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Jin Kazama
9 posters

descriptionTeachers EmptyTeachers

As of late, we have one Teacher. We've been really struggling to get this area of the forum bustling. The classroom, the lessons, they're all great. But the issue is that we have no new blood who wants, or likes, being a Teacher.

Soon, well have a poll. It's going to ask you whether or not you want Teachers to remain a part of Duel Academy. As a note: We DO NOT plan on removing these sections of the forums; we will continue to provide service to them in the forms of lessons and articles.

There are many options that could arise here, so what I want to do firstly is take opinions. Should we keep Teachers?

If we do keep Teachers, my issue is the quality and the lack of willing people. Yes, that sucks. But we don't have too many people interested. Note: If you want to say you're interested, great. Send me an article and I'll evaluate you and let you know.

If we don't keep Teachers, do we have a new staff position?

If the answer is no, we have a clear tiered system.
Admins-> Mods-> Assistants-> Dorm Leaders.

If the answer is yes, then do we do one? Two?

If we have one, I suggest it be an elite Article Team, but I doubt this would solve the issue.

If we have two, the above plus a GFX team. Note: The GFX team would NOT get any extra powers. Their own color, yes, and access to the staff section for GFX, but no other abilities. These would be appointed at Administrator discretion.

I get that this is vehemently against DA discretion, but with one active Teacher over the past few months, I think the position is redundant.

Oh, and what happens to displaced Teachers if we remove it?

Thoughts/opinions welcome. Do not spam this thread.

Last edited by Jin Kazama on Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

Keep it, it has been apart of DA since the last 4 years I would hate to see it go it has helped many people understand rulings etc Ik it will still be there but it wont be the same imo

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

I think keeping teachers would be beneficial, but only if we can get some active ones. Otherwise, having an article team of like 2-4 people would probably be a good choice. As for the GFX team, if there was one it would be at the base of the hierarchy I think. No offense to them, but just because they have the least responsibility out of all the positions. As for lessons, they can be maintained by staff as a whole, I think. I'd be willing to bet some of our staff members have lesson ideas that they cannot implement because they are not teachers.

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

Honestly, I think the teaching position is quite helpful because having a teacher is useful in helping a lot of people learn the rules, interesting new cards, and think of ways to play their decks. It's actually very useful.

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

DanteKennedy wrote:
Honestly, I think the teaching position is quite helpful because having a teacher is useful in helping a lot of people learn the rules, interesting new cards, and think of ways to play their decks. It's actually very useful.

You would think it is useful, but unfortunately we already have that without having the Teacher position listed.

We could split up the Teacher duties between Mods and Assistants (or Mods and Article Team Members) in order to better use our resources.

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

Jin Kazama wrote:
You would think it is useful, but unfortunately we already have that without having the Teacher position listed.We could split up the Teacher duties between Mods and Assistants (or Mods and Article Team Members) in order to better use our resources.

That's sort of that I was saying.

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

Well, that does work. I don't know what the Mods and Admins have for duties but I would think they'd be quite busy. Wouldn't it be even more work for them?

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

get rid of it or dont doesnt matter you have all the articles that were written still, if people dont know rulings by now thats pretty sad but they will eventually learn on there own by playing and hearing everyone say how bad they are so I dont think its needed to hold there hands and tell them how to do things

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

DanteKennedy wrote:
Well, that does work. I don't know what the Mods and Admins have for duties but I would think they'd be quite busy. Wouldn't it be even more work for them?

As it stands, Mods are already doing Teacher duties. So, no. Not much more work as it stands.

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

Remove it. Have those who actually want to write articles write as a teacher. The lessons aren't as active too. So much work q.q

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

Well, I never thought of actually working for DA as a teacher, but.. I guess I'll give it a shot. Yes, I do have large amounts of experience being a "teacher" for academies. PMing you my application.

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

Personally I think DA has the need for teachers. However due to the current inactivity and lack of suitable candidates we lack lessons and articles etc.

When DA picks up in activity etc there will be people looking to earn DP and learn YGO tricks etc. Lessons are a good way to do it.

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

I'm going to go ahead and close this. We're having a serious discussion about it as Administrators. We see the merits to both sides of the argument. For now there won't be a poll.

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

I personally think that the way forwards is one-to-one tutoring through skype or similar methods of communication. If you make a section in which members of staff could offer tutoring services for this, but in a manner that is not through the shop (and therefore free), then I think it would sort out the idea and would generally work better.

descriptionTeachers EmptyRe: Teachers

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