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DA Awards 2016

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Jin Kazama
23 posters

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyDA Awards 2016

Welcome to DA Awards nomination for 2016. As per usual, at the end of every year we nominate people for a set of prizes of categories in your opinion they did great at.

During this year we've had to overcome many hardships, most notably the downfall of Dueling Network, but even so, we've all overcome them together. Now, I could go on about how thankful I am to all of you for contributing and spending your precise time here on Duel Academy, making it better and more enjoyable for everyone else, but you'd probably be reading this till 2017 and'd miss out on nominating people for the awards. So to keep it short, thank you for deciding to stay with us here, as apart of our little family.

DA Awards is an event that allows you as an individual to nominate people for prizes - from your perspective they did enough to earn these prizes.

You can nominate 1 person for each prize, you can also use 'N/A' when you don't want to nominate someone for a certain category, for instance:
- Member of the Year (2016): Anzo
- Duelist of the Year (2016): N/A
(These are mere examples)

However, we prefer that you refrain from using too much of "N/A", for it'll make our job a tad harder when counting total nominations and deciding the winner of each category, but it's all up to you.

The categories are as the following:

- Admin of the Year (2016): This prize is given to the person - in your opinion - is the Admin who worked for the better good to assure this community's ever growing growth continues.

- Mod of the Year (2016): This prize is similar to that of an Admin's, only difference, is you'll be nominating the Mod who in your opinion deserves such an award. Someone who has always been there for you when you sought help.

- Assistant of the Year (2016): Similar to the two other awards above. This prize is given the person - in your opinion - did the best among all the other remaining Assistants.

- Member of the Year (2016): This prize is given to the most loyal, active, and friendly member who in your opinion deserves to be entitled member of the year.

- Duelist of the Year (2016): This prize is earned rather than given; however, you're the one who decides who 'earn' this prize. After all, you're the one who decides who has been the best all-around duelist in Duel Academy for this year.

- Artist of the Year (2016): This prize is given to the best artist in this community, someone who always seems to make cool GFX and Tags from time to time.

- Underdog of the Year (2016): This prize is given to someone who started from the bottom and worked his way up to the top of the food chain claiming his righteous place as a real duelist. Someone who was good, then turned great during this year as a duelist.

- Spam-Bot of the Year (2016): O'well, this one doesn't require elaboration, simply put: someone who spams a lot no matter what topic it was. He'll always be there making sure he or she increases his post amount at the end of the day.

- Grammar-Nazi of the Year (2016): The prize is given to the person who, in your opinion, always use proper spellings, and correct others when using improper grammar. Someone that you want to punch in the face using a steel chair each time he tells you to use commas.

Nominations will take place starting today: 14th of December until the 28th of December.
(Note: It's preferable that you provide reasons for why you're nominating each person)

You can use this layout to make things easier for you.


[b][color=#ff9900]Admin of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Mod of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Assistant of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Member of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Duelist of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Artist of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Underdog of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Spam-Bot of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff9900]Grammar Nazi of the Year:[/color][/b]

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

can we get a list of admins, mods, and assistant....? I cant look at the usergroup and see who's who.

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

STX wrote:
can we get a list of admins, mods, and assistant....? I cant look at the usergroup and see who's who.

Admins: Anzo,Nightbot
Mods: Me (CrimsonOverlord) , Centrik , Books (Paramsy he changes names every week)
Assistants: Lux, Fark , Salader

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Admin of the Year: Anzo
Reason:Why not?
Mod of the Year: Crimson
Reason:because he rocks out with his cock out
Assistant of the Year: Lux
Reason:I dont know what they do, but i see Lux more than the other guy
Member of the Year: Pep
Duelist of the Year: Who's the current Supreme King? Them i vote for them
Reason: Because they're the Supreme King.
Artist of the Year: Anzo
Reason: I mean... who else?
Underdog of the Year: STX
Reason:Because... reasons
Spam-Bot of the Year:Dicejar
Grammar Nazi of the Year:STX

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Admin of the year : Nightbot
Reason : He is the most active admin and helps out in general, likes cookies
Mod of the year : n/a
Assistant of the year: Lux
Reason : Counting whole year he did help out a lot with tournies and such
Member of the year: Books
Reason: He did something legendary
Duelist of the year : Fark
Reason: The guy duels like mad and wins too. His ls shiranui deck is pretty creative and he is currently top of the circuit on the way to sol
Artist of the year: Anzo
Reason: Inspired me to actually take gfx seriously and regain my passion for it, plus he is gud brah (not that tag vs dex though, eye circle was bad)
Underdog of the year: Me
Reason: Not nominating myself to brag but i won da worlds qualifiers, went to sol thanks to it and went from ra to obelisk in like a week, so yeah full course while sticking with my fav deck HEROES. Gotta love the rocky balboa story
Spambot of the year: Pepchoninga
Reason: The guy is like everywhere, every single second, heck his motto is justforspam. He was born for this
Grammar Nazi: Danelerh
Reason: Dan is a living machine with absolute perfect grammar and hitler tolerance for grammatical mistakes. This man will not miss a single punctuation. 

