By Dark Duelist Soul.

Format: TCG+OCG. TCG January Banlist.

Death Garden 3Q2BBj0


Plants have an uncanny ability to bloom unexpectedly and create beautiful fields much like their real life counterparts. There are many variants and all of them have their own unique ways of establishing fields. Gigavise is a long overlooked plant variant which got an immense boost in playability with the recent ban lists. The deck revolves around utilising Gigaplant, Supervise and Power Tool Dragon in combination with the (in)famous Synchro Plant engine; Dandylion, Glow up Bulb, Lonefire Blossom and Spore to create huge fields which simply overwhelm our opponent. 


Spoiler :

Key Card Choices:


The most important card in the deck that you never want to draw! Gigaplant is a gemini monster, gemini monsters are a subtype of monsters which usually require a second normal summon in order to activate their abilities. However there are ways around that.(Namely Supervise, but we'll explain that later) Giga Plant's ability to special summon your other Plant type monsters is integral to the deck. This effectively gives you a ton of Monster Reborns at your disposal. Your usual targets are Lonefire Blossom or one of your plant tuners.

Debris Dragon

A staple in Plant/Dragon Synchro decks. It's very easy to see why, the main utility of this card is bringing back your Dandylion for more tokens or another tuner for various synchro plays. 


An extremely useful level 3 body for synchro fodder, when it's sent to the graveyard (by any means) you get 2 super special awesome level 1 fluff tokens! (Soo fluffy and cute) for additional synchro fodder this is one of your main targets to pitch to the grave via Foolish or similar effects.
Glow up Bulb

One of your main tuners of the deck. It being level 1 gives opens up many synchro possibilities,  once per duel you can also mill 1 card and re use it, use that effect wisely, you only get one shot at it.

Lonefire Blossom

Your main engine starter, Lonefire has the ability to summon anything you need from the deck, this card is the prime target for your revival effects


Your other main tuner in the deck. This card's level modification effect is extremely versatile, you can easily make any generic synchro you want from Formula Synchron to Star Eater. By Banishing a plant type you also have plays with DDR.

Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders

Redox has amazing synergy with this deck! Both of his effects play a big role being able to pitch him an earth monster for (another) Monster Reborn is fantastic! The ability to banish earth monsters (or the few Dragons this deck does play) to resummon them with DDR is also an extremely nice thing to have. On top of that, you actually get to summon him, which opens up the window for a lvl8 synchro or a Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack. Both of which can be very effective power plays.


The main equip card of our lineup, this allows us to get around the restrictions of Gemini Monsters like our Gigaplant. Supervise allows us to activate the effect of Gigaplant without the whole "double normal summon" deal.. Sound good right? But wait there's more! When the equipped monster goes to the graveyard (By any means) you  get to special summon it. This forms the basis of the main loop, you synchro with the equipped gigaplant and special summon it, when gigaplant is summoned from supervise it's treated as a new gigaplant which hasn't used it's effect. Allowing you to repeat the process. The last component of the loop hides in the extra deck we'll get to that soon.

Different Dimension Reincarnation

DDR allows you to special summon back cards from the banished zone that were banished via Spore or Redox (or anything else your opponents might try in an attempt to deplete your Grave). The discard cost really doesn't hamper this deck considering many cards are better off in the Graveyard as a opposed to your hand.

Super Solar Nutrient

An interesting card for Plant decks, this card allows to to tribute one of your dandy tokens (or one of your level 1 tuners) to summon a Lonefire Blossom from your deck, This is as close to a searcher for Lonefire as this deck can get, but it serves it's purpose as an engine starter quite well.

Melae of the Trees

One of the main enablers of the deck, extremely easy to make it's (another) Foolish Burial and  (another) Monster Reborn on legs allowing you to toolbox your Graveyard even harder!

Power Tool Dragon

The last part of the main loop. This card allows you to search your equip spells which enables you to grab supervise and reuse Gigaplant and synchro again or potentially get DDR or Snatch Steal for even more shenanigans.