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Docks [WOTN]

Saiseki Umihana
Potus Mat
11 posters

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I've decided to make things a little easier on all of us and divide the main RP into threads. Each location has it's own thread and anytime you RP you will need to pick a location to post it in.
This is the Duel Academy Docks.

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Character: Atlas Kumari
Post: "This is the power of four Numbers? It is... amazing... and when I have all one hundred...?"
I suppose you sense that, Atlas?
Took you long enough, Six.
You can actually detect Numbers that far away, Nos. 96?
The power of Darkness is corruption. To corrupt, the uncorrupted must be able to be detected.
Shut up! Mist, I embrace the power you have given me is outstanding, but, Atlanthal, can't you silence him like you did Knight and Puppet?
Unfortunately, Nos. 96 is quite a powerful Number, and not able to be silenced easily. Embracing him was a bad idea, and, were it not for me. you will most likely be overtaken.
Six, your words hardly give justice to my abilities. How are Ten and Fifteen, anyway?
We have nearly finished absorbing their abilities. Unfortunately, this has given them intense pain, hence why I had to silence his screams. I truly apologize, Nos. 10, Nos. 15. When this Hell is over, I will find a way to repay you and all of the Numbers we carry
Nos. 10... I apologize...
End your drama. That Number approaching?
Correct. Are you prepared?

Last edited by Potus Mat on Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:23 am; edited 2 times in total

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*Approaching with the others*

"So we meet again Atlas," he said. "It seems that you can control yourself in a duel but can't control your numbers hmm? Dark Mist gave me no trouble. Neither do the Shock Masters. You are good with cards but that's about it. I found out a way to beat you at that too but I'll let it be for now. There are others dying to duel you even more. You pathetic waste of a life form."

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Character: Atlas Kumari
Post: "So, Shock allows you to listen in to my internal monologues and dialogues? Try not reading my thoughts. Let's go, Numbers!"

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Potus Mat wrote:
Character: Atlas Kumari
Post: "So, Shock allows you to listen in to my internal monologues and dialogues? Try not reading my thoughts. Let's go, Numbers!"

(Out of character: Actually back when doctor G had shock he set up that thoughts could be read with him and you could tell what numbers people had: back in character)


"Yeah nice trick ain't it? But as I said, I'm not the one dueling you now. I'll leave that as last resort."

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Leon Asura

Asura: "Atlas! I want my number back! *Jumps down from Shock Master* "So what's it gonna be?"

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Character: Atlas Kumari
Post: "O? Such emotion... Give into those emotions. Anger and Hate are supreme. Gather me three Numbers and I shall return Nos. 15 for it. Or gather a single Number and attempt to defeat me to reclaim it. Otherwise, begone!"

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"Don't Forget me Atlas! For I will not stop till my enemy falls! My name is Rhys Utzaru! You took my friends' Number! Prepare For your Downfall!!!"

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"Oh by the way Rhys, this glowy rock thing fell out of your bag When we first talked back when I got here. I found it and heard you talking about some stone. I don't know if this is it, it probably isn't but here you are anyway." Ryan said as he handed Rhys the rock.

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Character: Atlas Kumari
Post: "Downfall... Friendship... Enemies... You DARE try to talk down to me on these subjects! My entire civilization fell... my friends died... all of the world is my enemy... Former Number user, I will return Nos. 15 to you if you bring me all of this man's Numbers! This shall silence both of you."
Atlas walked to the end of the pier. "If you truly care about your friend, then surrender your Number to him. Otherwise, simply fall to me. Your choice."

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(Btw, it didn't fall out of my bag, My DragonStone fell out at another point. You got it of the ground.)


"A Fire DragonStone!!! Thank you. This will boost my confidance." He said taking the red stone that glows as it comes into contact with him. "Fall to you, Atlas. Nay! I shall ... Wait! What civilization!"

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"Atlas I know what it feels like to be cast out. My father left me to my uncle's mercy to become a better duelist. He drove me to the point of insanity.
He would even put me in a virtual reality where minutes in real life were hours. Then he forced me to duel and if I got to tired he would electrocute me in the virtual reality. That was his punishment for losing too. Which is funny because 90% of the duels were rigged FOR me to lose. He then sent me here to gain the power necessary to defeat the one he never could. However now I'm my own person. You should learn to do the same."

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Character: Atlas Kumari
Post: "Hahahaha... Cry me a river. My entire civilization, my friends, my family... They all died Milenia ago! They drowned... I could hear their screams as whatever I fell into slowly made everything dark... I when I woke up... Do not look down on my despair!"

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"I don't. But instead of spending millennia on revenge or power, why don't you do something beneficial you crybaby!? Did you rebuild? Recolonize? Start over? Did you do anything you could be proud of? Ask yourself, is that what your friends and family would have wanted? You to be focused on power when you could be living up their memory, instead of living it down?"

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Character: Atlas Kumari
Post: "All of my people are dead! I need the Numbers to raise our land and start over!"

