Here's an even more overlooked card than the first!

Spoiler :

Now how is it overlooked? well, Its effect is very conditional. It requires EXACTLY 2 direct attck in order to be activated, and even if its activated, It may be only used just for Defense.

However, just like Reincarnation, there are some great decks hat ogre can go in:

Spoiler :

The best deck to use with this card is a Darkness Neosphere lockdown, as it uses many traps, which can leave you wide open, and can easily fulfill the summoning requirements for Neosphere.

Guardmaster's Single Card Tactics #2: Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow 300px-DarknessNeosphereTU05-EN-C-UE

Here's an example:

It is mid-game in round 2 of a match, and your traps have easily held off ur opponents Hieratic deck, even counter Heavy Storm with Bribe. However, ever since you played Gravity Bind, u are not able to create a possible counterattack, and u have a bad hand for Xyz Summoning. Soon, ur opponent brings out Heliopolis AND Gaia Dragoon using ALL his remaining resources. He attempts to destroy Bind along with the rest of your traps with Helio, but use ur sided Veiler to neg it. However, ur opponent can still attack as both monsters are Xyzs, which makes u susceptible to major damage. Though you can avoid the damage with more traps you are better off taking it in order to get to a better offensive position He attacks first with Gaia, but u counter with Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow, summoning it with 2700 ATK. He then tries to destroy Ogre with Helio, but you use Neosphere and Discard a random Fiend and Tribute Ogre to summon it. Because of such a combo, You are not only to be able to return ur Gravity Bind to ur hand in order to attack, but put your opponent at a major disadvantage, as you are able to destroy the troublesome Helio and put ur opponent at a major disadvantage, as you would probably nullify any staple attacks, and the only thing that can kill Neosphere now is Neo-Galaxy Eyes, which ur opponent may not have the cards for its arrival

Other decks that can use Ogre is Chaos Stun, in which it can be used for backup if u don;t have a good choice of monsters, or Sacred Beasts, as it is a Fiend, and can, with the help of stalling fodder for Hamon and Uria, and withstand attacks and be later used to summon Raviel later on

Good Stall Cards to Use:

Guardmaster's Single Card Tactics #2: Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow 300px-DimensionalPrison-RYMP-EN-UR-1E

Guardmaster's Single Card Tactics #2: Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow 300px-GravityBind-SDRE-EN-C-1E

Guardmaster's Single Card Tactics #2: Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow 300px-FiendishChain-SDWA-EN-C-1E

Finally, Evilswarms can make use of this card as well, as it is Level 4 and DARK. Just make sure to alter the trap line so it counter attacks more (not just summons)

Thats all for my strategies for Ogre. Stay tuned for more Single Card tactics from me!