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DA Awards 2016

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Jin Kazama
23 posters

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyDA Awards 2016

First topic message reminder :

Welcome to DA Awards nomination for 2016. As per usual, at the end of every year we nominate people for a set of prizes of categories in your opinion they did great at.

During this year we've had to overcome many hardships, most notably the downfall of Dueling Network, but even so, we've all overcome them together. Now, I could go on about how thankful I am to all of you for contributing and spending your precise time here on Duel Academy, making it better and more enjoyable for everyone else, but you'd probably be reading this till 2017 and'd miss out on nominating people for the awards. So to keep it short, thank you for deciding to stay with us here, as apart of our little family.

DA Awards is an event that allows you as an individual to nominate people for prizes - from your perspective they did enough to earn these prizes.

You can nominate 1 person for each prize, you can also use 'N/A' when you don't want to nominate someone for a certain category, for instance:
- Member of the Year (2016): Anzo
- Duelist of the Year (2016): N/A
(These are mere examples)

However, we prefer that you refrain from using too much of "N/A", for it'll make our job a tad harder when counting total nominations and deciding the winner of each category, but it's all up to you.

The categories are as the following:

- Admin of the Year (2016): This prize is given to the person - in your opinion - is the Admin who worked for the better good to assure this community's ever growing growth continues.

- Mod of the Year (2016): This prize is similar to that of an Admin's, only difference, is you'll be nominating the Mod who in your opinion deserves such an award. Someone who has always been there for you when you sought help.

- Assistant of the Year (2016): Similar to the two other awards above. This prize is given the person - in your opinion - did the best among all the other remaining Assistants.

- Member of the Year (2016): This prize is given to the most loyal, active, and friendly member who in your opinion deserves to be entitled member of the year.

- Duelist of the Year (2016): This prize is earned rather than given; however, you're the one who decides who 'earn' this prize. After all, you're the one who decides who has been the best all-around duelist in Duel Academy for this year.

- Artist of the Year (2016): This prize is given to the best artist in this community, someone who always seems to make cool GFX and Tags from time to time.

- Underdog of the Year (2016): This prize is given to someone who started from the bottom and worked his way up to the top of the food chain claiming his righteous place as a real duelist. Someone who was good, then turned great during this year as a duelist.

- Spam-Bot of the Year (2016): O'well, this one doesn't require elaboration, simply put: someone who spams a lot no matter what topic it was. He'll always be there making sure he or she increases his post amount at the end of the day.

- Grammar-Nazi of the Year (2016): The prize is given to the person who, in your opinion, always use proper spellings, and correct others when using improper grammar. Someone that you want to punch in the face using a steel chair each time he tells you to use commas.

Nominations will take place starting today: 14th of December until the 28th of December.
(Note: It's preferable that you provide reasons for why you're nominating each person)

You can use this layout to make things easier for you.


[b][color=#ff9900]Admin of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Mod of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Assistant of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Member of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Duelist of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Artist of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Underdog of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Spam-Bot of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Grammar Nazi of the Year:[/color][/b]

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

I love how everyone here is arguing instead of voting, kinf of amusing in all honesty (grammer nazi correct my 'kind')

Admin of year- @NightBot

honestly the only one I see in chat, and anzo is terrorist so chet, wouldve picked DDS but hes not admin anymore o.o

and thanks @nova, you seem to remember how much of a badass I was Razz

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Guys do full nominations or don't do nominations at all. It makes no sense to do it this way.

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

So... this is about to end now?

Today's 28th.

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

I'm one vote short to be tied for first place as member :/

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Pep was gonna nominate but still it doesnt even matter now

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Admin of the Year: Anzo duh
Reason: he's the pillar of this site lol
Mod of the Year: CrimsonOverlord
Reason: I remember his existence
Assistant of the Year: Lux
Reason: I think I remember that guy too
Member of the Year: psychoturtle
Reason: turtles are awesome
Duelist of the Year: Pepchoninga 
Reason: Idk why. Had the need to write the name down
Artist of the Year: Anzo again
Reason: He does sigs for year and isn't bored of them
Underdog of the Year:
Spam-Bot of the Year: Galaksii
Reason: Lokos is gone and ^^ would blame me if I didn't put him at least once
Grammar Nazi of the Year: //
Reason: Irate is gone

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

BlackWarGreymon wrote:
Admin of the Year: Anzo duh
Reason: he's the pillar of this site lol
Mod of the Year: CrimsonOverlord
Reason: I remember his existence
Assistant of the Year: Lux
Reason: I think I remember that guy too
Member of the Year: psychoturtle
Reason: turtles are awesome
Duelist of the Year: Pepchoninga 
Reason: Idk why. Had the need to write the name down
Artist of the Year: Anzo again
Reason: He does sigs for year and isn't bored of them
Underdog of the Year:
Spam-Bot of the Year: Galaksii
Reason: Lokos is gone and ^^ would blame me if I didn't put him at least once
Grammar Nazi of the Year: //
Reason: Irate is gone

God frcnk damn it, you just costed me an Artist of the Year award  Sad Sad

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

I didn't even know you do them

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Admin of the Year: @NightBot
Reasons: Well whatever we say, he is a great admin and is really anperfect staff. He keeps the site clean and everything good and organized and definitely has a way of fixing tough situations. 