Last edited by CrimsonOverlord on Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

- Admin of the Year (2016):  Envoy

- Mod of the Year (2016):   Para,books watever he calls himself now

- Assistant of the Year (2016):   Luxray

- Member of the Year (2016):   Luxray
- Duelist of the Year (2016):  Myself, your supreme queen

- Artist of the Year (2016):   Anzo

- Underdog of the Year (2016): Myself again

- Spam-Bot of the Year (2016):  Trick

- Grammar-Nazi of the Year (2016):  Stx

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Admin: Nightbot
Mod: CrimsonOverlord
Assistant: Farkion
Member: Lux (he's a doll <3)
Duelist of the year: Farkion - I will elaborate on this one. He is probably the only player on DA who can make me sweat in a duel. Nightbot is also a tough cookie, but Fark actually makes me use my brain. (I won't vote for myself because I'm not smug like some people :O)
Artist: Anzo
Underdog: Kangaroo-Jolty DA Awards 2016 1151057309
Spam-bot: Pepchosomethingga
Grammar-Nazi: N/A

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Admin of the Year:NightBot
Reason:He's been like the only Admin who've been doing his job consistently

Mod of the Year:Linda
Reason:Mafia (only)

Assistant of the Year: CrimsonOverlord
Reason:Been consistent in doing his work

Member of the Year:DanelerH
Reason:Because he takes part in everything (exclude GFX)

Duelist of the Year:Drunkion
Reason:Idk he's currently topping the circuit so

Artist of the Year:Galaksii
Reason:Everybody would say Anzo but it's Anzo like every year and I think that Gala has been doing the most GFX stuff this year (and they ain't bad either!)

Underdog of the Year:Kangaroo-Jolty
Reason: Never thought she'd be Supreme Queen for so long:

Spam-Bot of the Year:Pepchoninga
Reason:Because I don't spam anymore

Grammar Nazi of the Year:DanelerH
Reason:Crimson's description

bae: faervel <3

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Admin of the Year: NightBot 
Reason:only real admin left lol
Mod of the Year: Bookz
Reason:Delted anzo 5/7 great meme
Assistant of the Year: Crimson
Reason:He is gay
Member of the Year: Kandy

Reason:He is smexy
Duelist of the Year: Turt
Reason:he is gud
Artist of the Year: Kunty
Underdog of the Year: DanelereH
Reason: He started weak but got much better
Spam-Bot of the Year:Pepchoninga
Reason:Do i need to explain?
Grammar Nazi of the Year:Nightbot
Reason:Ban him plz

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Ehh... Not getting much votes in last 2 years, huh?
Guess I'll try to push this up a notch, though I joined on the fall...

Admin: Anzo
Head Admin + bae
Mod: X
Assistant: Lux
I feel that Luka lights this place a bit when he's staffing.
Member: Lux
Duelist: faervel
Lani was the only one of y'all sorry asses who defeated me in a match! Like srsly DA, HEROes and Cyber Dragons... :<
Deck-Builder: X
Artist: X
Everyone was doing amazing job, I wouldn't put anyone in front, keep it up baes <3
Underdog: X
Spam-Bot: X
Grammar-Nazi: X

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Admin of the Year: They both suck
Mod of the Year: They also suck
Assistant of the Year: Fark
Reason: Pretty cool dude
Member of the Year: Fark
Reason: Pretty cool dude
Duelist of the Year: Fark
Reason: makes me want to kys
Artist of the Year: Crimmy
Reason: I like his shit
Underdog of the Year: Me
Spam-Bot of the Year: Why is this a thing again?
Grammar Nazi of the Year: Me
Reason: Because I did natzi this award coming

Edit: adding my own

Mafia Player of the Year: Peppy
Reason: Plays the game outside? Check. Is learning and so far kinda decent? Check. Is getting better then most of the players on DA besides ZP, Dan, and maybe Fark? Check.

Last edited by Alisae on Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:02 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

I think that @Anzo said multiple times that nominating yourselves is not allowed and honestly, I don't know why you keep doing that. It's so cheap and cringy .-.

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

If it's not then we'll change our votes. It's simple really.

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Alisae wrote:
If it's not then we'll change our votes. It's simple really.

>mods suck


descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Nah I just said that they sucked because thats the easy way of saying that none of them stood out.

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Galaksii wrote:
I think that @Anzo said multiple times that nominating yourselves is not allowed and honestly, I don't know why you keep doing that. It's so cheap and cringy .-.

i voted for myself because i didnt know who to vote for.

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Nobody votes for me for anything other then spambot Sad though I deserved more...

Welp, gonna post my votes later den. Voting for yourself is pretty cheap, but I guess seeing that people like Fark and bote are not even taking this seriously I don't think it should be a problem.

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Peppy I updated my mafia award for reasons.

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Awwww, this makes me soo happy <3

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Pepchoninga wrote:
Nobody votes for me for anything other then spambot Sad though I deserved more...

Welp, gonna post my votes later den. Voting for yourself is pretty cheap, but I guess seeing that people like Fark and bote are not even taking this seriously I don't think it should be a problem.

I dont see how fark is trolling?

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Please don't flood this topic with non-nominating posts.

