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descriptionLesson #29[Solved by Gracco] EmptyLesson #29[Solved by Gracco]

Lesson 29
Slay the Dragon

3 months ago, back in February we saw the TCG release of a new structure deck: Dragons Collide. The structure deck bought us much dragon support and the Dragons are light and dark, as they were made for chaos. Before the release of the structure deck the Dragons received a fair amount of hype, as duelists pondered on what they could do with these new, powerful Dragons. Soon after Light Pulsar's effect was revealed, an infinite burn loop was discovered that used Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Light Pulsar, and Toon Cannon Soldier to burn all of your opponents life points in one turn. Everyone was going crazy for the loop and some were disappointed at how "broken" Light Pulsar was. However, it was later discovered that Pulsar's optional trigger effect said "when" and not "if". This made it possible for Pulsar to miss the timing, destroying the entire loop and the Dragons lost their hype and no one really cared for them anymore. No one expected a top tier deck to come out of the structure and no one bothered using the deck at big events such as YCS. However though, in April, on the same day, a Chaos Dragon deck won a YCS in France and another got top 2 in YCS Dallas. Everyone was surprised at first and then once they jumped on the bandwagon, they realized the power of the deck and Chaos Dragons are now considered tier 1. The Dragons continue to dominate and have topped many events since April, and won another YCS in Philly. Your objective in this lesson is to write an article on just how to beat Chaos Dragons. You are to give in-depth tips and tricks and explain what cards to side vs them, rulings, ect. Your article is to be in your own words and if you are caught copy/pasting something from another site, I will ignore all of your posts in this thread and you can guarantee that you won't get the reward.

Before you respond, please read the Classroom Rules here.

Reward: 500 DP

Last edited by LethalAfterZ on Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:44 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionLesson #29[Solved by Gracco] EmptyRe: Lesson #29[Solved by Gracco]

There are a number of different ways to beat chaos dragons; they are definitely not without fault. Because they are halfway between banishing and graveyard decks, if you combat either of them then they are finished. Cards such as necrovalley and imperial iron wall will completely murder REDMD, chaos sorcerer, and BLS, and by making the last 2 useless, you also ruin eclipse wyvern, the deck's main search power.

The other side of this is that you could force them to banish cards. A common staple in most decks is dimensional prison; if you banish lightpulsar it won't get its effect, and then its banished so you can't special summon it back from grave in any way. Cards like macro cosmos and dimensional fissure would also help to beat the chaos dragons fro this reason, and these also double up. Most chaos dragons decks include lyla, ryko, and charge of the light brigade. This is because they have useful destroying effects and also they help put cards into grave. But with macro cosmos or dimensional fissure, their milling effects can't activate.

Then again, their other effects will activate, and they could easily destroy the continuous spell/trap cards. Not a problem; light imprisoning mirror is a side deck staple. LIP prevents lightpulsar using its effects in graveyard, and also it stops the lightsworns from doing anything. You could also use SIP, because REDMD and chaos sorcerer are dark monsters that are pretty crucial to the deck, but this wouldn't work as well because their inherant summons are solely from hand and they are also reasonable beatsticks.

The biggest anti light/dark card that should be found on most side decks is koa'ki meiru drago. Stopping the special summons of light and dark monsters kills the deck instantly; its anti monster support is all special summoned, other than trap cards. The second you get this card on the field your opponent might as well have lost. And it's only a level 4, so you can normal summon it. If you're really cautious about traps, you just don't attack with it, and use your other monsters. And when there isn't a backrow, don't worry about gorz or tragoedeia. No worries! They're dark! Battle fader? Dark! They can't special summon anything to stall you, can't special anything to help them on with their own plans, they can't do a thing. The whole deck is light and dark based.

There are ways of killing them without negating effects. If they only have 1 REDMD on the field and none in the grave, if you kill lightpulsar then REDMD and they can't special summon anything back. If they have another in grave, then it's just another monster to kill. In that sort of a situation, if you have collossal fighter and no warriors in grave, you can go through both REDMDs, after something else killed the lightpulsar, then attack directly for 2800.

Also, you can also banish individual cards. DD crow, disappear, and soul release are the easiest ways of killing the deck while it's still "dormant". If you can't get past the REDMD lighpulsar loop, just banish at least one of them and the deck is very quickly slowed down. This is a deck that works with speed, if you get it to run slowly then it just won't work. It's not a very defensive deck, just an all out aggressive, save for the dragons included fro REDMD to summon other than lightpulsar. These generally have 3000 attack, so anything better and you can beat the deck down.

Lastly, there are a couple of cards that could very easily finish off the archetype. To slow it down consderably, chaos trap hole and/or bottomless trap hole could both harm the deck, because they would not only slow it down, but also banish one of the main monsters. You could also use electric virus to stop a REDMD using its effect, or, in your turn, use its effect for your own gain, then tribute it or whatever you wanted to do.

The really big weakness of a deck relying heavily on two different archetypes is rivalry of warlords. This card completely prevents any of the big strategies in the deck from happening, as they may only control one type of monster. If they used light, they could not use REDMD or chaos sorcerer, and if they used dark, they could not have lightpulsar or any of the lightsworns. Just one half of the deck couldn't possibly stand a chance.

Last edited by jjh927 on Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionLesson #29[Solved by Gracco] EmptyRe: Lesson #29[Solved by Gracco]

if you have dimensional fissure, or any card that banish cards, red eyes can't revive light pulsar since it's not in the graveyard, light pulsar's effect can't activate too because it isn't sent to the graveyard.

