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DA Awards 2015!

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JC the shadow hunter
Yarn Tethers
16 posters

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyDA Awards 2015!

Welcome to DA Awards nomination for 2015. As per usual, at the end of every year we nominate people for a set of prizes of categories in your opinion they did great at.

This year we have been through a lot of changes and seen lots of new faces, we had to make tough decisions, and we had to overcome our opponents to make sure DA is always a place for people to enjoy, and have a good time.

In our journey many people decided to join our community and be part of our big family, and we're truly thankful to each and every one of you for sharing our pain and joy.

DA Awards is an event that allows you as an individual to nominate people for prizes - from your perspective they did enough to earn these prizes.

You can nominate 1 person for each prize, you can also use 'N/A' when you don't want to nominate someone for a certain category, for instance:
- Member of the Year (2014): Roach
- Duelist of the Year (2014): N/A
(These are mere examples)

However, we prefer that you refrain from using too much of 'N/A' for It'll make our job a tad harder when counting total nominations and deciding the winner of each category, but It's all up to you.
The prizes are as the following:
- Admin of the Year (2015): This prize is given to the person - in your opinion - is the Admin who worked for the better good to assure this community's ever growing growth continues.

- Mod of the Year (2015): This prize is similar to that of an Admin's, only difference, is you'll be nominating the Mod who in your opinion deserves such an award. Someone who has always been there for you when you sought help.

- Assistant of the Year (2015): Similar to the two other awards above. This prize is given the person - in your opinion - did the best among all the other remaining Assistants.

- Member of the Year (2015): This prize is given to the most loyal, active, and friendly member who in your opinion deserves to be entitled member of the year.

- Duelist of the Year (2015): This prize is earned rather than given; however, you're the one who decides who 'earn' this prize. After all, you're the one who decides who has been the best all-around duelist in Duel Academy for this year.

- Deck-Builder of the Year (2015): This prize is given to the member who probably has the best selling this year, someone who always able to make competitive decks that aren't meta and still put a good show using these decks.

- Artist of the Year (2015): This prize is given to the best artist in this community, someone who always seems to make cool GFX and Tags from time to time.

- Underdog of the Year (2015): This prize is given to someone who started from the bottom and worked his way up to the top of the food chain claiming his righteous place as a real duelist. Someone who was good, then turned great during this year as a duelist.

- Spam-Bot of the Year (2015): O'well, this one doesn't require elaboration, simply put: someone who spams a lot no matter what topic it was. He'll always be there making sure he or she increases his post amount at the end of the day.

- Grammar-Nazi of the Year (2015): The prize is given to the person who, in your opinion, always use proper spellings, and correct others when using improper grammar. Someone that you want to punch in the face using a steel chair each time he tells you to use commas.

New Prize:

- Sexiest Poser of the Year (2015): The living glamour. Already Won by Yarn Tethers.

Nominations will take place starting today: 9th of November until 9th of December.
(note: It's preferable that you provide reasons for why you're nominating each person)

You can use this code to make it easier for you:


[b][color=#0033cc]Admin of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Mod of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Assistant of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Member of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Duelist of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Deck-Builder of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Artist of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Underdog of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Spam-Bot of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Grammar Nazi of the Year:[/color][/b]
b][color=#0033cc]Sexist Poser of the Year: Yarn Tethers[/color][/b] 
[color=#003333]Reason: The Living Glamour. [/color]

Last edited by Roach on Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:54 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the Year: Anzo
Reason: always doing the best for DA.
Mod of the Year: Jv
Reason: This was a close one but Jv stole the vote because of his activeness around the forum. But I would like to give DDS an honorable mention here.
Assistant of the Year:NightBot
Reason: Even better Assistant than I was DA Awards 2015! 3974120512
Member of the Year:Me?
Reason: Because I do everything lol DA Awards 2015! 3974120512
Duelist of the Year:NightBot
Reason: Just look at the past 2 circuits
Deck-Builder of the Year:Jv
Reason: All those pro decklists
Artist of the Year:Anzo
Underdog of the Year: ScottyAdams
Spam-Bot of the Year:ParaBox
Reason: MADs
Grammar Nazi of the Year:N/A

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the Year: Roach!
Reason: He's really putting an effort here Wink 
Mod of the Year: DDS
Reason:Always helps me.
Assistant of the Year:NightBot
Reason:He's doing awesome job and well deserved promotion.
Member of the Year: Jv
Duelist of the Year:Jv
Reason:He's always in top at almost every tournament!
Deck-Builder of the Year: NightBot
Reason:I like his war decks DA Awards 2015! 1151057309
Artist of the Year:Anzo
Underdog of the Year:Hm,I'd say NightBot.
Reason:Rank-up from Slifer to Obelisk in one season.
Spam-Bot of the Year:Roach
Reason:Damn son you had 6800 posts when I joined 1 month ago DA Awards 2015! 3974120512 
Grammar Nazi of the Year:ParaBox
Reason:Always corrects me...

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

I changed the Code in the OP since that green was too blinding! It was for the Dark theme. 

