this is my new real life deck
new deck and need fixes as i think, it's anout crystal beast's


3 of each crystal beast
2 rainbow dragon


1 X Crystal Aboundance
1 X Crystal Beacon
1 X Crystal Blessing
2 X Crystal Promis
1 X Crystal rilease
1 X Crystal Tree
3 X Rare Vlue


1 X Counter Crystal
1 X Crystal Raigeki
1 X Crystal Set
1 X Mask Of Weakness
1 X Mirror Force
1 X Sakuretsu Armor
Total 40 cards

Please fix it as best as u can

and make 2 fixes:

1st:with forbaddin (thats how my bro play,dirty player) and for the simi limits and limits u can put 3 from each

2nd:without forbaddin cards :so i play with my friends