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descriptionrate/fix my reviving light deck Emptyrate/fix my reviving light deck

first off, the title is just a fancy way to say twilight zombies
here it is

monsters: 23
dark armed dragon
goblin zombie x2
Il Blud
lyla, ls sorceress
pain painterx2
plagaue spreader zombie
ryko, ls hunterx3
zombie master x2
chaos sorcerrerx2

effect veielerx3


tour guide from the under worldx3

book of lifex3
monster reborn
monster reincarnationx2
mystical space typhoonx2

Giant trunade
solar recharge

book of moon

forbidden lance x2

charge of the light brigade

traps :5
mirror force
solemn judgment
solemn warningx2

call of the haunted

extra deck

revied king ha des x2

archfiend zombie skull x2

a.o.j. catastor

t.g. hyber lybrarianx2

black rose dragon

stardust dragon

number 17: leviathenx3

number 20: giga anto brilli ant


Number 30: acid golemn of destruction

Last edited by nikoli2art on Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionrate/fix my reviving light deck EmptyRe: rate/fix my reviving light deck

ok, look this type of deck does not need that many Lightsworn monsters, they lead to inconsistency and bad hands. The deck uses 1/2 Lyla, 3 Rykos, Charge, 0/2 Recharge, 3 Tour Guides from the Underworld, 3 Effect Veiler and a Sangan - thats the engine for it, also 2/3 Leviair, the Sea Dragon. Drop the Negate Attack cuz it's useless in such a deck and a very bad card outside a Counter Fairy deck. So i recommend you replace it with a second Warning and a copy of Call of the Haunted/Torrential Tribute. You need 1 more copy of Mystical Space Typhoon and a Giant Trunade (then just replace it with heavy storm when the new ban list comes into effect in September 1st.) Book of Moon should be played. Zombie World is not needed in my opinion and it only takes up valuable deck space, also as I remember Mezuki was Semi-Limited but i might be wrong. You can also tech in 1/2 Forbidden Lance. Chaos Sorcerer must be played here in et least 2 Copies.
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