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Potus Mat wrote:
Character: Atlas Kumari
Post: "All of my people are dead! I need the Numbers to raise our land and start over!"

"So you spent millennia searching for a way to do so when with time and hard work you could have done it yourself? Obviously you had plenty of time. Since you need all of the numbers to accomplish your goal I leave you with a choice. Either you give this up and try rebuilding the honest way, or we destroy all our numbers and make your dream unattainable. I can promise you though if you rebuild the honest way I can promise you all the help you could ever imagine. I won't tell you how I can but I just can."

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Leon Asura


Asura: "I won't betray friends, anyone who does that is worse then scum, but one of you is going to have to duel Atlas and take his Numbers. Maybe then, he'll snap out of it." *Asura Said to Rhys and Ryan*

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Character: Atlas Kumari
Post: "Do you HONESTLY think I was conscience for that time!? I was in stasis for over ten thousand years! And I think you will find that Numbers cannot be destroyed so easily..."

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Potus Mat wrote:
Character: Atlas Kumari
Post: "Do you HONESTLY think I was conscience for that time!? I was in stasis for over ten thousand years! And I think you will find that Numbers cannot be destroyed so easily..."


"Well if I take my two shock masters and command them to destroy each other something is bound to happen."

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"STOP ARGUEING!!!! What Civilization where you a part of Atlas?" *Brain Clicks*

"Millennia. Atlas. ATLANTIS!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE FROM ATLANTIS!!!"

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*saiseki appears from a card in the wind 7*
Saiseki : Man y wasnt i invited soo mean dont owrry asura i got ur back ill get all ur numbers back!
Saiseki : Guys Let Atlas Go For now if an evil is defeated a new and stronger one will come
Saiseki : For U atlas youll get wuts commin ill let everyone take there pick on u first

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Character: Lokos
Post: Lokos was at the docks and heared all what they were talking about. - 'Heh this is getting intersting... And now i know what is that guy going to do.' - He walked where were other people. - "So you are going to get your people back? But how? I know numbers have powers but i dont think they will able to return back your people... Unless something is helping you!" - He said to Atlas

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"Atlas... Tell me... I need to know."

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Character: Atlas Kumari
Post: "Atlantis was my country. Ten thousand years ago, it sank after a failed takeover on the mainland. By an Atlantian device, I survived in stasis, only to be reborn in this wretched world ruled by the weak descendants of my enemies. Does this information suffice, Number Duelist?"

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"Weaker descendants huh? Well maybe that's true. However I've figured out how to defeat you. However I'm going to gather more numbers first for safety. Rhys, will you duel me so one of us can gather more strength?"

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Terror bity tell mike," Hey mike i fell there is a number card here let ask him if he can help us in our jourery you for the werewolf and for me my world.

mike said to bity," ok terror bity let do that.

so mikey saw a dude and he said,"hello my name is mike.

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yuma fudo wrote:

Terror bity tell mike," Hey mike i fell there is a number card here let ask him if he can help us in our jourery you for the werewolf and for me my world.

mike said to bity," ok terror bity let do that.

so mikey saw a dude and he said,"hello my name is mike.


"Shock Master already let me read yor mind, and I'd it's a duel you want it's a duel you'll get!"

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"So... That's it... Atlas... Do you know that Dragons lived amongst the atlanian's? The first civilization to live in peace with them. Some chose to take on human form via sealing some of there power in gems known as DragonStones. These stones spawned many a myth, about dragons and a love of that which shines. But it was also the origin of the Manakete." *Lowers his black jacket and green wings unfold* "Of me. The atlantian's may have had power and knowledge," *I pull my jacket back up to cover my wings* "but had just as much hubrus as humans. Not to say that Dragons don't. The flooding of Atlantis had to do with a water DragonStone. The Atlantian's tried to study it. To weaponize it. They played with too much power. ... That's what I heard anyway. The point is, that you are going about rebuilding the wrong way. Don't usher back the sands of time to reinvent that which was doomed to fail. Learn from the times of old and don't mess with what's better left alone. Raise Atlantis through hard work. Not power. Do not try to revive something with the very tool of it's destruction."

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Takuya Kazumake

Takuya started getting annoyed of all the chatter going around.

"Alright Atlas, enough of this history lesson and this whole conversation. This is what you want right?" Takuya held up his Number 30 card. "You want it right?, well lets duel!"

*Takuya turns on his duel disk, and gets his deck set*

No matter what happens..i want you to know. You were not that good..you were decent as most. Just want you to know

"Thanks for the support" said Takuya in reply to Acid Golem's remark

(we already dueled, and i won. Just not so sure how to report this, first time lol. I hope this is sufficient)

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Character: Atlas Kumari
Post: As Nos. 15 drifted from his hand, Nos. 96 began speaking into Atlas's ear.
Anger and hate are supreme. We shall go together...
Atlas looked up and pulled out his duel disk, his emotions drained.
"Who's next?"

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