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Help me decide what to play.

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descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyHelp me decide what to play.

As the title implies, I've been out of action for quite a while I have no idea what decks are even playable in today's format.

I'm looking for a deck with complexity and high combo dependency.

As I have zero knowledge of the format and limited knowledge of the cardbase I'm going to need some assistance in finding some decks to solitaire with try out.

Some of my old favourites include: Dark Synchro, Diamond Dude Turbo, Infernity, Mermail and Plant variants.

With that in mind, give me some recomendations.

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Abc is what is topping right now. Destiny heroes with tzolkin arent bad either and quite combo heavy. Blue eyes, dark magician are good decks too. Cuz of kozmo and monarchs getting hit, anything can top now really, its just abc thats ridicilous

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Saying that is a bit missleading Crimsy.

While ABC are probably one of the top decks in the OCG, they are not completely overpowered and have many flaws.They CAN also be used in various high-combo based decks to make the deck both more balanced, more fun and more versatile.

A deck that is the biggest contender for top deck in OCG (And soon in TCG as well) is D/Ds. The deck is very high-combo based and requires great bit of knowledge and skill. With the addition of 3 Allure of Darkness it can definitely out speed ABC's and have probably the best match-up against them.

Heroes in general will be big contenders for tier 1 in TCG after  the release of the very powerful Treatoad. A first turn Dark Law with a Treatoad and a Solemn Strike is a combo that just screams GG. Destiny hero with Tzolkin is also a very powerful build that utilizes the new Destiny Hero support as well as the very common nowadays Resonator engine. It is a pretty straight forward deck, that really has one main combo, that can be achieved in many ways.

Tho looking from the decks you say you enjoy most I would probably say that the new Shiranui/Dark Synchro deck is the best for you. It's the deck that @Drunkion is currently maining if I'm not mistaken, so he might be able to tell you more about it. From what I know, the deck is extremely combo basedrequires you to think a lot and make uncrackable fields that are basically anti-everything.

Last edited by Pepchoninga on Sun Sep 18, 2016 12:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Forgot about ddds but i dont find em as threatening tbh, blue eyes and abc shit on them. Heroes will be tier 0 tier lmao when treatoad comes out,ugh more cancer basically ;---; heroes arent meant to be played this cruelly!

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Appreciate the input, where's the best place to find deck builds these days?

Just so I have some reference point as to what 'standard builds' look like nowadays.

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Youtube helps, ygoorganization as well as it posts decklists of what is topping or deck ideas.

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Youtube has most of the decks you will need. 

Glasgow covers most decks that top. 

AznEyes does all the cool deck ideas.

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

I see 2 perfectly playable decks on that list (Mermails and Dark Synchro) on that list there. Let's not forget: Mermails can easily use Tretoad as well (I mean, they already use Bahamut, so it's really only 1-2 spaces they needa put in, depending on how many tretoad's you wanna run). Merms can also be built to either go 1st or 2nd, depending on how you wish to run them. D/D/D's are another combo-oriented deck that takes a lot of thinking to play to its optimum.

DO NOT WATCH AznEyes btw, especially if you want competitive Yugioh lol. Lithium2300 gives you everything, including OCG data/results and all types of decks, both competitive and casually oriented.

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Anzeyes is a fun dude though just for the memes

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Hey DDS-CHAN, right now TCG is in one of the best formats we have seen in a long time, with no dominant deck over others its just a big meta where top 32 regionals include more than 20 different decks Here are some of my personal most fun decks to play:

Dark syncrho: High skillcap into more plays and more ways to react, its a fun deck becouse its definetely not straight foward.

Shiranui Zombies syncrho: My main atm, Abusing omega and shiranui shenanigans with banish this deck can get out some mad fields, my best atm is 2 omegas, one void ogre with no cards in hand and a abyss dweller, 

Lighstworn: Pretty strong atm thanks to a card that i also play in shiranuis: Fairy tail snow

Mermails: Still pretty good

Buster blader: its actually legit lol, also there's a version with shaddols.

ba pk and blue eyes: Both this decks could be called the "meta" of the format, but thanks to side decks their power over other decks is minimum since picking a meta deck makes you directly vulnerable to staple side decks against them.

