Geminis were the first deck that I took to locals and won with, even if they aren't that good or even an archetype all together. Well, with more and more support for normal monsters and more gemini monsters coming out, I wonder if the normal pendulum archetype, Igknights, and Geminis could work together. 

An example:
Gemini Igknights (Potential Combination) EifKluY

There are a few decent 2 to 3-card combos in this deck, some of which can end up with having Beatrice on field or even Crystal Wing, using only the combination of Lonefire and Supervise, or heck, Supervise with Escavalier with Trumpeter in the grave to get a free level 8, probably Brutdrago. Along with that, the deck is very open-ended. You can probably combo into a lot of other things besides those, or even run other rank 4 or 6 cards if you like!

This deck wasn't meant to compete with the meta, but I wouldn't be surprised if, with PePe gone, this could take a win or two against Kozmo or Mermail if it opened up right. Still, it might need tweaking, which is why I put it here for you guys to see.