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Monsters - 20

  • E hero prisma x3
  • E hero stratos x1
  • GB bestiari x1
  • GB darius x3
  • GB laquari x3
  • GB murmillo x2
  • GB retiari x1
  • Sangan x1
  • Test tiger x3
  • Thunder king rai-oh x2

Spells - 11

  • Dark hole x1
  • Giant trunade x1
  • Gladiator proving ground x2
  • Miracle Fusion x2
  • Monster Reborn x1
  • Mystical space typhoon x2
  • Super polymerization x2

Traps - 9

  • Bottomless trap hole x2
  • Call of the haunted x1
  • Mirror force x1
  • Solemn judgment x1
  • Torrential tribute x1
  • Trap stun x1
  • Waboku x2

Extra - 15

  • E hero absolute zero x2
  • E hero escuridao x1
  • E hero gaia x2
  • E hero great tornado x2
  • E hero nova master x2
  • E hero the shining x2
  • GB gyzarus x3
  • GB herakilnos x1

Side - 15

  • Lightning vortex x3
  • Shield crush x2
  • Dark bribe x2
  • Divine wrath x2
  • Dust tornado x2
  • Solemn warning x2
  • Trap stun x1
  • E hero escuridao x1

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+War Chariot
+Reinforcement of the army/E-Call/Book of Moon
+Dim Prison
-1 Darius
-1 Laquari
-Giant Trunade

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  • -1 darius
  • -1 laquari
  • +1 equeste
  • +1 retiari
  • -1 lightning vortex (side)
  • +1 Dim. prison (side)

After your suggestion, the above was done. I can understand some of the other suggestions, like E/RotA/Book of Moon, but don't have room for everything while keeping a good card balance. Could I get you to explain your reasoning on a few things? 1)Vs. war chariot, I've got 2 divine wrath in side. do I need a 3rd, more conditional effect? // 2) Why do I need 3 murmillo? // 3) Sangan gets me test tiger/bestiari. Why should I remove that searchability? // 4) Waboku is, in a way, better for this deck than mirror force, since it allows me tag out my GBs afterwards. Is that worth giving up? // 5) Giant trunade can mass remove potentially dangerous cards, as well as put CotH back in my hand for repeat use.

I'd like to know why you think what you think so I can make a better over-all decision. Thanks

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From the top of my head:

-3 Prisma
-1 Stratos
-3 Test Tiger
-1 Sangan
-1 Darius
-1 Murmillo
+1 Hoplomus
+1 Grand Mole
+1 Gale
+2 Equeste

-2 Super Poly
-2 Miracle Fusion
-1 Giant Trunade
+2 Forbidden Lance
+1 Book of Moon
+1 Pot of Duality

-2 Waboku
+2 Seven Tools
+2 Dimensional Prison
+2 Solemn Warning
+3 Chariot

+1 card of choice if you want to make it 42, e.g. 3rd Forbidden Lance, 3rd Prison, Mind Crush, 3rd Proving Ground, Smashing Ground, etc.

-1 card if you want to make it 40, e.g. Trap Stun, 3rd Chariot, 3rd Laquari

Reasoning: The Hero variant is simply worse. On top of that, In my opinion, Tigerless is better than with Tiger. You also don't need Sangan because it's slow and doesn't do anything for the deck (if you want Bestiari, summon any GB -> attack -> get Besti), 1 Murmillo is plenty, and 2 Darius is also enough without Prisma.
I personally feel that Trunade is less good outside of otk decks or the like, which GBs are not.
Waboku is not bad, but I just think there are better choices.

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So a complete restructure, basically x.x I'll give it a shot, but I'm not sure turning it into a different variant counts as a fix, just my opinion. I'll post the results after a bit.

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