spell - A Painful Farewell
if your opponent destroys a monster on your side of the field, activate this card, your opponent must chose one of his monsters and send it to the grave yard, the monsters effect are negated.

spell - Adam and Eve
All fiend monsters on your side of the field gain 200 ATK/DEF. if this card is destroyed, destroy all fiend monsters on your side of the field and take 100 damage for every fiend monster that was destroyed.

spell - Angels Reborn
Pay half your life points and bring back any fiend monster to your side of the field.

spell - Arrival of The Fallen
If you have no monsters on your side of the field and have taken battle damage, you can summon for 2 turns, a level 5 or lower fiend monster from your deck or hand. destroy the monster after 2 turns and take half its ATK as damage.

spell - Change of Wings
Negate the attack of your opponent monster. your monster looses half its original ATK.

spell - Cruel Forest
Both players can't synchro summon. both players can draw 1 card more in their draw phase.

spell - Dark Fortune
name a card in your deck. if you draw it, you can add it to your hand, if not take 1000 as damage.

spell - Dark Mirror
when a monster you control is destroyed. you can summon the same monster from your deck. in your next standby phase switch control of it with your opponent. if this card is destroyed, destroy the monster. if the monster is destroyed, destroy this card.

spell - Dark Mistress
if you have a fiend monster on your side of the field, all other fiend monsters gain 500 ATK/DEF

spell - Dark Twisted Tree
All fiend monsters on your side of the field cant be destroyed in battle. damage calculation is applied normally.

spell - Deaths Offer
return 1 card from your grave yard. send 1 card to the grave yard at each of your standby phases.

spells - Demonic Army
All fiend monsters on your side of the field can attack 2 during your battle phase.

spell - Demonic Love
If a fiend monster on your side of the field has been destroyed. you can summon a fiend monster from your hand.

spell - Dredfull Eye
Choose 1 card from your opponents hand and remove it from play.

ps. check out my monster cards i made them with the same theme.

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