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A suggestion that suggests stuff.

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Jin Kazama
Naito Raizu
Amy Kool
17 posters

descriptionA suggestion that suggests stuff. - Page 2 EmptyA suggestion that suggests stuff.

First topic message reminder :

Some of you might get this as offensive, but the gear needs to spin somehow so here you are, reading my post, my suggestion, you really don't know if it's a suggestion but you follow your reasoning and it says suggestions go in this section so you know it is one. What an amazing diversion played by your mind. Indeed, we are great creatures.

Here you are, opening my post and the lovely name of mine makes a small push to your heart beat in hope that this post, that it brings some fresh air in this dusty place, that something will happen here again, that the gear will be freed from the rust. Yet again, it's just a simple post, a post that brings letters and not miracles after all. And when your hopes are vanishing again, there is a weird feeling that you have, that something is not proper with this thread. Don't worry, it is just the poetic style that I use, nothing too fancy, it will be an absurd suggestion, again in my style.

I know the summer is here, we can feel the heat, but it wasn't too long ago when you injected hopes to people around here, that this place is going to get its shine and glory back?! Yes, you promised it will happen slowly, yet the people only heard "will happen" where the word "slowly" was blurred away. So here we are, months have gone, the water is still very calm and it is the happy summer. Why are we frozen during the time of sweat, so distant from the winter, when we know it's coming. Yes my folks, don't worry we can survive the winter, it is not the end of the world, but even the bear forgets where he left the honey after such a winter sleep. By now you should have felt the irony of the phrase "don't worry"...

Wall-post story short, here I am, using my cyber fame to propose a wonderful idea:

"Duel Academy how about you wake up?"

You hoped for something better than this, but why didn't you listen, I already told you it will be an absurd suggestion, you obviously don't ask a bear such a question, because if you do, there is a big chance that he might not hear you, cuz he is asleep, you know. Yet, you cannot say this belongs to another section, technically it is kind of a suggestion and you have to be happy because posts like these, in these times of deep sleep, they happen once in a decade. At least you got one more thread other than world cup worth replying to.

For those who are not poetically oriented let me transgoogleate it for you:

Without staff that can lift a finger at least, members are like bots without orders. They login, do nothing and then logout. So how about you do something and then we reply to that something lol. Quite a suggestion, right? Yes, sometimes you need to invent the warm water again. Shiz like that happens.

Sorry for this but I had to, I need a quality response if nothing, a heart beat perhaps, so that I know this place is still living.


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Jin Kazama wrote:

To Amy: You don't see a lot out of me, but here's how it is right now - you've got two or three Admins taking care of everything. I've found a niche in being the representative to staff, replacing those inactive with new ones, ensuring that they are taken care of. Staff have needs, just like users. I'm sorry I'm not more public with what I do, but it comes down to this - if you bring it to my attention, I will handle it.

You were always a kind of admin from behind, but you did what you take as responsibility and that is not a problem at all, however for others i got absolutely no idea what they do or did for this place in past few months. All i got is this:

1. codes became past after removal of my codes. meaning no one continued this work. if there is no one to do this or if you think this is not a necessary thing anymore, then why have a person responsible for it?!

2. design. last design was complete. though, being full of codes made it almost impossible to use after codes removal so a new design was promised to members. a very great designer was chosen to do the job. maybe staff can fool some newbies but i did skins myself loads of time and i know what is a design that is done with 100% effort and customization and what is a simple punBB skin with few orange lines added here and there. post profile is a mess, things in many areas of the forum are out of place or with non-matching color, last skin was referred as "plain grey skin" and this one is now different lol? maybe we got different understanding of the word plain then. Portal was promised to be finished soon, months ago though, same as banners that will replace icons again and yet just few of them were done, enough to make mess out of the forum and then it was left there. So, we hired an admin to do this and it's not done. Months have passed, I'm not talking about days. This is not a case of not having time, this is more like the responsible person just has no motivation to lift a hand on this anymore.

3. Salader. Sorry to take your name here pal, but other than white color, I'm afraid that maybe just some close friends of yours know what you do as admin here. This is not meant as offense sorry. Maybe I'm not following DA much lately but this is how it is from my point of view. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not counting things that moderators can do though. I'm just speaking of admin duties, duties that cannot be completed by lower staff.

4. Happenings on the site. The events and all those things that spice up the activity here. Other than spam and a tourney per month that always fails including the new one, we don't see anything happening here (edge of shadows was a success but the 16 ppl tournament is not something to be very proud of, especially when people did not even care to duel for 3rd place). Only thing I can see that happens constantly is topics to get tested. This my friends is totally killing the place. This is the heart of academy and its not pumping anymore. So people are left to decide to roam and spam on forum or just quit.

5. Professors and Assistants. As far as I could tell these groups now just test people and that is it or am I mistaking something here? The teaching portion of DA was always responsible for the ygo portion of DA, aka deck garage, articles, lessons, pro decks etc. No pro decks are being made, no lessons or articles were made as far as I know. The only thing that was done is deck discussions and that was done like by enigma who is an ordinary member. He proposed the idea, he has shown how its done and yet its only him that did it right. no support from staff whatsoever to continue this, and this was teachers' job to support it and guide ppl how to form a template for it.

