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Agents Deck Help?

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Phoenix King
Train Heartnet
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descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyAgents Deck Help?

I'm planning to go on a tournament tomorrow. So i will really need your help in fixing my agents deck. Unlike before, now its not running in Sanctuary build. Its more focusing in chaos build. I'm allowed to use 10 printed cards in order to perfect my deck by the judge.

Monsters (22) :
3x Master Hyperion
3x The Agent of Creation - Venus
3x Mystical Shine Ball
2x The Agent of Mystery - Earth
3x Herald of the Orange Light
2x Tour Guides (printed)
1x Archlord Kristya (printed)
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
1x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Honest
1x Neo-spacian Grand Mole ( why not? :D )
1x Spirit Reaper
Spells (10) :
2x Valhalla,Hall of the Fallen
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Cards from the Sky
3x The Sanctuary in the Sky
Traps (Cool :
1x Mirror Force
2x Miraculous Descent
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Divine Punishment
Extra Deck (7)
1x Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Wind-up Zenmaines
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number 96: Dark Mist
1x Evolzar Dolkka
1x Black-Winged Dragon

Im planning on adding Jurrac Guaieba in order to get out my Dolkka. But is it alright? will it damage the consistency of this deck build?

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

Well if i was you, i will use my last 7 proxy cards on the extra deck cuz it's crap, no offense. I'll give you some suggestion to put in your extra deck.

Synchro Monsters:
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Orient Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Mist Wurm
Field Marshal
Gravity Warrior

Abyss Dweller
Photon Pappiloperative
Gagaga Cowboy
Blackship of Corn
Acid Golem
Leviathan Dragon

P.S. Dont even try running guibas. It will be just plain random and won't work well with the deck since it is fairies. So yeah take out Dolkka.

P.S.S. Switch Grand Mole for a Sangan. Its way better. Also if you have a night assailant then add one as well.

P.S.S.S Build a Side deck too. It's very helpful.

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

Erm I would suggest you add a Birdman, Sangan, Night Assailant, second Spirit Reaper.

Remove the Grand Mole (side it), Sanctuary in the Sky (because you do not need it), Cards from the Sky (just no), Valhala (erm no), Miraculous Descent (dafuq is this), Divine Punishment ._.

Add it Pot of DUality x2, another MST, Monster Reborn, Mind Control, Forbidden Lance x2, Torrential Tribute x2, Compulsory Evacuation Device x1/2

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

You do need Sanctuary, that's why Agent of earth is so broken, Card from the sky is essientail for draw power, Miracioulos descent because the deck focuses on banishing and with this you can summon those banished monsters.

Valhalla helps speed up the spamming process even more.

Replace tour guide with 1 more archlord Khrystias and a Neo-Knight par----w/e his name is

2 more Gachi Gachi

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

-3 Sanctuary (better choices even for agents, and you need more staples)
-2 Miraculous Descent (belongs more to the side board than anything... if that)
-2 Divine Punishment (no sanctuary, too situational, especially when not running terraforming or the fairy monster equivalent)
-2 Cards from the Sky (Pot of Duality is better, both are +0)

+2 Pot of Duality (see above, and this doesn't require removing a LIGHT fairy from your hand)
+1 MST (2+ or none at all)
+1 Monster Reborn (staple)
+2 Forbidden Lance (staple, Mirror Force? Dark Hole? ha!)
+2 Torrential Tribute (staple)
+1 Mind Control (Think of it as Super Polymerization for Synchros and Fusions both but more vulnerable)

I also agree with Pabel's Extra Deck changes except

-1 Iron Chain Dragon
+1 Scrap Dragon

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

^You totally copy pasted what I already suggested ._.

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

PabelFTW wrote:
Well if i was you, i will use my last 7 proxy cards on the extra deck cuz it's crap, no offense. I'll give you some suggestion to put in your extra deck.

Synchro Monsters:
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Orient Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Mist Wurm
Field Marshal
Gravity Warrior

Abyss Dweller
Photon Pappiloperative
Gagaga Cowboy
Blackship of Corn
Acid Golem
Leviathan Dragon

P.S. Dont even try running guibas. It will be just plain random and won't work well with the deck since it is fairies. So yeah take out Dolkka.

P.S.S. Switch Grand Mole for a Sangan. Its way better. Also if you have a night assailant then add one as well.

