeah I'm gonna try and get into D/Ds more, since I love the archetype. 

Are you implying you are quiting ygo soon? Lmao. One cannot quit ygo, just take pauses

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Nah, I'm implying I'm gonna kick your blue-eyes today Razz 

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

Tomorrow* have exam to study for today ;--;. Wait who said u will beat muh blue eyes

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

CrimsonOverlord wrote:
Pepchoninga wrote:
Well, life is a hard thing...when you are a 15 year old with no life and almost no friends you have nothing else then to play yugimons Razz 

Yeah I'm gonna try and get into D/Ds more, since I love the archetype. 

Are you implying you are quiting ygo soon? Lmao. One cannot quit ygo, just take pauses

Too late, I quitted.

but not YGO MADs

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

You "quit" cuz for some god forsaken reason, you cant extract ygopro.

descriptionCan we try and bring back dueling? EmptyRe: Can we try and bring back dueling?

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