here are all of the ranks in the fan fic

Union military ranks (also duelist alliance ranks)
Genesis soldiers have authority over one rank above theirs to all non genesis soldiers. Arch is two ranks above theirs.
Rookie (out of boot camp)
Private first grade
Private second grade
Corporal first grade
Corporal second grade
Sergeant first grade (Centurions regiment training for genies training out of boot camp
Sergeant second grade
Sergeant third grade
Warrant officer grade one
Warrant officer grad two
Lieutenant grade one (It is now possible for genesis soldiers to become arch genesis soldiers)
Lieutenant grade two
Chief warrant officer grade one
Chief warrant officer grade two
Chief Lieutenant
Commander grade one
Commander grade two
Major grade one
Major grade two
Chief Captain
Chief Major
General (or admiral for navy)
Marshal General and Marshal admiral (second in command)
Marshal of the army