P.S.S.S Build a Side deck too. It's very helpful.

Why u suggesting Staple Xyz carts when he no run lvl4 monster? xD

Xtra shud be liek

2x Gachi Gachi
1x Daigusto Phoenix
1x Dark Mist
1x Zenmaines
1x Djinn TemTempo
1x Leviair
1x Leviathan
Some Staple synchros liek Ally,Libra(maybe, good to get over opp Ally if needed n_n), Stardu and Scrappy.

Also you wont need much of your Xtra then you could drop in that Gaia xyz good with Mind Control and that C39 utopia n_n Then ju bee liek steel and overlay like a bouss Oh Shit

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

pfft BAH! I wasn't paying attention lol

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

Also, Why you no have jupiter, easy 2600 beater

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

I'm quite agree with PK, but if its chaos agents, maybe he is wrong. PK think exactly the same as i am when im running my agents deck. They works good, then i posted them here, someone suggested i tried some and that messed my deck a lot. Well then, its quite expensive to get Kristya and the second Scrap Dragon. Anyway, im confused. Why did lots of people really like that leviathan dragon? i think it was just a useless monster, even acid golem is better than that monster in my opinion -.-

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

All teh nab is saying don't you want to rycycle the monsters from banished pile
or are they gonna sit there alone

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

cuz leviathan is a staple, cheap, easy-to-make, rank 3 xyz monster that can make it into an instant 2500 atk monster. that's why

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

Well it totally Depends on situatution when is Leviathan better or Acid Golem. Cuz you wont make Acid Golem when you aren't sure to go for a game in the next 2 turn or just wanna bait out something, also Golem steals away your Special Summons ;-; and in teh end it starts burning you off in teh Standby which ain't good either and overall gives you 3k atk for 2 downsides tsk tsk e_e , but when you need instant high atk it is a good chice n_n . For Levitathan you got mucho plusses cuz he haz practically 0 downsides except you cannot attack directly with it when It's out of Materials, but its usual 2500 atk is over average and mostly can compete with most of the monsters around n_n and you can pump it up to 3k with the downside of losing your directly attacking ability as mentioned before.

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

And besides you should have Leviair for the RFG monsters because that is one of the major strengths of Agents. Plus Sanctuary agents are too slow and don't have many options.

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

Yea.. about leviathan, its hard to find it. The biggest store in this city dont have the tins anymore, and i cant easily go to other city.

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

Use my deck as a reference and ignore dem nabs: https://i.imgur.com/fvuYc.png

i'm 6-0 with it.

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

@.@ 41 cards deck , but looks really nice O.O

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

No, no need for Dolkka

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

Fate-- wrote:
Yea.. about leviathan, its hard to find it. The biggest store in this city dont have the tins anymore, and i cant easily go to other city.

You don't need to buy the tins to get leviathan. You can buy Battle Dawn Pack to get a common Leviathan or you can buy it in the internet for probable as cheap as 50 cents. I have 2 secrets and 4 commons of leviathan so its really not that hard to get him.

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

I bought those battle dawn packs. Damn i need to go to the farest store from my house again?! ._.

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

im pretty sure you can buy them at wal-mart, target, and maybe toys-R-Us (you will be a real man if you have the balls to walk in there and buy a pack.)

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

Anzos deck is fine, but use 2 Call of the Haunted over Road and the 3rd D-Prison. Also you might wanna take out Tour Guide Engine for Herald of Orange Light.

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

Idk what you want to run. Chaos/Trooper/Sanctuary Agents?
Because you're being told to do some changes that wouldn't help you to focus on a Chaos build.

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

He doesn't seem to have BLS, which is required in Chaos. BLS is expencive. Chaos build is not an option for a budget player in my opinion. You should go with Trooper build, it's the cheapest and, in my opinion, the best since Call + Hyperion/Kristya/Thunder King/Card Trooper is just too good.

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

Chaos Agents usually have low trap counts. Ive seen decks with none, decks withk 1 (Treacherous Trap Hole), decks with 2 (2x Compulsory Evac), and decks with 3 (Solemn Brigade). Anzo's deck which uses more is good, although I can't say it's my preference.

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

Whats the difference between sanctuary and trooper? I can still get bls, since im allowed to use 7 more proxy cards in order to perfect my deck. So it's not a problem Smile

descriptionAgents Deck Help? EmptyRe: Agents Deck Help?

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