So Now it will be okay. I did a quick Change to your replies since was to lazy to re recolor each line <3


Admin of the Year:  Lokos and Roach
Reason: Before he left he was the only Visible active Admin  :v , after he left Croack became the only active badmin. (Anzo works in the shadows no no one must know)
Mod of the Year: @Pandora @parabox 
Reason: Cuz he loves Shabani. (also is always active)
Assistant of the Year: the Former Assistant @Nightbot. Otherwise N\A
Reason: Because he loves shabani too. (also is always active)
Member of the Year: @yarn tethers
Reason: Sexy pose.
Duelist of the Year: Nightbot
Reason: H4xs
Deck-Builder of the Year: Jv
Reason:  DA Awards 2015! 2896007000 DA Awards 2015! 2896007000

Artist of the Year: Anzo
Reason: Cuz he deserves  a prize :v
Underdog of the Year: Vasko 1234
Reason: He Always tries <3
Spam-Bot of the Year: Jv & @Parabox
Reason:Shabani legacy.
Grammar Nazi of the Year: DDS
Reason: because why not

EDIT: Yarn wanted this so bad:
Sexist Poser of DA: Yarn tethers
Reason: Is not even a valid Award so why not.

Last edited by Jv on Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:25 am; edited 3 times in total

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the Year:  Train
Reason: He hates me, and I want him to like me <3
Mod of the Year: Jv
Reason: I haven't hated them
Assistant of the Year: N/A
Member of the Year: NightBot
Reason: Because *Sexy pose* I like your nickname a lot.
Duelist of the Year: N/A
Deck-Builder of the Year: Jv
Reason: They have the most
Artist of the Year: Anzo
Reason: Because he's a work of art, and bitch he made me an avi
Underdog of the Year: ParaBox
Reason: We stared at the same time, and look where he's gotten.  (Still below me) DA Awards 2015! Girl
Spam-Bot of the Year: NightBot
Reason: bitch you do all the dicey jams
Grammar Nazi of the Year: Yarn Tethers
Reason: Because, whe'r thou want to agree 'r not, mine style, glamour, and poise, hast all brought this academy, to a much higher standard. Whence everyone is heard, understood, and shown in only the clearest of colors.
Sexist Poser of the Year: Yarn Tethers

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the Year: N/A
Reason: This year was weird. At first, LOKOS was really active then he had real life issues. Then Train picked it up and then went back to raging again, and Roach has been doing work for the past two months too. But, It's hard to nominate an individual cause he/she has been active in their role for only a few months.
Mod of the Year: DDS
Reason: He does work when he's tasked to do it.
Assistant of the Year: NightBot
Reason: He's an all-round good staffer. Knows and what to do and that kind of stuff.
Member of the Year: Lux
Reason: First name comes to my head.
Duelist of the Year: NightBot
Reason: Always topping our Circuit event
Deck-Builder of the Year: Jv
Reason: He comes with some interesting ideas in Pro Decklists
Artist of the Year: N/A
Reason: I was the only active artist this year, not fair to nominate someone.
Underdog of the Year: Faervel
Reason: 2nd year in a row he top our WC
Spam-Bot of the Year: Jv
Reason: It's one of his characteristics
Grammar Nazi of the Year: N/A
Reason: We all hate grammar
Sexist Poser of the Year: Yarn Tethers
Reason: I know this isn't a real thing, but admit it, he should get one.

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the Year: HoMoS
Reason: All of them are there when you need them. HoMoS may not be active these days, but yeah, he is nicest when it comes to things and issues. Also this is personal but he knows the topics that I am interested in, so yeah ._. (HoMoS= LoKoS)
Mod of the Year: DDS
Reason: Well, he guided me through DA from the start to now. Besides that, he is always the hard working and proper one.
Assistant of the Year: Botto
Reason: Botto was an assistant until a few days ago, so I think he is an assistant umm? In case you don't know, Botto = NightBot. Well, he usually does the work when I push them to him so lol
Member of the Year: ME, THIS DIO DA!
Reason: I was not here for the first half of the year...so this is merely a judgment passed by what I see after I joined. This is difficult to decide since we have a lot of note-worthy members. SO yeah, I decided that I am the member of year because I am note-worthy DA Awards 2015! 1554389127
Duelist of the Year: WondeRy
Reason: I want to say Botto, but everyone said that already and the pyramid Tyrant event stunned me when WondeRy won Botto in such disadvantage condition. He is note-worthy to this one.
Deck-Builder of the Year: Sam-OP
Reason: Well, he has a lot of unique and outstanding builds, he gets why I run some of my secret cards in decks. He understands how I like the deck to be unique built also, unlike most people.
Artist of the Year: Anzo
Reason: Reason? You need one? ok, well, I cannot think of another one ._. so yeah
Underdog of the Year: SilentKatana
Reason: He has the potential to climb up to the top, yet he is still a slifer red member. I understand the definition of "underdog". However, even Jyounouchi Katsuya in DM was called a "Bonkotsu (Underdog)" (Even though he has world class records, for Battle City, Duelist Kingdom, etc.), so simply trying hard and not giving up is not enough to be the underdog of YGO.
Spam-Bot of the Year: Jv
Reason: He is Jv, enough said. (On a serious note, this is 80% of his existence on DA, look at his post count and joined time lol I mean really)
Grammar Nazi of the Year: Kyande
Reason: Well, again he may not be active these days, but I still remember about the time I just joined DA, he died of grammar nazi cancer once, or so he claimed. lol (Mr. Kandy = Kyande)
Sexist Poser of the Year: Yarn Tethers
Reason: Um, more like I cannot think of another person for this.

