so far it is working out good: but could use some tweeks (not tworks)

as the tital says it comebines the new OCG Fantasia cards with The Agent
they are both fairies sooo.... I figured to mux them and it works really well with
"Fantasia Prima Prodigy Mozart" and Valhalla hall of the fallen
you now see were I am going with this
use valhalla to special Prima then use Prima to Special Prima #2 and then use the second to bring out iether a third or bring out Master Hyperion and since again they are fairys you can use hyperion to banish from grave and pop cards while you have 3 or more LV light fairy beaters:
sorry I just felt I had to plain this:
now for the deck
main deck 40:
monsters 20
Mystic Shine Ball x3
Master Hyperion x2
Fantasia Prima Prodigy Mozart x2
Zeradias, Harald of Heaven x2
The Agent of Mericles Venus x1
Fantasia Maiden Aria x2
Honest x1
The Agent of Wisdom Mercury x1
The Agent of Creation Venus x1
Fantasia Maiden Sonata x2
The agent of force Mars x1
The agent of mystery Earth x2

Spells 12:
one day of peace x1
Dark Hole x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Forbidden Lance x1
Forbidden Challace x1
Valhalla hall of the fallen x2
Supply Unit x1
The Sancturary of the sky x2

Traps 8:
Bottomless traphole x1
mirror force x2
terrential tribute x1
compulsory evacuation device x1
Macro-Cosmos x1
Call of the haunted x1
Solemn warning x1

extra deck 15:
stardust dragon x1
Black Rose dragon x1
Acient Fairy Dragon x1
Crimson Blader x1
Hieretic Sun dragon overlord - Heliopolis x1
#39 - Utopia x1
#101 - Silent Honor Ark x1
#96 - Dark Mist x1
Evilsworm Excition Knight x1
Meastroke the symphony Djinn x1
Temtempo the Percussion Djinn x1
Muzurhythm the Sting Djinn x1
Melomelody the Brass Djinn x1
Humhumming the keyboard Djinn x1
Wind-up Zenmaines x1

side deck 15:
Maiden of the Peradise Lost x1
Mind control x1
Trade-in x2
Forbidden Lance x2
Forbidden Dress x1
Fairy's Hand mirror x1
Fiend's hand mirror x1
Safe Zone x2
Light imprisoning mirror x1
Shadow imprisoning mirror x1
Wiretap x2

Wins: 20
Losses: 13
draws: 1 (last turn was involved in beta state #1)

Last edited by Angry Dueling Nerd on Fri May 23, 2014 5:07 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : hit send by accident)