First, fill out the Extra Deck to 15 cards. That just gives your deck more options.
Field Barrier is uneccessary. So is Junk Synchron and 2 Terraforming. You should be running 1 at the most.
If you want Tuners, Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind, Krebons, and Psychic Commander are better than Junk. Only because the last two can be summoned with Emergency Teleport and Gale comes with a Shrink-like effect.
I do not see Goblin Zombie, Allure of Darkness, or Burial from a Different Dimension. Those cards are Staples in Zombie decks. You also need Brain Control. Trust me, it'll come in handy.
I also found that 3 Il Bud is rather slow. I usually only run 1 max. And Book of Moon is better than Shrink.