Last edited by ParaBox on Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!


descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Isnt this usually in December?

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

I doubt it, we always host it during November. But, we do keep it open for quite some time.

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Its usally hosted around now because We keep it open for a month so it gives everyone a opportunity to nominate.

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!


descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

We need your opinion! Please vote for the ones that you think are most suitable for each award!

(Speechless Bump)

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the Year: N/A

Reason: All of them work for the better of the community in their own way. I feel like each and every member of this group has stepped up when they've had to, I just can't really pick a clear winner if I am being honest. Besides I have to work with these people... I can't go giving them an ego boost!

Mod of the Year: N/A
Reason: Pretty much story as the Admin group.

Assistant of the Year: Nightbot

Reason: He's rather mature for his age, and when pushed quite a good worker too.

Member of the Year: Parabox (aka Books!)

Reason:Throughout the entire year he's helped me a great deal both in a business-like manner and personally, even when I was at crisis point. Also extremely active around the board and a quality contributor too!

Duelist of the Year: Jv

Reason: He's the most consistent topper in our tournaments and placed 1st in the 2015 DAWC. Nothing more really needs to be said imo. Honourable mention to Killua Zoldyck for his accomplishments in IRL play this year.

Deck-Builder of the Year: Wondery

Reason: He has extremely sound theoretical knowledge of the game, which is reflected in his contribution to deck discussions and the deck vault sections over the course of this year.

Artist of the Year: N/A

Reason: I don't even remember the last time those folks were even taking requests.. Where there even any this year?..haha!

Underdog of the Year: SilentKatana
Reason: He's proven his potential to be one of the best in seasons to come, some event tops already and being on the War team despite only being Slifer. Definite Dark Horse Contender in my book.

Spam-Bot of the Year: Dice jar

Reason: The one true spam bot! Still Rank 1 in posts!

Grammar Nazi of the Year: N/A

Reason: Usually I'm the 'go to guy' to make sure everything is written correctly.

Last edited by DDS on Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:29 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

naitto is mature....

revise this DDS Razz DA Awards 2015! 3974120512 

but congrats too the ppl

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

In the past year I've been assistant and mod also and not one vote Sad

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

why doesnt anyone nominate the weakest slifer<----


descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

JC the shadow hunter wrote:
why doesnt anyone nominate the weakest slifer<----


Why don't you vote?

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

because i love conserving energy @Lux

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the Year (2015): Roach - Haven't exactly had much interaction with the admins overall, but Roach iseems to be putting in plenty of effort.

- Mod of the Year (2015): Parabox - Since I've been here, there have been a ton of fun events, all down to Books-kun. I enjoyed them at any rate, even if sometimes people never joined 'em (RIPBarian T_T)

- Assistant of the Year (2015): Gonna give this one to NightBot, excellent player, and was very good at getting people active in tournaments /hosting 'em

- Member of the Year (2015): Lux - Can't say i'm the best person to judge friendliness and that, but he's generally been a great sport and a pleasure to duel/converse with.

- Duelist of the Year (2015): Yeah, giving this one to Jv. Props where props are due, he's a great duelist, having wrecked me every time we dueled, much to my own saltiness.

- Deck-Builder of the Year (2015): Hmm, probably don't have the best of knowledge of this, but I'll give this one to DDS, if only for how much I enjoyed playing his various decks in the Barian Event.

- Artist of the Year (2015): Ummmmmmmmmmmm >.>

- Underdog of the Year (2015): Hmm... have not been active nearly enough to make a decent judgement here.. but I'll go with PowerNova here, if only for going up from Slifer to Obelisk in a single season.

- Spam-Bot of the Year (2015): Gunna give it to Nightbot, so many Exodia rolls 0_0

- Grammar-Nazi of the Year (2015): No comment >.<

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!


descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Keep the nominations coming!

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!


descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

lol, someone notice this ._. and all vote for me DA Awards 2015! 1554389127

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Speechless bump!

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

no one care about this.

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

^then you should make them care, that's your job ._.


descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

^ your too

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

yeah, ok back to topic then


descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the year: Anzu
Mod of the year: DDS-chan
Assistant of the year: N/A
Member of the year: Lux
Duelist of the year: N/A
Deck-Builder of the year: N/A
Artist of the year: Anzu
Underdog of the year: N/A
Spambot of the year: N/A
Grammar Nazi of the year: N/A

As you guys can see, I wasn't around here a lot in 2k15 so I don't know about many stuff that hapened here... I don't even know these new members...

descriptionDA Awards 2015! EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

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