
x2 Light and Darkness Dragon
x1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
x3 Battle Faders
x3 Caius the Shadow Monarch
x2 Dimensional Alchemist
x1 Cyber Dragon
x3 Cyber Valley
x1 Chaos Sorcerer
x2 Dandylion
x1 Ryko
x1 Sangan
x1 Plaguespreader Zombie
x1 Treeborn Frog


x2 Soul Exchange
x1 One For One
x1 Foolish Burial
x3 Book of Moon
x1 Smashing Ground
x1 Mystical Space Typhoon
x1 Heavy Storm


x2 Bottomless Trap Hole
x2 Dust Tornado
x1 Dimensional Prison
x1 Mirror Force
x1 Torrential Tribute
x1 Trap Dustshoot(Thinking of Replacing this with Thestalos)

Extra Deck|15|:

x14 Synchro Staples
x1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Explanations For Cards:

1.1 - Mosnters

Light and Darkness Dragon - Main Card of the Deck, wanted it to be in 2s so it won't be a dead draw.

Gorz The Emissary of Darkness - Staple plus can be a Tribute Fodder for LaDD.

Battle Faders - Tribute Fodders plus OTK Stoppers.

Caius The Shaodw Monarch - Deck is Tribute Fodder Friendly so why not?

Chaos Sorcerer - Because it's Chaos

Dimensional Alchemist - Recycles BTH'd Monsters and Battle Faders

Cyber Dragon - Tribute Fodder

Cyber Valley - Draw Engine

Dandylion - Tribute Fodder Generator

Ryko - Gets Rid of Cards, mostly splashed this in but it's been useful.

Sangan - Searcher

Plaguespreader Zombie - Accesses Synchros

Treeborn Frog - Staple for Any Tribute Foddering Decks

1.2 Spells

Soul Exchange - Same as Treeborn

One For One - Can be Used as Tribute Fodder/Discard Danylion and Get Cyber Valley to Draw 2

Foolish Bruial - Discard cards that belong in the grave

Book of Moon - Staple for Any LaDD Deck

Smashing Ground - A Control Deck, duh.

Mystical Space Typhoon & Heavy Storm - Staple

1.3 Traps

Bottomless Trap Hole - Control and Staple

Dust Tornado - S/T Removal and Control Deck

Dimensional Prison - Control Deck + Obliterates Stardust

Mirror Force, Torrential - Staple

Trap Dustshoot - Splashed in this deck, highly thinking to replace with Thestalos The Firestorm Monarch

1.4 Extra Deck

Synchro Staples - You Know

Chimeratech - Running Cyber Dragon and beats Machina.


Anyways, Any fixes appreciated