The hype is little bit too much for me. The card is really only good against Shaddolls, and in certain situations only. Against Satellars it's okay since you'll destroy the monster or force the Alpha, but that's about it - again, it will only be "actually" good in certain situations. As for it against BA, the card is very useless. BA's strength comes from the backrow - Pwwb and Karma are one of the best cards in the game. Ofc this really depends on what deck you're playing, but if you're planning on playing one of those 3 - Satellars, BA and Shaddolls, this card shouldn't be in your main deck imo. There are far better cards you might want to have in your hand when you're facing the current meta. Maybe if Shaddolls are the most played deck after October 1st, then yes - maybe you should main it, but with BA being the most popular atm, I can't find a reason to put it in my main deck.
I'd side it tho.