@Jue Viole Grace Check AvacWebChat.Js
at line: #avacweb_chat_button"
The Chat went Fu-King Ballistic Ape shit Today, i managed took get screenshot.
It said 91 people were online -.- i went on, and only say 5. Reloaded, and it was ok, so it's nothing
Just thought i'll report it. maybe an admin *cough*...Jv...*cough*(#JvForDemotion) was messing with the CSS stylesheet again.
at line: #avacweb_chat_button"
The Chat went Fu-King Ballistic Ape shit Today, i managed took get screenshot.
It said 91 people were online -.- i went on, and only say 5. Reloaded, and it was ok, so it's nothing
Just thought i'll report it. maybe an admin *cough*...Jv...*cough*(#JvForDemotion) was messing with the CSS stylesheet again.
Spoiler :