Tomato is not good, is exceptionally great. You said that you don't have targets for it, actually Sangan and Plaguespreader Zombie can be summoned by Mystic Tomato's effect. Other than that, it has excellent synergy with Lonefire. After sending two of them to the Graveyard you get to summon Tomato then Sangan after destruction by battle, ending up with with a <1500 monster in hand. The choices you have are something more than enough to help you execute a strategy from that point and after, considering that about the 85% of your monsters have an attack of 1500 or less. Overall you can dump up to 5 monsters pretty easily (Cat used to do this) using Pot Of Avarice whenever you need it, also gaining pluses from Sangan or Pot in the long run.
I prefer to run 21 Monsters in order to eliminate unwanted mills through Ryko's effect along with the two copies of Card Trooper we can have, for now. Dandyllion is only available at one so you're likely to target Card Trooper often with Debris, milling for Chaos Sorcerer, the one level Tuner plants and more. Gorz would be better compared to Tragoedia for me, by the time that you run 2 Effect Veilers, combo with the Emissary of Darkness Token for level 8 Synchro which being even reusable with Limit Reverse. Of course, Tragoedia gives the player a wider spectrum of moves taking advantage of some unused Tuners you keep at hand but I wouldn't sacrifice card utility in any case or maybe in this particular deck type. You can experiment on either another Chaos Sorcerer or Caius, just find what suits you best and adjust accordingly the ratio of Sorcerer and Pot Of Avarice.
It looks effective and pretty consistent overall. Keep in mind that 3 Sorcerers could be mandatory and Mirror Force could even not deserve a place there when facing deck types you can't find in KCVDS, but I regard it to be a deck for KCVDS. There are two techs in which I don't agree with other people and these are both Trap Dustshoot and One for One. The first gives profusely dead draws, considering the absence of a well-structured draw engine. You don't have any, but you can test it if you like doing it. One for One has a sick combo with Glow-Up Bulb and Chaos Sorcerer but can be disrupted easily except for cases where the opponent's cards you'll be destroying are no real threat at all. The main reson I rejected it was again its relatively being situational when a Chaos Sorcerer play is not viable and monsters like Level Eater are not there to provide any other types of moves.
@ The_Dutch_Prince Last time I checked the ruling about Priority didn't apply for TCG. My sources are to be trusted of course, but also got a confirmation by judges, one of them being a member of DA.