Prime material dragon can also be used to make the burn loop become useful to you, since you will be healed by it's effect, but prime material dragon only got 2400 atk and 2000 def, so it will be a good idea (actually, you must) to strength it.

Necrovalley or The end of anubis will make red eyes effect useless, since it can't revive light pulsar in the graveyard.

Any cards that prevent special summoning will put the burn loop to a stop

Any cards that negate effect is also good, Skill drain is good, but you might want divine wrath to counter this, or even solemn judgment. With those cards, i think it's better to destroy red eyes, since if you destroy light pulsar, it's second effect still activate, possibly to just revive another red eyes, but if you destroy red eyes, it can't revive light pulsar anymore.

descriptionLesson #29[Solved by Gracco] EmptyRe: Lesson #29[Solved by Gracco]

@ jj - Your answer is great, but you are missing something really important. What you're missing is something that you have to know when dueling Chaos Dragons. Try to figure out what it is and your answer will be good enough to get the reward.

@ rexus - I'm sorry but your answer needs alot of work.

descriptionLesson #29[Solved by Gracco] EmptyRe: Lesson #29[Solved by Gracco]

seeing as CHAOS decks are very reliant upon grave yard and also very special summon based, i would side in either macro cosmos or vanity's empress in because with out those two functions the dragons are useless. a last good side deck card for them is Kaoki meiru Drago which can also kill them. They are very field oriented so my personal favorite way to kill them is torrential tribute or mirror force. some may say tha plusar is a problem for these two but for that i have prohibition. the best way to stop this deck is to stifle it early on and make it waste it's rescources. for this stun cards like Rai Oh and DCL are also useful. Kycoo the ghost destroyer works well also because then they cant banish for cost of BLS, plusar, chaos sorcerer, etc. Necrovalley simply detroys the deck as well.

answers to side options

vanity's emptiness-most people dont consider this to good but stopping dragons for one turn can be enough
torrential tribute
mirror force
macro cosmos-stops plusar-REDMD loop
kaoki meiru Drago
Kycoo the ghost destroyer

descriptionLesson #29[Solved by Gracco] EmptyRe: Lesson #29[Solved by Gracco]

I heard people wanted to know how to pwn a chaos dragon deck. Is simple. They got lightsworn and LS draw cards to get stuff in grave. They got light and dark dragons and bls and chaos sorc. They got a dragon that brings back dragons and they got a dragon that brings back the dragon that brings back dragons. Sounds like a good deck. After this article though they will seem like trash.

Game 1: If you are lucky enough to be playing GK or have Fissure/Macro mained it should be easy. If this is not you then read on. Chaos Dragons deck themselves rather quickly due to the LS and all the draw power. If you can not get over the dragons I recommend trying to play a stall strategy with your deck game 1. in TCG Tour Guide is an auto include. Use Tour to get Zenmaines. If you have two level 4 monsters out then the proper choice would be Maestroke. If you have 2 level 2 then go for gachi gachi. Cards like Bottomless Trap Hole and Compulsory Evac and Dimensional Prison would be advantageous in game 1. Use your Effect Veilers wisely. They most likely will engage in the Lightpulsar REDMD soft lock. Use Effect Veiler at the right time on REDMD to break through.

So got beat by the sheer force and speed of the dragons....going to side...do not know what to side in and or out...I got ur back.

Side out MST. Chaos Dragons do not play much backrow. If you play a lot of backrow watch out for Royal Decree, that can be adjusted to for game 3 though. If you side macro cosmos then put it in now. If you side spirit reaper then now would be a good time to add it in. If you side Magic Cylinder then go for it. If you side prohibition then REDMD would be a decent pick but I would not side in prohibition because dragon has Ryko and Lyla. If you run skill drain main or side it would be good now if your deck can cope with it. If your deck can handle it then Shadow-Imprisoning mirror would be a good add. Also, Debunk is a good card against Dark World decks and it stops Lightpulsar summon effects. Side in the 3rd veiler if u do not main 3. D.D. Crow is a very good option to side in. Bottomless Trap Hole can go in now as well.

Game 2: hypothetically you open some sides and you proceed to pwn. You see that a Royal Decree was sided in.

Side: Side in MST for Decree. Also Soul Taker is a good card against Chaos Dragon if you have it. Many decks have began to main 1 Soul Taker because it causes Lightpulsar dragons effect to miss timing much like Ryko does to many cards.

Game 3: Adjusted well and won. Walled with Xyz and controlled to victory.

Random Tips: Always kill the Lightpulsar first. Many times there will not be a target for lightpulsar to revive when there would be a target if it was destroyed from the field first. Debunk is good. Soul Taker is good. More stall can be good. D.D. Crow is pro-status against chaos dragon. Chaos Dragon can deck fast so playing a slow controlling and stalling game against chaos dragons can many times be the key to victory.

in competitive yugioh it is often times not the deck that makes the biggest plays that wins but the deck that stops the biggest plays.


descriptionLesson #29[Solved by Gracco] EmptyRe: Lesson #29[Solved by Gracco]

Edited answer. I think I got the big thing.

descriptionLesson #29[Solved by Gracco] EmptyRe: Lesson #29[Solved by Gracco]

@ jj - Your answer is good but you did not mention anything about Pulsar missing the timing, that is something you must know when dueling Chaos Dragons. And LIP is not a staple side deck card.

@ needaname - I'm sorry but your answer is far inferior to jj's ad Gracco's.

@ Gracco - Great overrall answer and you're the only one who mentioned Pulsar missing the timing.

Solved by Gracco.

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