Madolche: Its actually legit, since gold sarc is at 3 now, you can go for a combo with speedroids basically banishing jelly summoning leviair and got a jelly without using your normal summon yet, pretty crazy

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Sorry, what? "Buster Blader" and "good" do not go together, at all. There's also Cyber Angel Herald (well, Herald with Benten) which is actually legit as heck lmao.

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Lawl, buster blader is shite...

Heroes are pretty damn strong as well. 

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

ScottyAdams wrote:
Sorry, what? "Buster Blader" and "good" do not go together, at all. There's also Cyber Angel Herald (well, Herald with Benten) which is actually legit as heck lmao.

Buster blader shaddol and buster blader blue eyes and pure buster blader make 3 tops, top 20 and blue eyes buster top 16

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Welp maybe, but deck seems too inconsistent.

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Buster blader is consistent and a very good deck to run this format, you just aint building it well lel

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

I just haven't even attempted at doing so Razz 

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Buster blader/Bricker is a free win lmao. Deck's not good ... at all.

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

It is good, not super strong, but since there's no super strong deck right now it can performgood

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Lawl, saying there is not strong decks is not true. Pendulum decks are topping LLSD all around. Dark synchros as well. There are very vig amount of good decks. 

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

If we play along and say Blader is decent, it sure as heck ain't because of the deck itself. It's because it actually has a good BEWD math up; BEWD are the most represented deck this format. By that vein, Evilswarm (or rather, Ophion) is good this format lol. I mean, if you're convinced your locals will be filled with BEWD, take them. 

I'm maining Noids, which are actually a VERY good pick this format --- good match ups around the board (well, minus Kozmos anyway) and a deck that can make waves.

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Ok you got me all wrong pep i didnt say there were no good decks, i said there no DOMINANT decks, dominant decks are decks that stand above every other deck, like scotty said in this case is BEWD But since they arent THAT much stronger that other decks, picking them is risk at the same time becouse most side decks are prepared for BEWD so what i mean is this

TIER 0: Nothing

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

LOL, not everything is tier 1.5.

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

You all don't know ygo smh. Crystal beast infinity turbo is tier 0

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

I'm literally only paying attention to the game again because my friend and I do theorycrafting together. Mainly for their D/D/Ds but yeah, overall as well haha.

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Whut it BEWD. 

I'm bad with those shitz. 

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.



descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Oh, yeah. 

Then let me tell you Blue-eyes are not that good lmao. They fall against decks that can set a good board faster then them (Which is every deck that is tier 1.5 and above atm lol). 

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

BEWD is good, but being most represented does help it. Gets destroyed by D/D/Ds though (Seriously, we gonna let crimson's comment slide on that?). Blue Eyes cannot deal with decks that can throw punches as hard if not harder than it (as you said).

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

DDS wrote:
I'm looking for a deck with complexity and high combo dependency.

Kaiju Cyber Dragons... Clearing opponent's field, going into contact fusion. Best thing ever. Nova and Infinity summonable in almost every point of the duel, Overload Fusion and Rampage Dragon, Quickdraw Synchron and Tzolkin for extra fun. Deck would be pretty awesome, especially now since meta isn't really formed in new format. Not to mention all the OTKs...

I would give you the list but DN is down :<

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

Right now, D-Heroes are pretty playable, and I did do a Diamond Turbo Based build a bit ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzT9peZNT6E

As you seem to be a great fan of combo based decks, D/D are generally the most flowchart type deck in the game right now. There really is no better deck for skill intensive combo creation on the spot given just how many resources the deck plays with. Here's my current build http://prntscr.com/cmm56e

Besides that, I'm sure everyone else has given good suggestions, these'r just my 2 cents...

descriptionHelp me decide what to play. EmptyRe: Help me decide what to play.

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