Honorable Mention: @DDS

Mod of the Year: @Centrik
Reasons: I don't think that anybody really knows or realizes how important Centrik is to the staff team. At least from what I've heard he is giving loads of great recommendations to Anzo to keep the site nice and running and he is also my k. bro and I love him. 

Honorable Mention: @Bookingly

Assistant of the Year: @Lux
Reasons: Honestly he might be overdoing some things and trying too hard but he definitely shows determination and willingness to do his job and entertain the members with consistent events. Also lets not talk about what a nice and chill person he is which I think is really important for an assistant. 

Honorable Mention: @CrimsonOverlord and @Salader

Member of the Year: @CrimsonOverlord 
Reasons: Honestly I could've and probably should've putten the guy's name on the 2 categories above tho, but I think this event combines everything a great member should be. And Crimsy is everything a good member should be. The guy is always nice to talk too, is a very good and underrated staff member and is also a pretty damn good GFXer. Overall a complete member and a great dude <3 

Honorable Mention: @Pepchoninga (Me Razz) and @Lux

Duelist of the Year: @Drunkion
Reasons: Tbh, I could've putten turt too, but really the duelist other then me who really helped revive dueling in here is him. But of course this award isn't given to people who only dueled a lot but to the person who consistently showed they are the best of the bunch. And yes, this guy has showed this numerous times. He made Fluffals meta and has arguably the best Shiranui Lightsworn Zombies I've seen. 

Honorable Mention: @psychoturtle

Artist of the Year: @Galaksii
Reasons: Honestly I belive that I would've given this award to Crimsy, but I also didn't want to give people more then 1 vote. Still, Gala definitely more then deserves to be called our artist of the year. While Anzo is always good and probably always is gonna be, the progression I've seen from Gala is more then astonishing. Also his work was a big inspiration for me and my early steps as a GFXer in the works.

Honorable Mention: @CrimsonOverlord and @Anzo

Underdog of the Year: @DanelerH
Reasons: I can't really say much about the guy that people don't know. He isn't a consistent topper at tournaments but everybody respects him for his politeness and incredible knowledge of the game. His unbelievable creativity in making deck combination out of the most absurd archetypes and actually keeping up with the best decks and even beating them is just jaw dropping. Hats down to this guy ^^

Honorable Mention: @Alisae 

Spam-Bot of the Year: @Pepchoninga
I know we shouldn't vote for ourselves but honestly I don't think anybody has spammed more in the time I've been active this year. I've been the top poster every week and every month sonce I don't know, maybe August and have also been a pretty active member. I do really like to post and interact in topics, so I think I have deserved this award DA Awards 2016 - Page 4 3974120512 

Honorable Mention: @Centrik 

Grammar Nazi of the Year: @DDS
Honestly, I don't know who to put here DA Awards 2016 - Page 4 3974120512 also DDS is bae and the guy always had and prolly always will have perfect grammar <3 

Honorable Mention: @Anzo 

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

BlackWarGreymon wrote:
Admin of the Year: Anzo duh
Reason: he's the pillar of this site lol
Mod of the Year: CrimsonOverlord
Reason: I remember his existence
Assistant of the Year: Lux
Reason: I think I remember that guy too
Member of the Year: psychoturtle
Reason: turtles are awesome
Duelist of the Year: Pepchoninga 
Reason: Idk why. Had the need to write the name down
Artist of the Year: Anzo again
Reason: He does sigs for year and isn't bored of them
Underdog of the Year:
Spam-Bot of the Year: Galaksii
Reason: Lokos is gone and ^^ would blame me if I didn't put him at least once
Grammar Nazi of the Year: //
Reason: Irate is gone

I'm a good fucking duelist so you ain't mistaking Razz I know you luv me <3

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Admin of the Year: N/A
Reason: I don't think I could ever choose someone for this nomination, because I feel as though each Administrator is equally as important as the next, since we all have that little something to give to the cause.
Mod of the Year: Centrik
Reason: This was a tough one, but then I remembered all of the funny memes Centrik posted on our FB page. No, but seriously, I'd have to pick him mostly because he jumps in on almost anything that either needs hosting or help with, and sure, he may forget about some of them, but he overall does a fine job.
Assistant of the Year: Lux
Reason: Even though he just recently joined the Assistant group, it's like his 4th time this year, so he has done quite a lot of stuff as a Assistant, when you compile it all down.
Member of the Year: N/A
Reason: I couldn't choose, there were just too many choices.
Duelist of the Year: psychoturtle
Reason: Konami please nerf him
Artist of the Year: Galaksii
Reason: I really like his GFXs, maybe because they remind me of mine.
Underdog of the Year: Kangaroo-Jolty
Reason: She sure proved quite a few wrong by becoming the Supreme Queen.
Spam-Bot of the Year: Pepchoninga
Reason: No reason needed...
Grammar Nazi of the Year: DanelerH
Reason: This dude would even correct a Nazi's grammar.

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

NightBot wrote:
Artist of the Year: Galaksii
Reason: I really like his GFXs, maybe because they remind me of mine.

I'm dead DA Awards 2016 - Page 4 3974120512 DA Awards 2016 - Page 4 3974120512

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

DA's award nominations are now officially over! Thank you all for nominating.
The results will be posted tomorrow.

descriptionDA Awards 2016 - Page 4 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

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