6. The future. There has to be a plan for the future, on how to get more members here. Advertising is not an option of course because there is absolutely nothing you could advertise now in DA and benefit from it, you can just get embarrassed. Without spreading the word and recruiting somehow, this place has no future. Now, it lives on our old fame, we are relevant in google still so people find us time to time. But, that number is not so big.

7. ABD dorm. Correct me if I'm wrong but I have a feeling this dorm will stay empty.

8. Anzo. I know you tried, but not your best, not near. There were times you were so fired up for things here and now it's just not the same old anzo. You took responsibility to guide and lead the new admin team few months back. If you are not motivated enough, the whole admin team is being affected by it.

9. All this inactivity and failures in this academy are still enough to be the top academy? Now this tells us something about academies in general at this state. If this is still the top academy in forumotion ranks, I don't even want to know what happens in other academies lol. This is bad because we got no competition. If there was a competition, we would be more motivated to stay on top for sure. It seems like people are getting away from academies, to sum it up and that is pretty bad. No innovation in years of course must lead to such result.

So, fellaz what are we going to do now? I know you got plans in admin section, but let's be realistic, let's not hear about your plans let's hear what can be and will be done in just few days from now, not months of promises n stuff. No need to discuss problems further, here we are staff on one side, we members on the other and let's do something together now to stand up and shine again Smile

descriptionA suggestion that suggests stuff. - Page 2 EmptyDefault Title

correction: ABD isnt empty, im ABD. The only ABD.
Also, I have an idea. Make me admin.

descriptionA suggestion that suggests stuff. - Page 2 EmptyDefault Title

Sigh.. w/e Naito, i don't care, just don't want to see posts not relating to the problem and no, as you keep proving time and time again, you are not staff material N.

Being the only assistant here it's a bit hard to do everything, but if it's ok with assistants making lessons then so be it, I'll do that as well. Seeing how if I start to move others will too.

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Rika Furude wrote:
Also, I have an idea. Make me admin.

Which already 100% guarantees that you're not going to be made an admin.

descriptionA suggestion that suggests stuff. - Page 2 EmptyDefault Title

1. We have a coder or two working away on things.

2. I have zilch say in this.

3. No comment.

4. I swear, I'm actually working on an idea specifically for this, and when I'm ready (over the next 3-4 days) I'm going to post it for sign-ups. Stay tuned!

5. Surprisingly, I'm also working away on this, I've posted a couple of thoughts to the Admins section. I know most are dead, and I can't quite share what I'm going to do. This should be resolved within a week.

6. I don't know. And I admit I don't know how to do this. It's one of those things that I have NEVER worked on, I've never been good at telling people how to do this. It's hard to sell DA. I'm sorry I don't have more answers.

7. I know. And I'm working away on this as well, but this is something that's going to take some time to get sorted out.

8. No comment.

9. 'Best' academy doesn't necessarily equate to amazing results. Yes, I see that we are considered the 'best' but what does that really mean? The answer? Not good enough, and that's something we should all consider when we approach DA.

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UniqueHope wrote:
Sigh.. w/e Naito, i don't care, just don't want to see posts not relating to the problem and no, as you keep proving time and time again, you are not staff material N.

Being the only assistant here it's a bit hard to do everything, but if it's ok with assistants making lessons then so be it, I'll do that as well. Seeing how if I start to move others will too.

You are way to new to make a statement like that. I've been  Teachertwice, assisant once, and Mod nce, and was mode for almost a whole year, and when I was Teacher, Iwas also Teacher for nearly a whole year, and did an excellent job as all 3: making a bunch of great articles, and getting Mod ofthe Year, and there was alot of mods and DA was active when i got mo of the yearr I wouldve been mod alot longer, but I retired bc I was too busy.
 Ive been here doing shit since 2012, and you've ponly been here like 2 months, how can you make that statement?
So how the hell can you make a statement like that?

descriptionA suggestion that suggests stuff. - Page 2 EmptyRe: A suggestion that suggests stuff.

I'm locking this, I can see this going out of hand.

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I didn't bother reading any of them posts, because I don't need to.

Last time i checked you left DA dead, Amy, absolutely dead. We had less than 30 member to recover from. The place was almost vanquished from the internet. As far as I'm aware, we did save DA, we did get our activity back, and we got our No.1 place on forumotion back as well, all that in two months? Yea, if you ask me that's what we call "slowly coming back", which is what we said is going to happen.

I said this before to everyone, and I'll gladly say it again: If you see there is no hope for DA then step aside and stop inflecting this place with your negative ideas, because you're not being helpful in any way possible to this place, you're not contributing to anything or anyone by making such posts. This is not directed only to Amy, it's to everyone else to made a comment in this topic saying DA is beyond saving or some other stupid phrase that indicates the same thing.

If all you have left for this place is negativity then please pack your stuff and leave? I have nothing else to say to such people. Otherwise, let us do our work.


descriptionA suggestion that suggests stuff. - Page 2 EmptyRe: A suggestion that suggests stuff.

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