Read the title for type of deck incase it slipped your mind.


Flamvell Magical x3
Frequency Magician x1
Copycat x1
Arcane Apprentice x2
Breaker, the magical warrior x2
Ancient Lamp x2
Magician's Valkyria x3
Chaos Sorcerer x1
Defender, the magical knight x1
Aqua Madoor x1


Magical Dimension x1
Scapegoat x1
Magical Mallet (thought of getting rid of this one)x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Heavy Storm x1
Shrink x1
Mirage Tube x1
Twister x1
Graceful Dice x1
Offerings to the Doomed x2
Brain Control x1
Special Hurricane x1
Swords of revealing light x1


Malevolent Catastrophe x1
Miracle Locus x1
Magician's Circle x1
Mirror Force x1
Magic Cylinder x1
Magical Arm Shield x1
Magical Explosion x1
Skull Dice x1

Synchro Monsters:

Arcanite Magician x3
Tempest Magician x3
Dark End Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Explosive Magician x2

Now reason I have Arcane Apprentice there is for synchro summoning. I've tried to perform Assault mode summonings, but have failed several times since assault mode activate keeps popping up in my hand along with the assault mode version of AM, so I wouldn't be able to summon it from my deck since it's only allowed to do that. Anyone wanna help me with this? :D