Collect 'em All: DA Gym Leaders Event CEA2

Hello students and staff. Heatnix here with a very exciting event announcement!

We all know that DA has been around for 5 years, and that we try to bring you the most entertaining and fun events and games, and we try to never disappoint in that matter.

This time, we bring you an event that many of you know I've worked on for months, but it could've never been done without the aid of all the staff, for all of us worked hard to prepare this for you guys:

Duel Academy Gym Leaders.

As the name suggests, it's based around Pokemon Gym Leaders, but the details as to what we did to fit it into Yu Gi Oh will be released at a later time.

For now, all we can do is hype this and allow you guys to sign up clicking right under here...


... and inputting the data requested to join. Make sure to read the basic rules before joining and don't forget to take a close look at the restrictions we have for this event at the bottom of the sign up sheet.

We hope you guys can join and participate in this thrilling event, and we also hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did organizing it.

DA5 is here, everyone, let's have some fun.