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Admin of the Year:DDS
Reason:I don't see why people don't nominate the ex-admins/mods of this year...
Mod of the Year:Linda-Senpai
Reason:Why not?
Assistant of the Year:Lux
Reason:Active,friendly AND responsible~!
Member of the Year:Lux
Reason:Cause uhh...LUX.
Duelist of the Year:Galaksii#2
Reason:To be fair I haven't dueled EVERYONE here so forgive me if there IS a better player but to be honest I doubt if there's any.(Unless turt still duels :3)
Artist of the Year:Galaksii#2
Reason:Quite proving himself.
Underdog of the Year:Kangaroo-Jolty
Reason:Supreme queen,climbing all of her way to the blue and all that in her 1st year here.
Spam-Bot of the Year:Pepchoninga
Reason:Cause it's the only award here that's not technically a real award.
Grammar Nazi of the Year:DanelerH
Reason:Pretty much the only person here that cares about grammar atm. :3

(bae: Lux <3)

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

mixtape of the year: @STX

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

I recently joined DA and it's great , but from what I'v seen till now here's my list: 

- Admin of the Year (2016): Nightbot
Reason: He is always there when you need him

- Mod of the Year (2016): Centrik
Reason: He is nice

- Assistant of the Year (2016): N/A

- Member of the Year (2016): Pep
Reason: I wasn't around for long but this guy.. He is everywhere

- Duelist of the Year (2016): Fark
Reason: I would say me but I'll save it for next year.. I haven't proove anything yet. Thus, Fark is top duelist of the 
circuit for some reason and this is why I vote for him!!

- Artist of the Year (2016): N/A

- Underdog of the Year (2016): N/A

- Spam-Bot of the Year (2016): Pep
Reason: Oh please..

- Grammar-Nazi of the Year (2016): N/A

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Admin of the Year: Anzo
Reason: Just because he got deleted and revived (EGAO), and since I cant self-vote, and just because botto is "unvotable". (We only have 2 choices excluding hidden n EJ ._. n well ok, EJ is Anzo so)
Mod of the Year: CrimsonOverlord
Reason: Even though he did not leave an impact, he logs in everyday and that's considered a good mod in DA nowadays (chet)
Assistant of the Year: Centrik
Reason: Hey, he did climb back from assist to mod, an old member all by himself, heh? BTW, is he dead now?
Member of the Year: Drunkion
Reason: Just because he is average, that much is a reason i need. (A lot of others r average too? What? Psssh no one can be avera(ry)
Duelist of the Year: psychoturtle
Reason: He is dead, yes. He is a lolicon, yes. BUT.......he won with 0 LP in a duel ._. CHET (no, this is a lie but I don't want to double my nominations so no fukion here)
Artist of the Year: Galaksii
Reason: As much as he bites on me whenever possible for no reason, he did improve, so.... (A lot of other ppl have good or better GFX but oh well)
Underdog of the Year: Lux
Reason: Can he really be called an underdog? I don't know but he recently climbed back up on DA, in THAT sense, he is underdog? I guess? If you talking about dueling then I have other people I want to mention but that's another story.
Spam-Bot of the Year: Pepchoninga
Reason: i remember I pronised DuskMage to nominate him at the beginning of the year but WE ALL KNOW PEP IS SUPERIOR IS THIS CASE, sorry DuskMage and his hashbrowns. (inb4 no ones else remembers)
Grammar Nazi of the Year: DanelerH
Reason: We all know he can't let himself mistype under any circumstances......no offense.

111116 tho, if there is a special event nomination, it would definitely by this HEH

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Underdog in terms of dueling Books

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Someone voted for me *_* I am melting

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

ok, didnt u resume dueling recently? u lost a few times but u didnt give up yet? If yes, then my vote stays

or ban lux

n Turtle, ik, just like how MIKU's song is: "MELT" we all know how u feel towards her

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Admin of the Year: NightBot
Reason: He does most of the work around here
Mod of the Year: N/Linda
Reason: She did a pretty good job this year when she was a Mod, including hosting Mafia
Assistant of the Year: CrimsonOverlord
Reason: He had a good run as an assistant
Member of the Year: Pepchoninga
Reason: He spams a lot; qualities of a good member
Duelist of the Year: Turt
Reason: The number of people whom attempted to defeat him in supreme king event...
Artist of the Year: N/A
Reason: Pretty much everyone in here is close in level, so I'll refrain from nominating anyone.
Underdog of the Year: Jolty
Reason: I believe he has proven to be competitive when in the mood
Spam-Bot of the Year: Pepchoninga
Reason: Only guy who can keep up with me :>
Grammar Nazi of the Year: STX
Reason: Everyone has been voting for STX, so yea wat the hell

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

Admin of the Year: NightBot
Mod of the Year: book
Assistant of the Year: drunkion
Member of the Year: pepchoninga because he told me he will buy me gummy bears if I vote for him
Duelist of the Year: 
Artist of the Year: 
Underdog of the Year: 
Spam-Bot of the Year: Pepchoninga
Grammar Nazi of the Year: 

descriptionDA Awards 2016 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2016

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