Alright N (And yes I will call ya N because I don't care) please stop.
I know you care about this event, but think a little bit. Already when this event started, there were practically never duels recorded, and nobody even cared. Sometimes people can't record, sometimes they just forget so because of that videos aren't requested any more. Seriously during all these months about 4, max 7 videos have been recorded. Do you even know why the videos were requested? They were requested for DA's youtube channel, which nobody even remembers anymore. So the videos aren't the important thing here.
Secondly about the nominations. Do ya actually think nobody in the poll deserved the title? These days nobody really does stuff for DA anymore, even some staff. (Yeah I have been disappearing lately to...) So the best way someone can do something for DA now, is by being active. And of course friendly and not biching (I am sorry I am saying this) about every little thing.
I hope this helped you understand.
With that being said, no Kandy I will not remove your title, which I know ya did want, so congratulations you are the new Supreme King! But for how long? We will see because tomorrow starts the new nomination!
DP awarded,