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My Light Deck

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Judgment Master
Azure King
Horus LV6
11 posters

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyMy Light Deck

This is my favorite deck:

Monster Cards:
Batteryman C
Batteryman D
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Bright Star Dragon
Electric Snake
Electric Virus
Elemental Hero Sparkman x2
Guardian of the Labyrinth x3
Kaiser Glider
Lightray Diabolos
Mirage Dragon
Mystical Elf
Mystical Shine Ball x2
Protector of the Throne
Rai Rider
Sacred Crane
Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon
The Creator
The Creator Incarnate x3

Spell Cards:
Attraffic Control
Back to Square One
Dian Keto the Cure Master
Different Dimension Capsule
Double Summon
Future Fusion
Luminous Spark
Makiu, the Magical Mist
Megamorph x2
Mystical Space Typhoon
Return of the Doomed
Stop Defense
Swords of Revealing Light
United We Stand

Trap Cards:
Cemetery Bomb
Dust Tornado x2
Forced Ceasefire
Just Desserts
Sakuretsu Armor
Spellbinding Circle
Trap Hole x2
Utopian Aura

Extra Deck:
Giltia the Dark Knight
Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon
Slacker Magician
Thunder End Dragon

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

How does my deck look

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

Hey Laura are you aware your a huge jerk

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

like a disaster zone.... what are you trying to do with it?

also... Laura is just a bot

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

I started just a few minutes ago give me a break

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

any particular strategy?

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

None yet. Any ideas?

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

yes... scrap the whole deck and start anew. there are many Light attribute based decks out there; Fairies and Hieratic Dragons are just to name a couple

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

WyrmKing go jump in a lake

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

what? i am being truthful. you need to focus on a strategy and not a bunch of mismatched cards. i am sorry if i have offended you in some way but as brutal as my words may be there is truth in them.

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

You sound like my older brother

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

i am old enough to be your older brother and know my way around cards. while i may not be a great deck builder i can build a decent deck that works well

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

I now have a strategy. Anti-Toon World

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

This is where we will loss all hope of ever helping you. Why would you build a anti deck to a deck that never is seen play around the current meta. Please do me a favor, go to Youtube, search up "Meta decks of yugioh 2013", and then learn about the several themes of today's yugioh, not yugioh back about 10 years ago. Learn about the new mechanics like Synchro Summoning and Xyz Summoning. Learn about the staple cards everyone is using and decks you should either be careful about or interested in building one of them. It's never too bad to get a little education even from yugioh time to time. Learn! Please Learn!!! ::Monkey61::

right after I post this I just learned that this post is in the wrong section. It should be in the Deck Workshop.

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

Wyrmking wrote:
what? i am being truthful. you need to focus on a strategy and not a bunch of mismatched cards. i am sorry if i have offended you in some way but as brutal as my words may be there is truth in them.

Need to use some better grammar, men...

But, he is right, and no one uses toon worlds, really, except for like fun decks. :\

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

hey give the guy a break let him build his deck you guys telling him to build meta if he wants to build a non meta deck let him even if it sucks ass and won't get no where with it Razz Razz: P:P Razz:P
but really this kid reminds me of when i stared playing of course that was when toons where actually competitive lol

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

Almost pro deck :> I remember when I started dueling I was obsessed from Dark monster and stuff :> So I created all dark deck like a boss.

Btw shouldnt Wyrnmking get a warning or what so ever if I get Banned from chat for saying that someone is bad, which was the truth and I got banned from there :>

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

Wyrmking is right. He shouldn't get.

Well, for the deck: Randomnesses.

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

I have no idea what to think. I see that the deck is in traditional format though. But it still isn't fast enough to keep up with that. Anyways, the only decent thing I see for a light deck is the Lightray Diablos. Too much burn cards. I believe LIGHT monsters are more focused on being super offensive or defensive. Look up the lesson "attributes." It's in the forums somewhere...

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

Moved to the right section.

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

I made this deck to defeat my brother's Toon World deck

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

Okay I've taken out cemetery bomb, makiu, guardian of the labyrinth, protector of the throne, future fusion, giltia, return of the doomed, megamorph, and scapegoat. I plan on getting Tannhauser Gate.

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

any deck can beat toons as long as it is faster, consistant, and able to destroy the main cards.
so that mean, Mystical Space Typhoon x3 for Toon World and other things, Heavy Storm, Dark Hole

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

My honest opinion is that a deck needs to focus around a single theme. Just the light attribute isn't really a central force. This deck is loosely scattered, and doesn't seems all that consistent. I don't mean to be rude, but why have card salad when Light has so much to offer? If you wanted to stick to Light, you could try Agents, Photon/Galaxy, Ojamas, Constellars, Lightsworns, or even something like Worms, Fabled, or Arcana Force, all of which, I believe, have a higher chance of defeating a Toon deck than the deck being discussed.
So, in summary, my advice? Find a central theme and construct the deck around it.

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

Like the Thunder Family deck!

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

If you want to run a Light deck, try counter fairies. Someone like you (Horus LV6) could learn good from that type of deck.

Or do what someone else said previously, look up decks. I used to buy starter decks and make my own deck based from the general idea of those. It works pretty good.

descriptionMy Light Deck EmptyRe: My Light Deck

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