[LoL News]Fiora's update on PBE Image

Stat Changes:

  • Base HP decreased to 590 from 592.8

  • HP Per Level decreased to 80 from 85

  • Base Mana increased to  300 from 287.2

  • Mana Per Level decreased to 37 from 40

  • Base HP Regen Per Second increased to 1.6748 from 1.3688

  • HP Regen Per Second Per Level decreased to 0.11 from 0.16

  • Base Mana Regen Per Second increased to 1.8 from 1.518

  • Mana Regen Per Second Per Level increased to 0.16 from 0.1

  • Base Movement Speed decreased to 345 from 350

  • Base Attack Range increased to 150 from 125

  • Base Damage "increased" to 60 from 59.876

  • Damage Per Level decreased to 2.5 from 3.2

  • Base Armor increased to 27 from 24.88

  • Armor Per Level increased to  4 from 3.5

[LoL News]Fiora's update on PBE F_P[LoL News]Fiora's update on PBE F_Q[LoL News]Fiora's update on PBE F_W[LoL News]Fiora's update on PBE F_E[LoL News]Fiora's update on PBE F_R

Duelist's Dance (Passive)

[LoL News]Fiora's update on PBE PassivefFiora identifies Vitals on nearby enemy champions. Fiora will reveal a new Vital afte striking the last one, or after 15 seconds.

When Fiora strikes a Vital, she deals 3 (+.028 - .045 AD )% of the target's maximum health in true damage, receives [20% base, increases to 30/40/50% based on R rank ] increased movement speed that decays over 1.75 seconds, and recovers [20 + 5.9 per level] health. 

Note 1:The vitals appear on ALL nearby champions but the range that they start to appear or if they can be seen by enemy team or not(and if yes if she's in brush if it's still a yes) are still unknown to me but will update this topic as soon as I get more details.

Note 2:The vitals only appear in 4possible forms each in 90º of each other(facing towards the South,East,North or West of the map)

Note 3:If they appear all together on a together there will be no blind spots.

Note 4:Since they appear according to the map they still remain on same spot if Fiora moves around the target or they face another way.

Note 5:The amount of AD percent damage they deal comes from her Lvl.

Note 6: Vitals will alternate between spawning on either side of the target. That means if Fiora hits a passive on either the left or bottom sides of the target, the next one will be on the top or right side of them, and vice versa.

Personal comment: This new passive forces Fiora to move&dance around the target and give the player a real feeling of a rapier user and even though some people might see it as too overpowered(that I need to admit it kinda is...)I still need to say I find it much better than the old one.

Lunge (Q)
[LoL News]Fiora's update on PBE Ffq

25/30/35/40/45 Mana
18/16/14/12/10 sec Cooldown 

Range: [400]

Fiora lunges in a direction and slashes a nearby enemy, dealing 65/75/85/95/105 (+.55/.7/.85/1.0/1.15 bonus AD) physical damage and applying on-hit effects. This attack prioritizes Vitals and targets in kill range.

If this ability hits an enemy, 60/60/60/60/60% of its cooldown is refunded.

Personal comment:Well...this new lunge makes it a bit easier to escape from her since if she uses it she won't have another up for when you try to flash away and it comes really handy when you as a Fiora user are trying to escape since it no longer needs to have a target over the wall to be able to jump over it soo...yeah I believe this is another good change .

Riposte (W)
[LoL News]Fiora's update on PBE Ww5

50/50/50/50/50 Mana
21/19.5/16.5/15 sec Cooldown

Range: [750]

Fiora parries all incoming damage and disables for the next 0.75 seconds and then slashes in the target direction 

The slash deals 90/130/170/210/250 (+.6 AP) magic damage to the first enemy champion and slows  their movement and attack speed by 50% for 1.5 seconds. 

If Fiora parries an immobilizing disable, Riposte stuns instead of slowing.

Note:It only stuns on hard crowd controls and slows and such do not activate the stun.

Personal comment:I believe this is another good change giving her more crowd control choices while being more skill taking than the old "simply headbutt your w in case you have an auto attack reliant opponent)
Also I believe this change allows her to go midlane and actually do good there.
Bladework (E)

[LoL News]Fiora's update on PBE Eee

40/45/50/55/60 Mana
15/13/11/9/7 sec Cooldown 

Fiora gains 50% increased attack speed for the next two attacks. The first attack cannot critically strike, but applies a 1 second 25/35/45/55/65% slow. The second attack is guaranteed to critically strike for 140/155/170/185/200% damage.

Note:Even though there was a bug that allowed such in PBE,it won't allow the 2nd auto attack to critically strike towers.

Personal comment:This change directly affects her role and she can't be that kind of assassin that just heads in and keeps re-activing her E in middle of the fight to get more and more kills while on the other hand the slow is the 2nd new crowd control option(counting w as well)and makes it much easier to hit the vitals when you need to do so.

Grand Challenge (R)

[LoL News]Fiora's update on PBE Rr35

100 Mana
110/90/70 sec Cooldown

Range: [500]

Fiora reveals all four Vitals on the target champion, for a potential [4x damage of passive] % max health true damage.  In addition, Fiora gains Duelist Dances's movement speed bonus (30/40/50%) while near the target. 

If Fiora hits all 4 Vitals in 8 seconds or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora and her allies in the area are healed for 80/110/140 (+.6 AD) each second for 5 seconds.

Lore&character theme look:The heal is totally out of theme and doesn't even match her other abilities but on the other hand the ability itself(pretty much like the passive) can give the opponent give a real duel feel and matches her really nicely.

Gameplay look:Unlike the old R that was a super epic ability for such a non-skill taking one(simply headbutt R as Riot refers to it) this one takes some skill to hit all the spots but shouldn't be a real problem with the low cooldown on her q and all the movement bursts and slows;The heal on the other hand is a real team fight winner but the thing that makes it kinda OP is that it(unlike many AD champions  on this case) scales on her attack damage instead of ability power(oooor....nothing for some other champions.)
and gets more and more without needing her to change her style.

Overall view:there are many different comments on the change making her worse or better but one thing's for sure:it's changed her and made her more skill taking than simply being a right-click champ and the player has to keep moving instead of just getting in their face with q and right click them to kill.

I personally like the changes but I am interested to see how others here look at it....