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descriptionMachina Gadgets EmptyMachina Gadgets

Monsters - 18
3. Machina Gearframe
3. Machina Fortress
2. Machina Force
2. Red Gadget
2. Yellow Gadget
2. Green Gadget
1. Cyber Dragon
1. Scrap Recycler
1. Tragoedia
1. Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

Spells - 11
3. Smashing Ground
2. Fissure
2. Pot of Avarice
1. Lightning Vortex
1. Limiter Removal
1. Heavy Storm
1. Mystical Space Typhoon

Traps - 13
3. Dimensional Prison
2. Bottomless Trap Hole
2. Dust Tornado
2. Starlight Road
1. Trap Dustshoot
1. Mirror Force
1. Torrential Tribute
1. Solemn Judgment

Side - 15
1. Cyber Dragon
2. Consecrated Light
3. Nobleman of Crossout
2. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
2. Trap Hole
2. Royal Oppression
2. Mirror of Oaths
1. Return from the Different Dimension

Extra - 15
3. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
12. Generic Synchros

Edit: List updated. Better fits the open-game strategy inherent in playing Gadgets,

Last edited by NaveAdair on Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:49 pm; edited 3 times in total

descriptionMachina Gadgets EmptyRe: Machina Gadgets

-2 Peacekeeper
-1 Gorz
-2 Pot of Avarice
-2 Machina Force
-1 Machina fortress(too much i think)

+2 Cyber Dragon
+1 Scrap Recycler
+2 Machina sniper

+2 Machina armored unit(forgot,the spell card)
+1 Solidarity

Just oppinion...

descriptionMachina Gadgets EmptyRe: Machina Gadgets

Exoduz wrote:
-2 Peacekeeper (searches Gearframe, protects monsters)
-1 Gorz (Stops OTKs)
-2 Pot of Avarice (Recycles Gadgets and Gearframes/Forces, draw power)
-2 Machina Force (free summoning of Fortress)
-1 Machina fortress(too much i think) (3 is necessary, too much removal this format)

+2 Cyber Dragon (Sided against machine match-up, doesn't help me elsewhere. Just makes me vulnerable)
+1 Scrap Recycler (1 is enough, it's not the best use of a normal summon)
+2 Machina sniper (Really bad)

+2 Machina armored unit(forgot,the spell card) (Horrible dead draw, doesn't do that much for the deck)
+1 Solidarity (Not worth running, means I can't use Trag, Gorz, Consecrated Light, etc)

Just oppinion...

Responses in quote. I've tried pretty much every card you've suggested, it just doesn't help the deck run well, and leads to dead draws too often.

Thanks for the suggestions anyway, though. :D

descriptionMachina Gadgets EmptyRe: Machina Gadgets

Yeah sorry...
But in my deck,it works quite well....
Maybe the last fix didnt work well coz i havent explained all

Machina Gadgets 99240077
I made all of this based on http://www.duelacademy.net/da-articles-section-f13/deck-review-article-district-9-no-humans-allowed-t4034.htm

Sorry if this not help...

descriptionMachina Gadgets EmptyRe: Machina Gadgets

 - Gorz or Tragoedia
 + Scrap Recycler 
 - Smashing Ground (2 are enought)
 - Pot of Avarice
 + Machina Armored Unit x2
 - Trap Dustshoot
 - Dust Tornado (1 is enought)
 - Dimensional Prison (2 are enought)
 - Royal Oppression (yes this is good for gadgets but it hurts the deck a lot, thats why i am removing it)
 + Lightning Vortex
 + Solemn Judgment
 + My Body as a Shield
 + Cyber Dragon

 Keep the Machina Force at 2, you need it.

descriptionMachina Gadgets EmptyRe: Machina Gadgets

Train Hardnett wrote:
- Gorz or Tragoedia
+ Scrap Recycler
- Smashing Ground (2 are enought)
- Pot of Avarice
+ Machina Armored Unit x2
- Trap Dustshoot
- Dust Tornado (1 is enought)
- Dimensional Prison (2 are enought)
- Royal Oppression (yes this is good for gadgets but it hurts the deck a lot, thats why i am removing it)
+ Lightning Vortex
+ Solemn Judgment
+ My Body as a Shield
+ Cyber Dragon

Keep the Machina Force at 2, you need it.

Solemn should be in there, weird. Lightning Vortex I keep taking out and adding back in, it doesn't help much in a lot of matchups, it's a -1 to play and it can be Starlight Road'd.

Oppression is really good in this deck. Easy to play around, and keeps the duel open which is how Gadgets (and, by extension, Machina Gadgets) should be played.

A 2nd Scrap Recycler isn't necessary, and MAU is mediocre.

Also, 3 Smashing Ground and D-Prison is required... and Dustshoot is way too good to take out...

I'm thinking of rebuilding this deck a bit. More 141 and control, less aggression. That's how the deck plays best.

EDIT: New build in first post.

descriptionMachina Gadgets EmptyRe: Machina Gadgets

 for the new build:

 - Fissure x2
 + Shrink or Burden of the Mighty x2

 Note: For the previous build when you use Machine and you have Royal Oppression you are screwing yourself up really bad unless you run Trap Stuns. 

descriptionMachina Gadgets EmptyRe: Machina Gadgets

Train Hardnett wrote:
 for the new build:

 - Fissure x2
 + Shrink or Burden of the Mighty x2

 Note: For the previous build when you use Machine and you have Royal Oppression you are screwing yourself up really bad unless you run Trap Stuns. 

It's like running Oppression in Tele-DAD. You just chill back and avoid special summoning (easy with the number of floaters in this deck) while controlling the field. Eventually your opponent will get rid of Oppression, and you clear the field and explode.

I might consider Shrink. Stops Bottomless, can be played during damage step, fun card overall.

descriptionMachina Gadgets EmptyRe: Machina Gadgets

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